The old lady continued to persuade: "I think we should find a famous doctor for you first. The most important thing is to cure your illness. Damao, don't worry, I will definitely let Shazhu pay for your medical expenses." "Li Chenyu, as a factory doctor, do you think I am wrong?" The old lady turned her head and said to Li Chenyu. Li Chenyu knew that the old lady guessed that Xu Damao was a bait thrown by him to deal with them. She and Yi Zhonghai had to pay a lot today to save Shazhu, and asked him if he could stop, otherwise she would be in trouble. Li Chen completed the system task and didn't want to hold on to it. Anyway, they would have a headache later. He smiled and said, "Deaf old lady, your suggestion is still good. It is true that Xu Damao should be treated first. There is nothing wrong with that."

The deaf old lady was relieved. As long as Li Chenyu stopped interfering, she could talk to Xu Fugui and didn't have to deal with Li Chenyu.

Humph, in her opinion, Xu Damao was still too young and not safe enough. Although she said it to Xu Damao just now, it was all for Xu Fugui to hear. After all, Xu Fugui had to make the final decision on some things.

"Fugui! Li Chenyu said that Damao should be treated first. We have the same opinion. What do you think?" The deaf dragon lady narrowed her eyes and looked at Xu Fugui and asked.

Xu Fugui quickly came to his senses. Humph, we are all thousand-year-old foxes, so don't play Liao Zhai.

Even if Damao insisted on taking Shazhu to the police station today, he estimated that the deaf old lady, as the widow of a martyr, could find someone to get Shazhu out.

Otherwise, he would have called the police and arrested Shazhu that day, and would not have delayed until today.

Although there was still some threat in the deaf old lady's words just now, she was now submissive in disguise.

Xu Fugui said with a smile: "Old lady, you are shortening Damao's life. How can I let you apologize to Damao?"

"But since you said so, I can't save your face, so let's give Shazhu another chance!"

The deaf old lady finally smiled: "Fugui, you are still a generous elder."

Xu Damao was unwilling, and asked Xu Fugui with a donkey face: "Dad, let's just let it go!" After saying that, he showed an indignant expression.

Xu Fugui saw Xu Damao's unwillingness, and then whispered in his ear: "Da Mao, it's enough to make a fuss now. After all, the deaf old lady is the widow of a martyr. Who knows how many connections she has.

Don't irritate this dead old woman, we may not get much benefit."

Yi Zhonghai also hurried forward and said: "Da Mao, we are all neighbors, you can't really let Sha Zhu not come back for the rest of his life!"

Xu Damao was unwilling, "But I..."

He wanted to say something else, but was stopped by Xu Fugui's stern eyes.

Xu Damao immediately shut up and nodded reluctantly.

At this time, Li Chenyu whispered in Xu Damao's ear: "Xu Damao, since you all agree to reconcile, let's discuss the compensation issue!"

"After all, with your salary, it will take many years to save enough to see a doctor, and it will not be cured in a short time if you want to cure your illness...

You still need to find a famous doctor to see a doctor, and the medicinal materials used at that time will definitely not be cheap. The cost of the medicine is probably not a small amount!"

Li Chenyu finally added, "I am just reminding you kindly!"

Xu Damao's eyes lit up immediately, and he quickly said to the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai: "Sha Zhu hurt me so badly, although I promised the deaf old lady not to send him to the police station.

But this matter of compensation cannot be sloppy. Sha Zhu has to give me the money for physical injury, mental injury, medical expenses, and miscellaneous things."

Xu Damao heard Li Chenyu say that he could claim these expenses from Sha Zhu.

Yi Zhonghai's face was livid at this time, thinking that Li Chenyu was a troublemaker, but now he could only sulk.

He picked up the teacup and took a few gulps, calmed down his anger and said: "Xu Damao, just tell me what you want!"

At this time, everyone heard Xu Damao suddenly say: "Shazhu, the bastard, caused me to divorce. Now I can't have children, and my body has become such a ghost. It's hard for me to marry a wife in the future."


If it weren't for the old lady's plea, do you think I would let Sha Zhu go? So what I said just now is true. "

Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady didn't know what to say for a moment after hearing Xu Damao's words.

Just now, neither of them thought about really giving Xu Damao compensation, but Sha Zhu hurt Xu Damao after all, so it was reasonable for him to ask for more compensation.

When they heard Xu Damao mention so many names of expenses, they guessed that Xu Damao would definitely ask for a lot of money in a while.

Xu Damao's words woke up Sha Zhu, who was pretending to be dead. He quickly took the opportunity to stand up and said angrily: "Xu Damao, I knelt down to you, and you still want me to pay money. Don't go too far."

"What am I going too far for? If you can't divorce Lou Xiao'e, can I be like this?"

Xu Damao said very hard at this time: "Sha Zhu, if you don't pay, I won't pay attention to the old lady's plea just now. Grandpa will let you go to jail for free. "

Everyone in the courtyard couldn't help laughing when they heard Xu Damao's words.

Sha Zhu and Xu Damao had been fighting in the courtyard all day long, and Xu Damao was the one who got beaten unilaterally every time. Everyone was used to it.

But today was the first time that everyone saw Sha Zhu kneel down and kowtow to Damao to admit his fault, although he was forced to do so by the threat of the deaf old lady.

But it also made Xu Damao very proud. Now Sha Zhu was scolded by Xu Damao as a grandson, how could everyone not laugh?

Seeing that Sha Zhu was about to jump up and scold Xu Damao again, the deaf old lady was angry and hit him with a stick again. It was not easy to calm down, but he wanted to make trouble again, right!

The deaf old lady glared at Sha Zhu, the stupid guy, pointed at him with a wooden stick and said, "Sha Zhu, if you move or say one more word, believe it or not, Xu Damao doesn't have to send you in. I, the old lady, will call the police and send you in directly. "

Sha Zhu was hit by the old lady and woke up. He realized that the old lady was really angry this time, and he was so scared that he dared not say anything more.

The deaf old lady saw that Sha Zhu was honest, so she forced a smile and said to Xu Damao, "Da Mao, don't listen to Sha Zhu's nonsense. Don't worry, Sha Zhu will definitely pay for your medical treatment."

After a pause, he said in a calm tone, "Then Damao, how much do you think Sha Zhu should pay for your medical expenses?"

"I want Sha Zhu to pay me 2,000 yuan for my medical expenses." Xu Damao thought about it and said loudly.

As soon as he said this, the courtyard immediately became silent.

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