After a while, Lou Xiao'e turned her head to look at him and asked, "Will you give up me and Yu Shui for her?"

Li Chenyu looked at Lou Xiao'e and her eyes turned red. He said seriously, "No, Sister E will always be the most important in my heart."

After that, he held Lou Xiao'e's cheek and kissed her, comforting her. He knew that Lou Xiao'e really liked him and comforted her physically.

His hands also began to light a fire on her body, rubbing her smooth back.

The numb feeling came again, and Lou Xiao'e couldn't help but make a sound, then opened her eyes and looked at Li Chenyu, and the charm in her eyes could not be concealed.

Li Chenyu hugged her tightly, tightened his calves, and immediately raised his knees. He nibbled and whispered in her ear, and Lou Xiao'e's face instantly turned red again.

After a while, Li Chenyu gritted his teeth and groaned without warning, as if all the hairs on his body were standing up. He then hugged Lou Xiao'e and sat her on his lap.

He wiped the corners of her mouth and stuffed the bun into her mouth, but she still kept groaning, and tears were still in the corners of her eyes, which was particularly pitiful.

At this time, Lou Xiao'e, whose face was flushed, and Li Chenyu, who was refreshed, had a very satisfying meal. She didn't want to ask any more questions.

Wu Jiu went downstairs to pack up his things, and then took Li Chenyu to the steel mill on his bike.

When he arrived at the purchasing department, he found that Section Chief Chen was standing at the door of the office waiting for him. After seeing him, Section Chief Chen immediately smiled, handed him the car keys, and said: "Here are the car keys, you should hurry up and get the things back! After all, it is not appropriate to leave them there for too long.

Li Chenyu understood what Section Chief Chen was worried about, he just smiled and took the keys, and replied: "Okay, Section Chief, I will go there now, you are right, after all, so many things, it is better to put them into the warehouse early!"

Section Chief Chen nodded with satisfaction and said: "Go? Drive carefully on the road. "

Li Chenyu took the car keys to the warehouse of the purchasing department, then drove out of the steel mill and slowly drove towards Zhaojia Village.

After half an hour of bumpy journey, the car finally arrived at the destination - Zhaojia Village. The road was full of potholes. If he hadn't padded the seat in advance, his butt would probably have been thrown out.

His truck slowly drove into the village and immediately attracted the attention of a group of children. They ran over excitedly and circled around the strange truck.

Li Chenyu quickly stopped the car and greeted the children who asked for directions yesterday with a smile. In an instant, he was surrounded by the children from yesterday.

Those children also knew Li Chenyu and knew that he was a purchaser, not a bad person.

The children responded one after another, their eyes full of curiosity and expectation. One of the little boys asked him, "Big brother, you are the purchaser from yesterday. Didn't you come to the village yesterday? Why are you here again today? "

Li Chenyu smiled, took out a few candies from his pocket and handed them to them, and gently replied: "Yes, I was the buyer yesterday. I started to look for your village chief today. Do you know where he is?

I have something to do with him, can you show me the way? If you can help me find the village chief, these candies will still be yours! "

The children took the candy with happy smiles on their faces. They looked at each other, said they knew the location of the village chief, and clamored to help lead the way.

Li Chenyu smiled and asked the children to get in the car, let them sit in the car and show him the way. The children were very excited. They had never been in such a big truck before, and it was their first time to ride in a car. They cheered and jumped for joy.

After the children sat down, Li Chenyu started the car and drove forward according to their instructions. Along the way, the children chattered and were full of curiosity about Li Chenyu.

After they sat down, according to their instructions, Li Chenyu drove to find Village Chief Zhao in a short while.

He was standing in the field at this time, supervising the villagers to work. Hearing the sound of a car beeping in the distance, Village Chief Zhao turned around and looked at Li Chenyu driving the truck towards him in surprise.

Li Chenyu parked the car next to Village Chief Zhao and greeted him with a smile: "Hello, Village Chief Zhao. "Then let the children get off the truck safely.

Village Chief Zhao looked at the children getting off the truck and felt envious. He had never ridden in a truck before, but these children had.

He looked at the truck that stopped.

The truck was high and touched. A pleasantly surprised expression appeared on his face. He greeted the driver enthusiastically and said with a smile: "Purchaser Li, I didn't expect you to be able to drive? You are really amazing!"

Li Chenyu smiled and shook his head, and said to Village Chief Zhao: "Village Chief Zhao, actually I came here today mainly to take away the batch of goods stored here yesterday. After all, they need to be put into the warehouse as soon as possible!"

After hearing this, Village Chief Zhao responded very readily: "Okay, Purchaser Li, I will take you there right away!"

Li Chenyu smiled and thanked him, and then drove Village Chief Zhao to the place where the goods were stored.

About three minutes later, they arrived at the door of the warehouse where the goods were stored yesterday.

After Li Chenyu and Village Chief Zhao got off the car and entered the warehouse, they carefully checked the sacks from yesterday. After confirming that there was no problem, they began to move the sacks with Village Chief Zhao.

Not long after, more than a dozen sacks were successfully moved into the truck compartment. At this time, Li Chenyu took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and stuffed it into the hands of Village Chief Zhao.

He sincerely thanked him and said, "I really appreciate your help and support these two days. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to complete my work so smoothly!"

Village Chief Zhao wanted to return the cigarettes, and the two pushed each other a few times. When Village Chief Zhao saw that Li Chenyu was determined not to take it back, he smiled and took it back.

Village Chief Zhao quickly declined, saying that he couldn't accept the pack of cigarettes, but Li Chenyu insisted on giving it to him, and he pushed it back again.

Finally, when Village Chief Zhao saw that Li Chenyu's attitude was so firm and he couldn't refuse anymore, he had to smile and took the pack of cigarettes.

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