I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 119: ,Selfish

Chapter 19, Selfish

Seeing Lulu approaching Zhang Cheng and making a fuss, Qiqi frowned immediately, and then posted it too.

"Brother Cheng, thank you." The wink was as silky as a willow.

And Qiqi's movements seemed to be pulling her whole body, causing Yan Yan and Chen Fei to come over.

The four beautiful good friends gathered around, making Zhang Cheng feel a little nervous, but he frowned.

"Take care of yourselves, and book a big bed for the room on the north side." Zhang Cheng said, handed the money to Qiqi, and looked at a few women in turn indifferently.

As for your own woman, you can naturally do whatever you want. You can act like a spoiled child or seek pleasure. You don't need to cover up your shortcomings or pay attention to your own image. You can do whatever you want, but in front of these good friends, Zhang Cheng has to control it. own lower body. Because he can't give the illusion that these women can push their noses on their faces.

After all, Zhang Cheng hasn't dealt with the relationship between Xiangxiang, Zhao Shengnan, Yang Yu, Yang Xue, Wang Qing, and the others. If something really happens.

Oh hoo? That would explode.

Although I didn't know how to offend Zhang Cheng, the girls were not very stupid and quickly recovered. Even Lulu, who didn't realize what happened and why Zhang Cheng was angry, also became cautious.

Zhang Cheng was satisfied with this.

He is positioned as a good friend to Kiki and the girls. rather than causing trouble for yourself.

After all, these few women added together, can't confirm with him that they will stay together for a long time, Xiangxiang, Zhao Shengnan, Yang Yu, Yang Xue, and Wang Qing.

Fortunately, after Zhang Cheng suddenly became cold, Qiqi and the girls sensed Zhang Cheng's dissatisfaction and restrained a lot.

So Zhang Cheng nodded and turned to leave.

"What's wrong with Cheng, Brother Cheng?" Lulu asked in confusion.

Qiqi's face was complicated, and she looked at Chen Fei and Yanyan again.

Seeing that there was no doubt in Chen Fei's expression, he knew that the other party also guessed Zhang Cheng's meaning at this moment.

They can only be good friends.

It is good to keep this duty. If there is an impossible delusion, then Zhang Cheng will not be merciful.

"We can only be good friends of Brother Cheng." Qiqi said a little unwillingly.

After all, the life Zhang Cheng gave them was something they never dared to imagine before.

Like the top mansion you live in now.

Even if it is only rented, the monthly rent is sky-high.

So what if you could go further? Kiki had some delusions in her heart before.

But unfortunately, it was snuffed out by Zhang Cheng's actions, either noticed or unintentional.

Zhang Cheng left the Daping layer. He was very horny, but he was not an idiot. He knew the difference between a woman and a good friend.

Women are for pampering, and good friends are just for fun.

If you can't even tell such a simple truth, then Zhang Cheng's backyard will not have any peace in the future.

Keep him making a fuss.

As for which good friend is restless, or even which woman wants to do something.

Zhang Cheng narrowed his eyes when he thought of this. Although he didn't want to see such a situation, he would not hesitate to deal with it.

After all, Zhang Cheng is a person of himself.

Simply put, it is selfish. Although the degree is not very serious, when it comes to some key issues, Zhang Cheng does not lack decisiveness.

Without going anywhere else, Zhang Cheng returned to Xiangxiang's residence.

Xiangxiang had already returned, and now she looked sadly at the dozen documents on the dining table in front of her.

"Boss, Xiangxiang has been like this for almost two hours." The nanny, Sister Zhang, greeted her and said worriedly.

Zhang Cheng nodded, handed the jacket to Sister Zhang, and then came behind Xiangxiang and held her in his arms.

The beard on the chin that was not removed in time was rubbing against the fragrant and tender neck.

"What's up?"

Xiangxiang shrank her neck and chuckled lightly: "I encountered some problems with selling the film." Even if she laughed, there was an undisguised sadness in Xiangxiang's brows and eyes.

After listening to a few words, Zhang Cheng realized that the sale of Rebirth was in trouble.

The two big video platforms disliked the lack of traffic and the participation of celebrities, so they didn't watch it directly.

Although the other two big video platforms have watched an episode, they are not willing to pay for it. That is to say, if they are willing to give them the film, they can give a recommendation or something and play it on the platform.

If it's not free, let's talk.

As for the conditions given by some small websites and small platforms, although the conditions look pretty good, they will give as much as the number of playbacks.

But it is a pity that since small websites and small platforms have small characters, they do not have many users.

Even if there is a bonus from Wang Po's self-selling and boasting, Zhang Cheng and Xiangxiang will not be arrogant enough to think how good the rebirth they filmed is.

Therefore, there is almost no possibility of meeting the requirements of the other party.

"What are the two platforms that dislike no traffic and stars?" Zhang Cheng's focus surprised Xiangxiang.

"Fascinating and exciting." Xiangxiang replied with a little doubt.

The four major domestic video platforms have the most fascinating users, followed by hundreds of views, and the heartstrings are almost the same as exciting, and they are tied for third.

Zhang Cheng nodded and said nothing.

I don't have a chance now. If I have a chance in the future, he doesn't mind pitting these two dog-eyed platforms all of a sudden.

"Then let's go and ask Mr. Bai tomorrow." Zhang Cheng didn't care if he was picking up the old man's wool.

After all, Mr. Bai has been ups and downs in Shang Hai for decades, and he has never seen anything through ups and downs. What about a losing deal?

Think too much is not. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Hearing Zhang Cheng's words, Xiangxiang breathed a sigh of relief. Although she had tried her best before and wanted to sell rebirth herself, she didn't expect it to be so difficult.

No wonder Sister Zhou Yue said that for producers, the filming is only the beginning, and it is not the end when the film is sold.

"Excuse me." Xiangxiang said a little embarrassed.

Seeing Xiangxiang's timid appearance, Zhang Cheng's anger aroused by Qiqi's four daughters on the Daping floor immediately surged up.

"Then thank me well." With that, Zhang Cheng picked up Xiangxiang and went back to the bedroom.

The next day, Zhang Cheng took a set of ginseng and brought Xiangxiang to Mr. Bai Bai during the day.

Mr. Bai's assistant waited early outside the villa area. When he saw Zhang Cheng coming, he led the two directly into the villa area and came to Mr. Bai's side.

"Is the film ready?" Old Man Bai said with a smile.

Zhang Cheng smiled: "It's been filmed a long time ago. I thought about selling it myself. What I didn't expect was that it would be so difficult to sell a film."

The old man Bai laughed, but immediately said helplessly: "The current environment is not very good."

It has almost become a rule that all kinds of film and television dramas must have traffic. If there is no traffic, then the major video platforms will not even watch it.

As for how good the movie is?

No one cares at all.

Even if the film shot by Zhang Cheng is still attentive, and the production is also worth seeing, but the lack of traffic has become the only criterion for judging its value.

So on the one hand, Mr. Bai wanted Zhang Cheng to owe him personal favors, and it would be more convenient to buy ginseng in the future, especially good ginseng. On the other hand, it was not necessarily because he wanted to change the current environment.

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