I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 100: , hit a stick for a sweet date

Chapter 100, hit a stick and give a sweet date

Immediately, Zhang Cheng and Wang Qing exchanged glances.

Wang Qing finally nodded slightly.

"Nan, you go home with Uncle Zhang first, and I'll do something." Wang Qing said, and got off the bus halfway.

Zhang Cheng took the little girl back to the place rented by Wang Qingxin.

The little girl didn't get out of the car at all.

Zhang Cheng didn't care either.

After waiting for a while, the little girl got out of the car after her face changed.

"Where does my mother live?"

"The third floor." Zhang Cheng said.

The little girl ignored Zhang Cheng and went to the third floor.

Zhang Cheng followed behind and came over after a while.

The little girl stomped her feet, looking like she was holding back her urge to urinate.

Zhang Cheng didn't tease her and opened the door.

The little girl rushed in anxiously and went straight to the toilet.

After a while, the little girl came out again.

"Who are you? Go out, you are not welcome in this family." The little girl Nannan said viciously.

"I'm your mother's boyfriend." Zhang Cheng didn't hide anything.

"Ah! You bastard, get out, I don't want you!" Nannan burst into tears.

But Zhang Cheng didn't care at all and let Nannan cry.

After he finished qualifying with Wang Qing last night, he analyzed some of the situations he had thought of and considered with Wang Qing.

Following a trash man like He Yun, this daughter must have been affected to a certain extent.

Then dismounting is very important.

After meeting, some problems with this daughter must be quickly reversed.

It is best not to have the idea of ​​slowly correcting the various shortcomings of Nannan based on getting along with each other in the future.

Although Wang Qing originally thought so, but after Zhang Cheng's persuasion, he decided to give it a try according to Zhang Cheng's idea. After all, Zhang Cheng took care of his ex-husband's trash man, which still gave Wang Qing a certain degree of trust.

After about half an hour.

Zhang Chengzheng looked down at the novel on his mobile phone, and found that Nannan was no longer crying, so he raised his head.

"Cry enough? Then I'll take you to see where your mother used to live."

After Zhang Cheng finished speaking, regardless of whether Nan Nan wanted to or not, he directly reached out and grabbed her, dragged her into the car, and drove to the place where Wang Qing lived before.

"This is where your mother lives after you pretended to be sick to save you money for treatment."

Looking at the old man and the young man in front of him, Nan Nan was stunned.

Can you live in this place?

There is a cabinet and a bed, and the table is made of bricks with missing legs.

"Mom, mom...I...I..." Nannan muttered to herself, feeling sorry for her mother.

Seeing Nannan like this, Zhang Cheng felt that this little girl could still be saved.

"Sit." Zhang Cheng patted the stool.

Nan Nan heard the words, hesitated for a while and then sat down.

"Now you know what your father is?" Zhang Cheng said.

"You are not allowed to speak ill of my father!" But Nannan no longer had the previous hatred.

"Okay, I won't say it if you don't say it, but your father has not taken your mother lightly." Zhang Cheng said lightly.

Nan Nan looked at Zhang Cheng angrily. In her view of right and wrong, both parents were right, and she still couldn't tell the difference between right and wrong.

"Also, your mother borrowed one million from me in order to treat you. Your father took all the one million." Zhang Chengdao.

Nan Nan was stunned when she heard the words: "Why are you telling me this?"

"What I want to say is that after your father took the million, he sold your custody to me, but I didn't want it." Zhang Chengdao. There is a certain degree of deceit in this statement. Anyway, it is to throw dirty water on Wang Qing's scumbag ex-husband, and what he said, if the other party is an adult, it will not be very effective, but the other party is just a stinky little girl , that effect is very outstanding.

Nan Nan suddenly felt a thunderbolt.

What my father said last night, he was going to go out, let her stay with mother for a while, pay attention to the man beside mother, that **** is preventing mother and father from getting back together, don't give him any good looks.

Not a good word anyway.

"You, do you say I'm going to believe it?" Nan Nan quickly reacted and retorted.

Zhang Cheng took out his mobile phone and took out the transfer record he had previously given to Wang Qing.

"See? This is my transfer to your mother. You know this number, right?"

Nan Nan looked at Zhang Cheng's mobile phone and determined that the other party probably didn't lie, which made her a little lost.

Did Dad really sell her?

"What else do you want to say now?" Zhang Cheng said.

Nan Nan looked at Zhang Cheng and lowered his head.

At this time, Wang Qing 'just' called.

Zhang Cheng got through and said that he and Nannan were at the old residence.

Wang Qing rushed over quickly.

"Sorry, nan, my mother went to do something. Are you hungry? Let's go to dinner?" Wang Qing could only spend some time with her daughter on weekends.

In terms of closeness, of course, it is impossible to be close to her trashy father.

But after knowing that her mother pretended to be sick because of her, she lived in such a place in order to save her money for treatment.

Let the nan nan be embarrassed to face the mother.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I, Mom, I'm sorry. Woohoo~" Nannan burst into tears.

Seeing this, Zhang Cheng touched his chin. If the little girl saw all this and was indifferent at all, then Zhang Cheng would have to persuade Wang Qing to send this thing to the orphanage. Although Wang Qing will definitely not be willing.

Fortunately, this little girl still has such a lost conscience. So there should be help.

The reason why Zhang Cheng helped Wang Qing so diligently was because the key to accepting Wang Qing was her daughter.

If this daughter agrees with him, then the probability that Zhang Cheng can accept Wang Qing will increase dramatically. If this daughter is disgusted with him, then the chances of Zhang Cheng appearing at Wang Qing's residence will be low.

And Wang Qing will be busy taking care of his daughter.

So Zhang Cheng can still have some fart time to be with Wang Qing.

I took my daughter to a somewhat luxurious hotel.

I want something delicious.

Probably inheriting Wang Qing's foodie attributes, Nan Nan also seemed a little greedy after eating delicious food. But Zhang Cheng also cares, this is not a problem.

And after playing a stick in the morning, now naturally I want to give a sweet date~www.readwn.com~ Do you want anything? Now that you live with your mother, I and your mother are going to give you a gift. "Zhang Cheng said.

But the little girl still didn't want to pay attention to Zhang Cheng. Obviously, even if she knew about her father's problem, she didn't want to accept Zhang Cheng as her stepfather.

Seeing this, Wang Qing said softly, "Is there anything you want? Let your Uncle Zhang give it to you."

"I don't want to." Nan Nan said.

Zhang Cheng was not surprised. In the afternoon, he simply went to the supermarket with Wang Qing.

When I saw Nan Nan looking at the rag dolls in the supermarket, I was quite moved.

Zhang Cheng waved his hand directly and bought it.

Large, small, cloth, plush, complete sets.

There are more than seventy kinds.

It cost Zhang Cheng 14,000.

After seeing that the trunk is full, the supermarket has to use the car to deliver so many dolls.

Nan Nan's eyes froze for a while.

Actually, can it still be like this?

Seeing this, Wang Qing also smiled bitterly. She did not support Zhang Cheng's appearance.

After all, this level of spending is too spoiled for her daughter.

But Zhang Cheng has his say.

If Nannan was indifferent after seeing her old place, then naturally there would not be a penny, but Nannan can be full of apologies after seeing the bad environment where her mother lives, which shows the essence of this little girl's film Still not bad. worth saving.

Then you have to give her a head start. And to make her feel in awe of her stepfather and stepfather, apart from beating and scolding, spending money is the most intuitive and simple way.

Anyway, for a while, Wang Qing could only agree.

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