I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 108: ,visit

Chapter 108, visit

Although the two sisters had not eaten Buddha Jumps over the Wall before, but today's jar of Buddha Jumps over the Wall is beyond their sisters' imagination.

Is there anything so delicious?

"Brother Cheng, I'll eat it next time." Yang Xue put the chopsticks in her mouth, and reluctantly licked the aftertaste on the chopsticks.

Yang Yu glared at her sister when she heard the words, such delicious food must not be cheap. I'm afraid it will cost thousands, or even tens of thousands.

Moreover, Brother Cheng has already given them a lot of money, and there are two houses, why is this stinky girl Yang Xue so dissatisfied.

Zhang Cheng noticed Yang Yu's dissatisfaction with his sister, and couldn't help but feel happy, and hugged Yang Yu's waist in the past.

"You follow me with no name and no points. If I can't even satisfy this little thing, what do you think you are following me?"

After Yang Xue realized that her sister was staring at her, she immediately shrank her neck timidly. But after Zhang Cheng helped her to get ahead, he suddenly stood up again with a smug look on his face.

This made Yang Yu look at his sister helplessly. This stinky girl, Brother Cheng has given them too much, how can you think so much. And Brother Cheng is also, why are you so used to this girl.

Zhang Cheng smiled lightly.

If the two sisters hadn't encountered the situation that relatives took away the payment for the goods, then it was basically impossible for him to have a relationship with them. After all, Zhang Cheng didn't know that the two sisters were children, so even if he invested money, he would not Too many smashes, and if there is no number enough to shake the two sisters, the two sisters will naturally not be able to deal with Zhang Cheng, let alone both sides.

When Yang Yu saw Zhang Cheng's suit, I was about to get used to it, so he could only acquiesce.

But on the surface, Yang Yu complained that Zhang Cheng coddled his sister too much, but he was still happy.

As for whether she doesn't want Zhang Cheng to spend money, and whether she likes to be spoiled by Zhang Cheng.

Is this a contradiction?

In other words, people themselves are a complex of contradictions, just like sometimes wanting to get up to eat something to fill the stomach, but too lazy to move, lying in bed and playing with the phone all the time.

After Yang Xue was supported by Zhang Cheng, she turned her eyes and planned to give Zhang Cheng something in return.

Zhang Cheng will wait and see.

Let's see what Yang Xue can come up with.

However, after Yang Xue walked into the bedroom for a while, she turned around and pulled her sister Yang Yu into the bedroom, not knowing what to do.

After a while, when Sister Yang Yu and Yang Xue came out dressed as a dog maid and a cat maid.

Zhang Cheng's side exploded directly.

The gentle dog sister, the jumping cat sister, especially when Yang Xue came out, she tilted her head and closed one eye mischievously, and gestured towards Zhang Cheng with her small hand with cat paw gloves.

Zhang Cheng immediately turned into a wolf and rushed up.

When everything calmed down, Zhang Cheng hugged the two sisters from left to right, contented.

At the same time, I couldn't help but feel emotion in my heart: I have today?

Yang Xue was a little scared by the side, she never expected Zhang Cheng to be so excited just now.

"Where did you get this dress?" Zhang Cheng couldn't help but wonder.

"The leftovers were sold before." Yang Xue said.

"Sold leftovers? So what else is there?" Zhang Cheng said in shock.

Yang Xue didn't know the seriousness of the matter, so she nodded and said, "Well, there are also cheongsams, uniforms for girls in high school in the island country, nurse uniforms and so on."

When Zhang Cheng heard the words, his heart lit up, but he also knew that the two sisters couldn't make any big moves today, so he got up and poured himself a few bottles of beer and washed his face with cold water to finally calm down.

"Promise me, don't sell these clothes, will you wear them for me in the future?" Zhang Cheng pleaded very seriously.

Yang Xue blinked when she heard the words, as if there was nothing wrong?

Just nodded in agreement.

Yang Yu looked at her silly little sister, forget what happened just now?

But looking at Zhang Cheng again, since Brother Cheng likes it so much, there's no way...that's it. What else could it be.

Zhang Cheng knew that he could no longer think about it now and needed a topic to divert his attention.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Cheng said, "Are you free tomorrow?"

Yang Yu and Yang Xue were a little surprised when he heard the words: "The operation of the online store has been going well recently, and there should be nothing wrong." Yang Yu said after thinking.

"Then see the situation tomorrow. If Mr. Yang Shuyang is free, let's visit and let him give you two thumbs up." Zhang Chengdao.

Yang Yu and Yang Xue's eyes lit up.

Poplar. As long as you are engaged in the clothing industry in China, you will not know the name.

One of the founders of Jinluo Garment has grown from a small workshop with dozens of people to a super garment factory with hundreds of thousands of employees today.

Very legendary.

Although these years have gradually retreated behind the scenes, the development history of the domestic clothing industry cannot be bypassed.

the next day.

After Zhang Cheng communicated with Mr. Yang Shuyang, he got a reply that he could go through.

As for not visiting others like before, but making an appointment three days ago, one is that Zhang Cheng himself is not that particular, and the other is that he has the reason to sell ginseng.

"Let's, let's bring something over there?" Yang Yu asked nervously.

When Zhang Cheng saw this, he could understand such a feeling.

Just like Zhang Chengwan, who likes to play side lanes, when he knows that he can meet with a top professional side laner and even get some pointers, the state of anticipation and anxiety is the same.

So after thinking about it, Zhang Cheng handed the plastic bag in his hand to the two sisters.

The two sisters were taken aback when they saw it, and took the plastic bag.

They know the ginseng in the bag, but ginseng, although it can't be said to be everywhere on the street, is not a good thing, right?

Especially when Zhang Cheng packaged it casually~www.readwn.com~ wrapped it in red cotton cloth and tied it with yellow cotton rope at both ends.

Even their sisters saw that Zhang Cheng's sports bag had more than a dozen of them.

"Take it, I rely on these ginseng to get in touch with Mr. Yang." Zhang Cheng smiled.

That's all the two women heard.

Drive to Mr. Yang's suburban manor.

The tranquility and elegance of the manor surprised the two sisters, but they also knew that they could not be rude, so they only took a look at it occasionally.

Soon, under the leadership of the staff on the manor side, Zhang Cheng came to the back of the manor.

There is a small artificial lake here.

The old man is sitting in a place with the sun and the wind at the moment fishing.

"Uncle Yang, you are in good interest." Zhang Cheng walked over with a smile and looked at the old man's catch.

It seems like there is nothing.

Yang Shu smiled lightly and looked at the two women who were following Zhang Cheng.

"Who are these two?"

"My girlfriend." Zhang Cheng didn't shy away from anything, and said bluntly.

This made Yang Yu and Yang Xue a little shy.

Poplar can't help but be amused, the young man can play, the beautiful twins. But the old man didn't say anything. After all, it's not that he didn't hear about mothers and daughters who were more able to play, family and so on. There are even such people among friends.

When you have money, you will naturally do things that ordinary people can't do, although this is very immoral. But cool.

And the meaning of Zhang Cheng bringing the two girls here, Mr. Yang also understands a little bit.

This is to bring someone over to let him have a look and decide whether to carry out the next cooperation plan.

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