I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 127: , routine

Chapter 127, routines

He also had an idea before, so after something unexpected happened, Zhang Cheng quickly reacted.

After all, it is common to come up with this lobular rosewood that exceeds the specifications, which is of course eye-catching. But if there is something more difficult to do, where do you want someone to help you?

Is it possible to slightly reduce the degree of conspicuousness?

This is what Zhang Cheng can think of in a hurry, and explain a little why there is such a small leaf of red sandalwood.

Take a look, this is Zhang Cheng, who spent his old nose trying to find a small leaf red sandalwood, and wants to find a plot of about 1,000 square meters in the urban area to build a house.

A little vaguely pointed out that it took a lot of effort for me to find such a small leaf red sandalwood, and I wanted to ask someone to do something before I took it out to reduce the abruptness of the incident.

Sure enough, after Zhang Cheng said that, the expressions of the other old men flashed a bit of clarity.

After all, it is a bit difficult to say that this is difficult.

"Hey, Uncle Yan, I definitely know about this. I mean, this piece of wood is my deposit, and whoever finds a piece of land about 1,000 square meters for me, then this piece of wood belongs to him. As for the land purchase money, I hope that it can be divided and paid off within a certain period of time.”

Hearing Zhang Cheng's words, the old men were thoughtful.

If you count it like this, it's really hard to say what you earn and lose.

But there are some hiccups.

Especially when Mr. Yan Xuyan heard the words, a smile appeared on his face.

He can do this.

"Okay, leave this to me." He directly agreed.

Zhang Cheng heard the words, and his face showed surprise.

He really didn't expect that he could really solve what he currently hopes to do.

This made Zhang Cheng look at the small leaf red sandalwood on the ground with two points of tenderness.

Good stuff.

But no matter how good things are, this time, even if he sells lobular red sandalwood in the future, it will be a good bead for selling cars. He will definitely not make such a thing again, and let Mr. Yan Xuyan directly ask for 25 million. .

Thinking of this, Zhang Cheng pondered, can he open a shop that sells lobular red sandalwood bracelets?

Although this designation did not directly sell the big material to make much money, the victory would not be so sensational.

Although the other old men also thought that this small-leaf rosewood was very good, they did not bid with the old man Yan.

After all, they haven't loved it to this extent.

Mr. Yan looked at this rare anise again with nostalgia.

It is so rare that it grows to be so long as 8 meters. It is too rare.

If he hadn't had some eyesight, after some investigation, he could judge that this big material was definitely not a fake material. I'm afraid it is to be surprised and suspicious.

After all, the lobular red sandalwood is more than 8 meters, and the ground diameter is only a little more than 30 centimeters, which is beyond common sense.

Because of such a height, the ground diameter is about one meter, which is a more reasonable situation.

But beyond common sense, it is beyond common sense, this wood must be lobular red sandalwood and it is still a good old material, Mr. Yan is still convinced. After all, the new materials are all artificially cultivated and planted. They usually grow on fertile flat land and grow rapidly. The wild wild ones in the top of the mountain in a year grow old materials for several years, or even ten years. But also because of the fast-growing relationship, the new material is much worse than the old material, and the difference can be seen at a glance.

"Xiaocheng, you can find a place to put this treasure away, and when I find the plot for you, let's talk about it." Mr. Yan said reluctantly.

Judging from the current performance, this material is already a good old material. Even if the car beads, he may not lose money.

However, it must be a waste of time to use such a whole big piece of material for car beads.

Zhang Cheng smiled softly when he heard the words: "Uncle Yan, you can just pull it away."

Mr. Yan was stunned when he heard the words. When he first met to buy Zhang Cheng's ginseng, he made a careful plan.

Because at that time, Mr. Yan could see at a glance that Zhang Cheng was an ordinary person. Therefore, after talking about an old friend's offer of 100,000 ginseng to buy the other party's ginseng, he aggressively raised the price by 200,000.

Zhang Cheng was stunned directly.

The later results were naturally as he expected, Zhang Cheng took out his good things, two 60-year-old ginseng, in a daze.

And until now, there is no good ginseng that has been sold for 60 years.

Obviously not much. Maybe even just two.

And what he paid was only a price increase of 200,000, and a jade bracelet that was almost seven figures small, and bought these two good ginseng at a price of 1.5 million.

Although Old Man Yan made a quick bet, betting that the effect of these ginseng would be very good, but now, Old Man Yan undoubtedly made a lot of money.

After all, that guy Guan Daqiang offered a sky-high price of 20 million a few days ago, and he couldn't buy 60-year-old ginseng from Zhang Cheng.

Calculated inside and out, this is the difference of more than 35 million.

However, this situation also made Mr. Yan Xuyan a little worried.

Worried that after Zhang Cheng wanted to understand, he felt resentful and even resentful towards him. After all, even if the two of you were a business that you love and I wish, but there is such a big price difference, it is hard to say what will happen. And this is the human heart.

This is also the reason why Mr. Yan will take the initiative to make up the price before.

This is not too much money to burn. I want to send money to Zhang Cheng.

I really don't want to have a deadlock relationship with Zhang Cheng.

After all, except for Zhang Cheng, where can he buy this kind of ginseng with good effect?

So Zhang Cheng hasn't figured out the twists and turns here?

Thinking of this, Mr. Yan Xu took a look at Zhang Cheng. Although he didn't know what Zhang Cheng had experienced in these short months, Zhang Cheng was far from being ordinary when they first met a few months ago.

Although there is still no edge and momentum, but in the eyes of Mr. Yan, he is no longer an ordinary person. At least in the face of the current Zhang Cheng, Mr. Yan will no longer use the rough method of throwing money before to get good things from Zhang Cheng.

So Zhang Cheng didn't think about the possibility of understanding these, but it's not high.

And if Zhang Cheng wanted to understand this, he would still be willing to communicate with him.

That's the temperament.

As for whether the other party is stupid? It was counted once, but I didn't care.

Mr. Yan never had such an idea in his heart.

Because in this world, except for those with defective IQ, how can there be a fool? Not stupid.

Zhang Cheng continued to have contact with him only because of the fact that he had helped him a few small favors.

If you have any calculations this time, what will the other party think?

I didn't care so much, you still come to this set?

That is not to completely offend people to death.

Yes, I think he is already a lot of age, but in terms of bearing, he was compared by a younger generation.

Thinking of this, the old man Yan smiled bitterly in his heart.

"Okay~www.readwn.com~ But first, I simply agreed to accept the small-leaf rosewood.

Zhang Cheng didn't know about the seventeen or eighteen twists in Mr. Yan Xuyan's heart. He just sells ginseng, and the other party buys ginseng. As for whether there is any routine in this.

At that time, even if he found out that the sale was a loss, he had absolutely no idea of ​​making up for it.

Of course, this has also been good for 60 years. For Zhang Cheng, it is just a cheap thing that can be harvested in two months.

As for saying that Mr. Yan's routines are not routines.

They are all grown ups, and if they are tricked by others, they will be bitter and grieving?

No need, really no need.

As long as he doesn't hurt his muscles or bones, he should buy a lesson, but if there is a vicious situation, Zhang Cheng will definitely not take this indifferent attitude.

Moreover, Mr. Yan didn't know the specific effects of 60-year-old ginseng at the beginning, and the other party himself also had gambling elements.

So there is no need to count so much.

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