The workers in the fourth workshop were working, and suddenly heard the self-punishment notice, which was from Yi Zhonghai, the eighth-level worker in their workshop. They all listened curiously. After the factory broadcast ended, the workers in the fourth workshop were very angry. Yi Zhonghai made their workshop famous, which was really embarrassing. Someone said angrily: "Bah, what a thing, an eighth-level fitter, cheating for his apprentice, this makes us in the fourth workshop embarrassed!"

"That's right, that's right, I don't even dare to say we are from the fourth workshop now."

"Yi Zhonghai used to rely on himself as an eighth-level fitter, and always let us do the work that his apprentice Jia Dongxu couldn't finish. Now he is getting retribution!"

After saying that, everyone laughed.

As soon as Yi Zhonghai returned to the workshop, he heard the laughter of the people around him. He was so angry that his face turned red and he almost spit out blood. He turned around and walked out of the workshop quickly.

Yang Weiguo was reading a document when he heard a knock on the door. He said "Come in" and saw that it was Yi Zhonghai who came in. His face suddenly darkened.

Yi Zhonghai noticed that Director Yang saw him and his face turned ugly. He still pleaded with a thick face: "Director Yang, please, for the sake of the old lady, can you not demote my level? A little more fine is fine."

After hearing his words, Yang Weiguo glared at him, "Yi Zhonghai, don't mention the old lady to me. Do you think the factory rules are a joke? If you do something wrong, you will be punished.

You still don't realize your mistakes. I think the punishment for you is too light. Get out now."

Yi Zhonghai was frightened by Director Yang's attitude. He realized that he was really angry and didn't dare to stay any longer. He left in a huff.

He originally wanted to go back to the courtyard to find the old lady, but now he was not an eighth-level worker and didn't dare to be absent from work, so he had to go back to the workshop to work first.

Just as Jia Dongxu returned to the workshop and prepared to work, Wang Ping and his men blocked his way. "Hey, isn't this Jia the first-level worker? Where are you going? Why don't you go to the corner to move parts?"

Faced with the ridicule of Wang Ping and his men, Jia Dongxu pursed his lips and clenched his fists, "Get out of the way, or I'll tell the workshop director about you. You're playing around instead of working during working hours."

Sun Dali, who came with Wang Ping, said, "Hey, go quickly and see who the director will listen to. Don't forget that you're only a first-level worker now."

Several people laughed.

Jia Dongxu's face was livid. Not only did he not get promoted but he became a first-level worker again. Now he was ridiculed by them. He immediately became angry and raised his fist to hit them.

Wang Ping was not afraid either. "Tsk, Jia Dongxu, try to hit someone. Your master is not an eighth-level worker now. Let's see if he can protect you. We will be punished at most. Let's see if you will be fired."

This sentence instantly extinguished Jia Dongxu's anger. He could not be fired, so he could only look at Wang Ping and others angrily.

The workshop director walked into the workshop at this time. Seeing several people gathered together, his gloomy face became even uglier. "What are you doing? Why don't you go to work quickly? Do you want to be punished and deducted money?"

After hearing the director's scolding, several people quickly dispersed to work. Only Jia Dongxu stood there. The workshop director did not look happy when he saw him.

"Jia Dongxu, you are now a first-level worker in the workshop. This position should be replaced. From today on, you will go to the warehouse to move parts."

Then, regardless of his reaction, the director went straight inside to find Yi Zhonghai, but found that he was not in the workshop. He went back and made another note for him. Who made him almost get killed by Yi Zhonghai today? Humph, he will not let him have an easy time.

When Liu Haizhong was resting in the workshop, he also heard the punishment notice on the radio and laughed hahaha, ecstatic.

Yi Zhonghai always suppressed him because of his eighth-level skills. Now he can finally hold his head high. Then he thought of something, his eyes were full of smiles.

In the afternoon, when Sha Zhu was cleaning the toilet, he heard someone talking about an old man. He dropped his tools and was about to go to the fourth workshop, but was stopped by the old man at the gate:

"He Yuzhu, where are you going? Hurry up and clean the toilets. There are so many toilets that you haven't cleaned yet. If you don't go, I will report you to the director for being lazy and not working."

Sha Zhu glared at the old man at the gate angrily. Under the gaze of this old man Zhou, he had no choice but to pick up the dustpan and broom and start cleaning the toilet again.

Just after entering the toilet for a while, he ran out again with nausea, "Ugh, ugh, ugh", almost vomited, so he had to find another piece of newspaper to block his nostrils, and then

Go in.

Xu Damao had nothing to do in the department when he wasn't showing movies, so he liked to go out and wander around. When he saw Sha Zhu cleaning the toilet, he immediately became interested.

"Hey, Sha Zhu, you have come to this day. From now on, you will be worthy of dealing with feces and urine. From now on, you will also be called Shit and Urine Pig."

Sha Zhu was already depressed enough cleaning the toilet, and he became even angrier when he heard Xu Damao's ridicule, "Grandson, you didn't get beaten enough yesterday, right? Is your skin itchy again? Do you want me to loosen your muscles and bones?"

"Cut it, Sha Zhu, you still thought you were the chef of the cafeteria, haha, Li Chenyu's cousin has already replaced you, you can't go back, you can just wait to clean the toilet for the rest of your life!"

Xu Damao laughed after he finished speaking, looking like he really deserved a beating.

Listening to Xu Damao's ridicule, Sha Zhu got angry, "Damn it, Xu Damao, I'll beat you to death."

After saying that, he raised his hoe and hit Xu Damao, scaring him to run away. Then a strange scene appeared in the factory.

The fight between the two attracted many workers to watch the fun, but everyone stayed away. Li Chenyu and others also came out to watch the fun.

Sha Zhu chased and cursed: "Grandson, if you have the ability, don't run."

Xu Damao also replied with a rude mouth, "Sha Zhu, when you were a chef, no one would tell you a wife. Now I don't know who would marry you, a toilet sweeper."

Sha Zhu dreamed of marrying a beautiful wife, especially one like Sister Qin. Now Xu Damao cursed him that he couldn't marry a wife, and chased him even more.

Xu Damao saw that Sha Zhu was still chasing him, and many people were watching them. After thinking about it, he ran directly to the security department.

The people in the security department also heard about this. They saw two people running towards them and were so scared that they immediately closed the door with a bang.

They didn't want any more dirty things in the security department, but they were secretly stretching their necks to watch the fun.

Xu Damao wanted to run in when he saw the door of the security department, but he didn't expect the door to be closed suddenly. He wanted to turn but couldn't stop his feet, and fell to the ground with a miserable face.

Just as he got up and was about to continue running, he was caught up by Sha Zhu behind him and was hit in the face by the broom stained with feces and urine.

The crowd of onlookers gasped immediately, and everyone laughed at Xu Damao's funny appearance at this time.

Xu Damao's head and face were covered with yellow and green things by Sha Zhu. He opened his mouth to scold Sha Zhu, but something fell into his mouth as soon as he opened his mouth.

Xu Damao also realized what was in his mouth at this time and spit it out quickly.

Without even bothering to raise his arm, he wiped the yellow and green stuff off his face with his sleeves, and saw Sha Zhu still laughing.

His anger level soared to his head, "Sha Zhu, I'm going to fight you."

He pounced directly on Sha Zhu, and the two of them immediately wrestled together, not distinguishing between you and me.

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