The two of them were so shocked that they were shocked.

Jia Dongxu was also stunned. He thought that it was Sha Zhu who killed his son Bang Geng, so he rushed to hit Sha Zhu who was holding a vinegar bottle and was dumbfounded.

After being punched twice by Jia Dongxu, Sha Zhu finally came to his senses, but he knew that he was in the wrong, so he just pushed Jia Dongxu aside and did not fight back.

The people around hurriedly pulled the emotional Jia Dongxu and tried to persuade him, saying that Shazhu was also kind-hearted...

Just then, Li Chenyu stood up and said, "In fact, vinegar can indeed soften fish bones, but it is only limited to smaller fish bones.

And Banggeng may have been stuck in the throat by a larger fish bone, so it is useless. But I have another way to try to save Banggeng."

Qin Huairu wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes anxiously, but she was helpless. She could only look at Li Chenyu anxiously and asked impatiently, "Li Chenyu, what can you do? Tell me!"

Li Chenyu smiled and looked at the people around him calmly, and said slowly, "You can let Banggeng drink some golden water, so that the fish bone can be spit out."

"Golden water? What is that?" Someone asked curiously.

Li Chenyu smiled and replied calmly: "It's the water excreted from the human body, or some water from cats and dogs."

"What? Really? I've never heard of this method!"

"Oh, it sounds disgusting!" Another person frowned and looked disgusted.

"That's right, how can you drink it!" Others also echoed.


For a while, everyone was talking about it, and Qin Huairu's face became a little unnatural when she heard these discussions.

However, when she saw Banggeng's painful look, her worry overwhelmed everything. She turned to Jia Dongxu without hesitation and said hurriedly:

"Dongxu, no matter what, try this method on Banggeng first, and don't care about anything else."

Jia Dongxu couldn't think of any other good ideas at this time, so he had to do what Li Chenyu said. He gritted his teeth tightly, stared at Li Chenyu fiercely and said:

"Okay! Let's do it, but if it doesn't work, Li Chenyu, I will never let you go easily!"

Hearing Jia Dongxu's threatening words, Li Chenyu couldn't help but sneer, and then responded:

"Jia Dongxu, Jia Dongxu, you are really an ungrateful person. Stuff! In that case, Qin Huairu, you don't have to follow my advice, you can just send your son to the hospital.

Stupid, I didn't force you to do what I said, but you took the initiative to come to me and ask me to help treat Banggeng.

It's obviously you who asked me for help, but now you are blaming me, you are simply ungrateful. If I had known this would happen, I shouldn't have meddled in your family's mess, so as not to be slandered and blackmailed by you. "

Before Li Chenyu finished speaking, the people in the yard started to stir up a commotion, and they began to fiercely attack Jia Dongxu.

"That's right. Li Chenyu saved his son with good intentions. Not only is he not grateful, but he also wants to blackmail him. Just like his mother, Jia Zhangshi, that shrew, both mother and son are not good people."

"Yes, Jia Dongxu is repaying kindness with enmity. He is simply ungrateful!"

"That's right. Jia Dongxu's behavior is simply despicable and shameless! How can he treat his savior like this?"

"Humph, Jia Zhangshi and her son are the same kind of people. They stole other people's fish to eat, and ended up getting a fish bone stuck in their throats. After asking Li Chenyu to help save Banggeng, they dared to threaten him. Who will dare to save people easily in the future!"

"Alas, it's really hard to be a good person these days. Li Chenyu is really unlucky this time. He did a good thing, but he still has to suffer such treatment. It's really chilling..."

Listening to the accusations of everyone, Jia Dongxu also remembered the incident of Banggeng stealing fish at this time, and couldn't help but regret saying that. His face flushed unsightly.

Yi Zhonghai saw this scene and hurriedly stepped forward to smooth things over for Jia Dongxu. He waved his hands to the people in the courtyard and shouted, "Okay, okay, everyone stop arguing! Dongxu was just anxious and said the wrong thing.

The most important thing now is to quickly think of a way to save Banggeng. Put aside all other messy things for now.

We'll talk about it later when we have time. Dongxu, go get some golden water quickly. "

Jia Dongxu noticed that his master winked at him, and he knew that his master wanted him to find a chance to escape, and he also wanted to do so, so he nodded to Yi Zhonghai, then turned around and was about to leave.

At this time, Yan Bugui suddenly spoke: "Come on, there's no need to waste your energy. This morning, the big yellow dog in the next yard spilled half a bowl of dog urine in a broken bowl at the gate of our yard. Jiefang, go and bring that bowl of dog urine over. "

"Got it, Dad"

Yan Jiefang responded and immediately ran to the front yard. Not long after, he came back with a broken bowl full of dog urine.

Yan Jiefang grinned and said proudly: "Hey, look, the big dog next door is here again. He just filled the bowl with urine. It's still hot. Let Banggeng drink it while it's hot!"

Jia Dongxu hurriedly took the broken bowl, carefully took the bowl of dog urine and moved it close to Banggeng, coaxing softly: "Banggeng, be obedient and drink this bowl of soup. You won't feel uncomfortable after drinking it. "

Banggeng stared at his father with eyes wide open in disbelief. The bowl handed to him was actually dog ​​urine. He immediately turned his head away, covered his mouth tightly with both hands, and began to struggle violently.

He must not drink this kind of thing, otherwise the little friends in the yard will laugh at him for the rest of his life.

Seeing Banggeng's resistance, Jia Dongxu turned to Qin Huairu and said, "Huairu, hold Banggeng down hard and don't let him move around."

Witnessing this scene, Yan Bugui hurriedly shouted, "Oh, this dog urine is a rare thing, don't waste it. Shazhu, go over and help.

Hold down Banggeng with Qin Huairu. She is a woman who doesn't have that much strength and can't hold it down."

After seeing this, Yan Bugui hurriedly said, "Oh, dog urine is not easy to get, don't waste it. Shazhu, go over and help hold down Banggeng together. Qin Huairu is weak and can't hold it down. "

Li Chenyu looked at Yan Bugui, who looked distressed, and his mouth twitched a few times. He thought: It must be your uncle, even the dog urine at the door.

Even if the night incense passed by the courtyard door, he wanted to taste the saltiness, how could he bear to let go of the dog urine!

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