I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 102: ,aquarium

Chapter 102, Aquarium

Undecided, she turned her head to look at her mother.

Wang Qing smiled lightly: "You decide for yourself."

Nan Nan pursed her lips: "You...the aquarium. Well, it's the aquarium."

Zhang Cheng doesn't care where this little girl goes, his purpose is to help Wang Qing improve the mother-daughter relationship.

Now that the aquarium was decided, Zhang Cheng brought the two mothers and daughters to the aquarium.

Bought tickets.

Zhang Cheng was holding Wang Qing, and Wang Qing was holding his daughter Nan Nan.

Nan Nan is not very old in the end, just over 8 years old.

Seeing all kinds of fish behind the glass curtain wall, I was immediately excited.

Run left, run right.

Zhang Cheng helped Wang Qing take care of the little girl.

Wang Qing glanced at Zhang Cheng, the man did not hide his indifferent attitude towards Nannan, neither approached him deliberately nor rejected him.

Just looking at her face and helping her out.

But even so, Wang Qing was already very grateful to Zhang Cheng.

Because of what Zhang Cheng did yesterday, she saved a lot of trouble.

"Thank you." Wang Qing said.

Zhang Cheng was delighted when he heard the words: "Just say thank you empty-handedly?"

"Then how do you want me to thank you?" Wang Qing said.

Zhang Cheng whispered something in Wang Qing's ear.

Rao was a mature woman named Wang Qing, and her face was red when she heard Zhang Cheng's words.

"You guy." He raised his hand and twisted the soft flesh around Zhang Cheng's waist.

Zhang Cheng hurriedly made an appearance of pain, only to let Wang Qing, whose scruples attract the attention of others, let go.

But in the end, after thinking about it, Wang Qing looked to the left and right and no one was there.

"Wait, wait for a chance." He actually agreed to what Zhang Cheng whispered just now.

This made Zhang Cheng grin, and his smile was very bright.

Children don't know they are tired at all, as long as they are happy, they can play wildly with passion.

However, this is because their bodies are not fully developed and cannot experience the feeling of fatigue.

So adults have to be careful not to overwork them at this time.

As for why Zhang Cheng knew this?

He was serious about how to please Wang Qing. Do you think Zhang Cheng would be negligent in any way towards women? ?

Soon, Zhang Cheng found a rest spot and stopped, ready to rest.

As for the nan nan who still wanted to run wild and see all kinds of beautiful fish, Zhang Cheng suppressed him with a look, and then used sugar cane juice and some small snacks to pass it off.

Looking at her daughter who was very happy, Wang Qing's eyes were full of tenderness.

Although Nannan pretended to be sick before and made her run back and forth to save money, Wang Qing did not mean to blame her daughter.

And that's probably a mother's love.

Zhang Cheng glanced at the little girl who was stunned and ate, and kissed Wang Qing secretly.

Let Wang Qing pay back a blank eye and come back with a look of disgust.


In the afternoon, although Nannan was still having a good time, it was obvious that she wanted to sleep.

Zhang Cheng simply sent the two mothers and daughters home.

Put the girl back on the bed.

Zhang Cheng hugged Wang Qing.

"You..." Wang Qing wanted to stop him, but he didn't expect Zhang Cheng to move so fast.

"You, you move a little bit, don't make a noise." Wang Qing could only warn in a low voice.

Although Zhang Cheng was afraid that Wang Qing would turn his face, Zhang Cheng did not dare to make any big moves, but after qualifying, Zhang Cheng felt at ease both physically and mentally.

Wang Qing gave the little man an irritated look. Although she was satisfied with his obsession with her body, the fact that this guy was in estrus all the time also made her feel a little overwhelmed.

Fortunately, Zhang Cheng did not continue.

Zhang Cheng hugged Wang Qing and watched TV at home, chatting about trivial matters.

Holding Wang Qing's little hand to play with it, Zhang Cheng said, "Does your law firm have any suitable helpers?"

Wang Qing pondered for a moment when he heard the words: "The office I work in now is run by one of my senior brothers, and he takes care of our juniors, and in the office, I have a good friend who should be able to persuade her to help. I."

"With my assistant and my friend's assistant, there are five people. As for the other staff, I plan to look for them this month."

Zhang Cheng nodded: "Then you accept my personal business first?"

Wang Qing looked at the little man and was moved by his idea of ​​helping him.

Knowing that Zhang Cheng is not short of money, Wang Qing nodded after thinking about it.

"Yes, the consultation fee is 15,000 yuan per year. If you are involved in some cases, we will hire and recommend a suitable lawyer for you."

Personal business tends to be complicated.

Because it is impossible to guess what kind of legal problems a person will face.

Therefore, the function of a private lawyer is more to hire and recommend lawyers who are proficient in the required aspects when the employer needs it. Not so much a personal lawyer, but a legal advisor.

It's not that it's about what to do, just go to the court to fight a lawsuit or something.

Of course, if the problems faced by the employer are exactly what he is good at, it is natural for a private lawyer to personally defend the employer to avoid damage to his interests.

"How about 100,000 yuan?" Zhang Cheng leaned on Wang Qing's neck intimately, sniffing the body fragrance of this beautiful lawyer, and took the initiative to raise the price.

Wang Qing stretched out his fingers and pressed Zhang Cheng's forehead to pull him away.

"I know you have money, but 15,000 is already a lot."

It sounds like this lawyer fee is more than 1,000 yuan a month, which is not much, but this is also the living situation of ordinary lawyers and ordinary law firms in China.

It's not to say that there are no big lawyers and big firms that can earn a lot of legal fees, but the number of that kind of existence ~www.readwn.com~ is not much in the scope of lawyers and law firms.

Zhang Cheng heard the words and knew that Wang Qing knew something, so he nodded.

Then consider whether to trouble the old men again.

After all, it is hard work for those who can.

He doesn't believe that the old men who have so many properties under their hands have no legal issues to deal with, and they don't need lawyers.

Even if he can't contract all the legal problems that the old men may encounter, of course Zhang Cheng has no such extravagant hope, but as long as he wins a few cases, it should be enough for Wang Qing's law firm to gain a firm foothold. .

"Then I'll introduce you a few deals later," Zhang Cheng said.

Wang Qing nodded, thinking that the little man was probably looking for a few friends to give her money?

did not care.

After sleeping for almost three hours, Nan Nan woke up.

In fact, on the way back, the little girl fell asleep.

While rubbing his eyes, he came out to look for his mother's nan-nan. Seeing Zhang Cheng holding his mother watching TV, he got angry and expressed her feelings.

But after thinking about it, Nan Nan finally went to the toilet silently.

Also, still don't.

This, this man is quite fierce.

After dinner, Zhang Cheng patted Nannan's little head, but didn't stay.

Of course, if he really stayed, Wang Qing probably wouldn't chase him away, but Zhang Cheng didn't choose to stay overnight.

After all, it's true that this little girl is no longer so disgusted with him, but now that he has moved in rashly, there may not be any setbacks.

If nothing else, run away from home, who can stand it.

So to be safe, Zhang Cheng left.

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