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After Lou Xiao'e finished moving her belongings, she turned to look at Xu Damao and said, "Xu Damao, please watch carefully. Today I only moved my things and did not take any property from your Xu family." Then, Lou Xiao'e turned her gaze to Yan Bugui and continued to say to him: "Third Uncle, as the uncle in the yard, please also bear witness for me!"

Yan Bugui responded with a smile on his face: " Xiao'e, don't worry. I, the Third Uncle, am well-known in this courtyard for being fair and upright. I will never favor any party.

Today's incident, I can prove that you really only took away the things that belonged to you. I didn't touch anything from the Xu family. "

"With your words, Third Master, I feel relieved. Then I'll go back first."

After saying that, Lou Xiao'e led the others out quickly. Xu Damao's house. She walked to the door of a room and knocked gently. Soon, a slightly old voice came from the house.

The old man in the house slowly opened the door. It turned out to be Mr. Zhang in the yard.

He looked at Lou Xiao'e standing outside the door with curiosity, and behind her There were two strangers following closely behind him, and he couldn't help but feel very surprised and asked in confusion: "What do you want to talk to me about?"

Lou Xiao'e smiled and said softly: "Hello, Mr. Zhang, You also know that Xu Damao and I have divorced, so I don't want to take these quilts home.

I plan to give them away directly. Do you think you will mind? "

After hearing this, Mr. Zhang was stunned at first and didn't react, but He immediately understood Lou Xiao'e's good intentions.

His eyes flashed with excitement, and he hurriedly said to her: "Don't despise me, don't despise me! Thank you for still thinking about an old man like me."

Lou Xiao'e didn't expect Mr. Zhang to be so excited. I also know that this old man is considered a good person in the community. He supports his little grandson by doing some odd jobs. So she gave the quilt that she originally wanted to throw away to Mr. Zhang.

Lou Xiaoe nodded, turned around and said to the driver behind her: "Uncle Lin, you guys take these quilts into the house!" Hearing her words, the two of them quickly picked up the quilt and put it into the house.

Mr. Zhang touched the satin quilt, and was so excited that he was incoherent. He just kept saying thank you, and tears were flowing down.

His quilt had been used After a long time, the bed had become hard and no longer kept warm, but he could do nothing because he had neither the ability to get so much cotton nor enough cloth coupons to buy new cloth.

The two of them had been covered with the cold bed. Quilts, the weather is getting cold again.

Now, the quilts sent by Lou Xiao'e are like timely help to the grandparents and grandchildren. He really doesn't know how to express his gratitude to Lou Xiao'e.

Everyone in the yard witnessed all this. Seeing that Lou Xiao'e gave the bedding to Mr. Zhang, no one envied him. Everyone knew that Mr. Zhang's life in the yard was indeed very difficult.

Lou Xiao'e explained a few things to her driver. After that, the driver nodded and left the courtyard with the man carrying the goods.

She decided to stay here for two more days. While He Yushui didn't go to school, she could live with Yushui.

At this moment, In the backyard of Xu Damao's home, after everyone left, Xu Fugui slapped Xu Damao hard several times.

He angrily yelled at Xu Damao, "You stinky little bastard, now you're done for!"

Then he slapped Xu Damao mercilessly, making him scream, "Dad, are you going to... Are you going to beat me to death? If I die, who will take care of you in your old age? "

Xu Fugui was furious when he heard this, and he beat him a few more times before stopping.

He stared at his son Damao's unwilling expression and snorted coldly, "You think that divorcing Lou Xiao'e is the end of it? Humph, things are not that easy to let go. The name Lou Bancheng is not just for show. , just wait for him to come and settle the score with you!"

When Xu Damao heard his father's words, he turned pale with fear and hurried forward to ask Xu Fugui: "Ah! Dad, what should I do? I don't want to be retaliated by him!"

Xu Fugui looked at him and said leisurely: "Don't be too scared, it shouldn't be a big deal, at most you will lose your job. When the Lou family vents their anger, You will be safe."

"What? This is not a big deal, Dad.

, if I lose my job, how can I live in the future, how can I marry another wife! "Xu Damao said in a panic.

"Look how anxious you are, you deserve it! You always care about the beginning and not the end, and you don't know how to do things after you have wiped your butt."

Xu Fugui looked at his son's panic, and although he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, Damao was still too young and didn't do things well enough, allowing Lou Guangcheng to catch the pigtail.

"But, there is a way to deal with it. When the Lou family is angry, I will ask someone to find a relationship and find a way to get you back to work in the factory, and you won't be a vagrant." Xu Fugui said slowly again.

"At least, you don't have to worry too much now. You are already sweeping the toilet in the factory, what can the Lou family do to you?" Xu Fugui analyzed slowly.

Xu Damao was still worried, and heard Xu Fugui say: "Don't worry! Damao, the Lou family doesn't dare to do anything too extreme now. After all, I, Xu Fugui, am not a soft persimmon that can be manipulated by others. Haha, what's more, I have something on him. "

When saying this, Xu Fugui showed a sly and complacent smile on his face.

Xu Damao looked at Xu Fugui curiously, his eyes immediately lit up, and he couldn't wait to ask: "Dad, you actually have something on Lou Guangcheng in your hand, what is it?"

Xu Fugui looked outside the door, and after confirming that there was no one, he lowered his voice and said: "When Lou Guangcheng just took over the steel mill, there was a military officer who was living a low life and asked the steel mill to produce steel pipes for them, but in the end, I don't know why he failed. "

After saying that, he showed a sinister look on his face, smiling at Xu Damao.

However, Xu Fugui didn't realize that Li Chenyu, who had just returned to the backyard, happened to hear their secret conversation.

Li Chenyu secretly said: Xu Fugui is really like in the TV series, the worst one, a pure bad guy who has grown old!

He tricked Sha Zhu into paying off the money for Xu Damao. You should know that Sha Zhu mortgaged his house to pay off his huge debt.

But after Sha Zhu got Xu Damao's real estate certificate, Xu Fugui used Qin Jingru to make a fuss, and tricked the real estate certificate from Sha Zhu in a few words.

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