The two of them were busy checking and collecting things.

Li Chenyu was busy checking and collecting things when he heard a noise coming from behind the crowd.

"What are you doing? Let me in!"

"Why don't you let me in? And why don't you take my things!"

"Let me in!"

"Why do you stop me? Why don't you take my things!"

At this time, there was a loud quarrel at the entrance of the brigade, and everyone looked towards the door.

After seeing this situation, Li Chenyu had just finished weighing and looked towards the door unconsciously.

At the door, there stood a tall, muscular man with a crew cut and a shabby suit covered with various patches.

He was holding a large sack in his hand, which seemed to be full of things. His eyes were fixed on the militiamen at the door.

However, when he tried to break into the brigade, he was blocked by the militiamen in the village. The militiamen blocked the door tightly and warned seriously: "You can't go in! This is not a place you can just break in!"

The man showed a trace of stubbornness on his face, but he did not give up. He turned his head and looked at Village Chief Wu.

Village Chief Wu also noticed him, but frowned tightly, with a helpless and embarrassed look on his face.

Li Chenyu turned to look at Village Chief Wu and asked in confusion: "Village Chief Wu, what's going on? Why did this man force his way into the brigade?"

Village Chief Wu sighed, shook his head helplessly, then smiled awkwardly and explained: "This is a troublemaker in our village, Wu Jiang. Don't pay attention to him. Wherever there is trouble, he will go there to make trouble!

He is idle all day long and makes trouble. As long as there is a little movement, he will appear there, and he always likes to join in the fun. Purchaser Li, you don't have to pay attention to him. I'll go and clean up the mess."

Then, Village Chief Wu turned to look at the man, with an impatient look on his face, and shouted: "Wu Jiang, what are you doing here? Don't make trouble here, go home quickly Go!

If you dare to mess up the purchase today, I will break your legs! "

Wu Jiang stiffened his neck, looking unconvinced, and retorted without showing weakness: "Village Chief, I didn't want to make trouble, I just wanted to sell the sweet potatoes and some mushrooms at home. Why did you take them in but not let me in? I don't accept it?"

Li Chenyu also heard what Wu Jiang said, walked to the door, glanced at Wu Jiang, looked at the crowd behind him, and then turned to the village chief Wu and said: "Village Chief Wu, let him in! As long as the items are good, we can take them in."

When Wu Jiang heard what Li Chenyu said, a smile immediately appeared on his face, and he looked at the village chief Wu proudly, as if saying: Look, the buyer Li said he would take my things!

After hearing what Li Chenyu said, the smiling face of Village Chief Wu suddenly darkened. He looked at Wu Jiang with some dissatisfaction, and his tone was full of sarcasm:

"Purchaser Li, it's not that I don't want him to sell things, but this kid has a problem with his family background, and he is always sneaky and not working hard when he is at work."

"Sometimes, he will steal things. Who knows where his things come from? What if it is really like what I said, where his things were stolen from? If we accept them, wouldn't we become accomplices?

So, just drive him away! This is good for everyone, so as to avoid trouble and upset!"

Village Chief Wu said a bunch of unpleasant words to Wu Jiang at this time. The villagers who were watching listened to what Village Chief Wu said and looked at Wu Jiang with contempt and disgust.

At this time, Wu Jiang's face suddenly became ugly. He just stared at Li Chenyu and said with his lips tightly pursed:

"Purchaser Li, I really didn't steal this. I picked the mushrooms in the mountains and dug the sweet potatoes in a valley in the mountains. Do you believe me?"

After that, he looked at Li Chenyu stubbornly and nervously, hoping to get the answer he wanted, but afraid that Li Chenyu would say something to reject him.

Li Chenyu knew that if he didn't make it clear, it would probably cause the other party to misunderstand, so he said to Wu Jiang: "Well, open the sack for me to see, and I'll stay."

He looked at Wu Jiang in front of him, and he couldn't help but feel a little sympathetic. The issue of class background is the original sin in this era, and all bad things may come to you.

Looking at his clear eyes, you can tell that he is a young man with a story, but he is powerless now. There are too many such people at this time.

People, I am not the Holy Father who can't help.

After hearing Li Chenyu's words, Wu Jiang, who had been lowering his head, suddenly raised his head and smiled immediately.

A glimmer of hope and gratitude flashed in his eyes, and he quickly nodded to agree, and quickly untied the sack to show the sweet potato chips inside.

When they saw the full bag of sweet potato chips, the surrounding villagers couldn't help but make surprised sounds. They gathered around and looked at these sweet potato chips curiously. Some even reached out to touch them and feel their texture and weight.

Li Chenyu didn't care about the reactions of the people around him. He took a step forward and carefully observed the sweet potato chips in the sack. He bent down, reached out and took out a handful of sweet potato chips from the sack, and put them in his hand to examine them carefully.

These sweet potato chips looked uniform in color and smooth on the surface, with no obvious signs of damage or deterioration. Then, he smelled the sweet potato chips again to confirm that there was no peculiar smell or mold.

After completing these inspections, Li Chenyu stood up and nodded, indicating that he was satisfied with the quality of the sweet potato chips.

Then, he turned his attention to the basket next to him, which contained some fresh mushrooms.

He walked up and carefully checked the appearance of the mushrooms, and found that they were bright in color, moderate in size, and had no obvious damage or decay.

After completing these inspections, he looked at Wu Jiang, whose eyes were full of expectations, and then smiled and said to Village Chief Wu: "Village Chief Wu, the quality of these sweet potato chips and mushrooms is still good. Now weigh them together and keep them!"

Looking at the tears in Wu Jiang's eyes, he sighed and said: "Besides, we are all from the same village, so help us if you can!"

"And we must learn from the kindness and generosity of the old man, treat others with broadness, unite and love the people, so that we can make better contributions to national construction."

Li Chenyu's words instantly changed Village Chief Wu's face, and the surrounding villagers became silent.

Village Chief Zhao's eyes flashed, and he immediately said: "Purchaser Li, what you said is absolutely right. Otherwise, you cadres are highly conscious!

We really need to learn from the old man, we should unite and help each other, showing the great power of our unity."

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