The weather was very hot, but the weather was very hot.

Faced with heavy schoolwork, life seemed a bit dull and boring. Every day of life started and ended with study. On a rare holiday, the family chose to go back to grandma's house to visit the elderly and relax. A tree-lined path leads to the distance. Walking through the unattended grass, the weeds make people itchy. The clean trouser legs are stained with green juice from time to time. The same place, the same sky, but it is no longer a little girl who loves to jump, but a junior high school student who is about to get the first milestone. The scenes of childhood are vivid, thinking of playing with friends when I was a child, thinking of the years when my grandmother accompanied me...

When I got home, my grandma and grandpa came out to greet me. The traces of time climbed up their eyebrows mercilessly. I grew up and they grew old. Grandma took my hand and pulled me to the dining table, saying excitedly: "Look, these are your favorites. Come on, sit down and try whether grandma's cooking skills have declined." The table was full of fragrant dishes. Grandma kept picking dishes for me. Her kind eyes were as warm as the winter sun and full of love. I opened my mouth wide and kept eating the dishes. Perhaps for them, seeing me happily eat up the food is the happiest, and now all I can do is to eat them beautifully. Seeing them happy, I am also happy.

The day passed quickly. Grandma seemed a little depressed when she heard that we were leaving, but she did not keep us. "Let's go, let's go. Work and study are important. Don't worry about us." The two elders put on a coat and insisted on seeing us off, and we agreed. The evening breeze blew, and grandma's silver hair fluttered in the air. Her dull face looked thin and dark without the sun, and her skin was rough, but her eyes were so bright and radiant. We persuaded them not to send them off, and they stopped, but did not leave. The first time I looked back, they were there, and the second time I looked back, they were there, they were like two statues standing tall, the only difference was the reluctance and tears on grandma's face. The third time... our hearts were tangled together, and for the first time I felt the pain of heartache, and tears blurred my vision... We were at this end of the path, and they were at that end, and love connected us, no matter how far apart we were. Because of love, the sky becomes bluer, and because of love, heaven is no longer far away. Grandma's love is my strong backing, and I will do better for all those who love me. I have never been so happy!

The happiness of childhood is that I can stick to my mother every day, occupy her, and feel that my mother belongs only to me; the happiness of growing up is that I can experience many interesting things with my good friends; so what about happiness now? I am still looking for it.

Alas, my annual birthday is coming soon. I should be so happy that my mouth is grinning from ear to ear, but I am worried: this year, my parents seem to be very busy. Basically, they have already gone to work when I get up in the morning. Every night, they drag their tired bodies home after my three siblings fall asleep. Since they are so busy, I really don’t know whether I should ask them to spend my birthday with me.

I opened my eyes in the morning, rubbed my hazy eyes and looked at the bright sunshine outside the window, but I couldn’t get interested. I walked out of the room and looked at the clock. It was 8:30. It’s still early. I should say hello to my parents, right? But I caught a glimpse of a dazzling note on the coffee table. I slowly moved over and squinted my semi-nearsighted eyes. I saw a few words clearly written on it: Mom and Dad went to work, be careful at home. Oh, I've already gone to work. Oh, did my parents really forget my birthday? The grievance and sadness in my heart suddenly surged up in my heart. I always felt as if something was against my throat, and I felt an indescribable discomfort.

This day that should have been loved by me seemed to have noticed something and quietly escaped from my side. I lay on the sofa, staring at the ceiling with my eyes fixed. I thought, this must be the most boring birthday I have ever had. Forget it, I'll celebrate it for myself. Just as I was celebrating my birthday, a shrill doorbell rang. I felt very annoyed, so I picked up the pillow next to me and put it on my head, "Ding Dong Ding Dong..." The annoying ringing sound kept ringing, as if it was determined to go against me and forced me to open the door. Helplessly, I walked to the door with my weak legs, stretched out my weak right hand to open the door, and "bang", with a "loud bang", a lot of things like fireworks playfully jumped on my hair and clothes. With my stunned expression, I saw two ordinary people standing in front of me, but their bodies radiated dazzling light.

Dad! Mom! Before I could react, I heard a deafening "Happy Birthday". My stunned expression instantly turned into a touching one, and tears followed. Really, I have never been so happy and so blessed!

Maybe I was too shocked just now. I just found that there were so many relatives and friends behind my parents. They hurriedly put 11 candles on me and urged me to make a wish quickly. I think if I hadn't made a wish, it might have been raining heavily. They sang birthday songs for me sincerely, blew out the candles with me, and competed for the cake with the most cream. I watched my two younger brothers laughing and playing with my parents, and suddenly found that a few fine wrinkles had climbed up their cheeks. I remembered the photos I took with my parents when I was a child. At that time, they were still very young. My thoughts went back to the past. I remember that I was very careless at that time. I would not spit out the bones when eating fish. I got caught after eating it once. A 5-centimeter-long fish bone got stuck in my throat. My sharp-eyed mother seemed to notice something. When she looked up, she found that I was scratching my mouth with my hands and could not speak. Her first reaction was to call the doctor immediately. When the doctor arrived, she took measures immediately. My mother also followed the arrangement. My mother poured me a glass of water. The doctor told me to drink it. It was effective to drink it in big gulps. I picked up the cup, but found that my mother was sitting behind me, patting my back gently. I don’t remember anything else. I only remember that I drank about 6 glasses of water before swallowing the fish bone. Afterwards, my mother used the excuse of going to the bathroom. The doctor said to me: "Your mother is a strong mother. She is very calm." However, I found that when my mother came out of the bathroom, her eyes were red. I knew that my mother actually cried. They just don't want me to see it...

I looked at the wrinkles in my parents' eyes, and my heart was touched. They put down their work for my birthday. I was so happy. Really, I have never been so happy!

That night, I felt a lot. I thanked my parents for the big surprise. I think the happiness I have been looking for is that beautiful and unforgettable birthday.

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