I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 143: ,apron

Chapter 143, Apron

Zhang Cheng's rejection did not exceed Bai Miaomiao's expectations.

Because of such an important resource, how could it be easily surrendered.

"I can marry you, and I won't care about your affairs outside." Bai Miaomiao looked directly at Zhang Cheng and said. As for Xiangxiang next to Zhang Cheng, she was completely ignored by her.

This one is obviously very willing to book, because in terms of her appearance and family background, she is undoubtedly a very good Bai Fumei.

But Zhang Cheng couldn't help frowning.

Not only do you want to take advantage, but you also want to cheat people!

It's just people and money?

Bai Miaomiao's face sank when she saw Zhang Cheng's disgusting expression.

She is beautiful and has a good family background. Marrying the young man in front of him in such an identity is undoubtedly a marriage.

But I didn't expect the other party to be unwilling! ?

This made Bai Miaomiao feel that she was offended, and it was a very serious offense.

Because among the many situations she expected, even if she and Zhang Cheng reached a cooperation, there might be one reason or another that would cause problems with the cooperation.

Then marrying the other party has become a better way for her to ensure the basis of this cooperation.

As for whether it will let Zhang Cheng take advantage or not.

Bai Miaomiao doesn't care.

As long as you can master the resources that can move the world, the price is simply too much.

But there is only one case where Zhang Cheng refused her.

Then old man Bai called.

The assistant 'politely' invited the fourth young lady of the Bai family, who was clearly delusional, to go away.

"Mr. Zhang, I'm sorry, our boss will explain to you when he returns during the New Year." The assistant bowed and said.

Zhang Cheng didn't care either, after all, the daughter of the old man Bai in the daytime was obviously not in a normal state of mind.

What do you do with so many calculations.

Not to mention how to calculate.

Beat her up? Or humane destruction?

Nope, so you can hide in the future. After all, it is not illegal to kill someone with a mental illness.

After leaving Mr. Bai's residence, Zhang Cheng and Xiangxiang went home.

Sister Zhang is ready for dinner, and she won't be leaving in two days.

After Xiangxiang knew that Sister Zhang was going home, she took some of the remaining vegetables and fruits that were easier to keep at home for Sister Zhang, and asked her to take them back for the children to try.

In the past few months, Sister Zhang made Xiangxiang very satisfied.

After thanking Sister Zhang, she left and prepared to go home.

"Are you going home for the New Year?" Zhang Cheng asked.

Xiangxiang hesitated for a moment and then nodded: "Well, I want to go back and have a look."

It has been several years since she came out, and Xiangxiang is also a little homesick.

Zhang Cheng nodded: "That's ok, I'll bring you a few ginseng sticks when I go home, and make ginseng wine for your parents to improve their health after returning home."

"Thank you Brother Cheng." Xiangxiang knew that Zhang Cheng's ginseng was very popular among several old men.

Zhang Cheng scratched his chin. Before, he arranged a gym for Zhao Shengnan and spent all the money he had on hand. Now he wants to give Xiangxiang some travel expenses, red envelopes, etc. for the New Year, but there is no more.

So Zhang Cheng thought about getting some money.

If it was Zhang Cheng in the past, if he wanted to get some money, he would probably have to get himself in for a free big pot of rice.

Now, it's literally getting some money. After all, as long as Zhang Cheng is willing to come up with 20-day ginseng, which is generally good ginseng, it is still very easy to get a thousand ginseng.

And there will be problems in the economy. One is that Zhang Chengman has not accumulated enough in less than 4 months after he has obtained the Tianchengjie space. The second is that he is really arrogant to spend money on his own woman. If you have money on hand, you just spend it. If you don't spend it, you won't give up.

However, Zhang Cheng was not worried.

Because money is really just a number for Zhang Cheng now.

Who cares about numbers? Zhang Cheng wouldn't anyway.

Then Zhang Cheng's attention was attracted by the slender figure of Xiangxiang wearing an apron washing dishes and washing pots in the kitchen.

Because of the underfloor heating, Xiangxiang wears very thin clothes.

A thin black sweater, a khaki knee-length skirt, and long strands of hair behind her head.

This feeling came right up.

Zhang Cheng sneaked into the kitchen quietly, but was still discovered by Xiangxiang.

Xiangxiang smiled back, thinking that Zhang Cheng was going to wash his hands or something, and continued to wash dishes and pots, and then blushed under Zhang Cheng's irregular movements.

"You, what are you doing!" But after an exclamation, Xiangxiang uttered delicate love words.

After everything was over, Zhang Cheng smiled and hugged Xiangxiang and sat on the sofa watching TV.

Xiangxiang's face was flushed red, and she shrank in Zhang Cheng's arms as soft as noodles. After a while, she recovered and was ready to continue washing the pots and dishes.

"I'll wash it later." Zhang Cheng said with a mean smile.

When Xiangxiang heard the words, she felt sweet at first, and then saw Zhang Cheng's smile, and she inevitably had a bad premonition in her heart.


"Will you wear an apron this time?" Zhang Cheng said.

After Xiangxiang hesitated, she nodded.

In terms of qualifying, she has always followed Zhang Cheng.

This is also the reason why Zhang Cheng kept her by his side after making an appointment with Xiangxiang.

Because of this woman, he felt for the first time that this was the man.

The next day, Zhang Cheng took two 10-day fresh ginseng and went to visit Mr. Guan Daqiang.

This person who makes a phone call every three days is the one who is the most urgent about ginseng among the elders.

But seeing these two 20-year-old fresh ginseng, Mr. Guan smiled happily.

Although he is old, his heart is not old. It's just a futile call, with more than enough heart but not enough power.

As for those auxiliary methods, there is a lot of wear and tear on the body. It may not matter when you are young. If you use these methods when you are old, you will not be able to recover for a few days.

But with Zhang Cheng's ginseng, it's completely different. Although it failed to restore him to the state of his youth, it improved a lot.

Therefore, when it comes to the thirst for ginseng, he Guan Daqiang is definitely number one among several old brothers.

The old man didn't mention anything about offsetting the account at all, and directly asked the assistant to transfer the money to Zhang Cheng.

It also saved Zhang Cheng from speaking.

Zhang Cheng smiled and said, "Master, you and Uncle Yang each invested 20 million in my girlfriend's clothing brand, but they never said anything. What are you going to do?"

"Want to know?" Mr. Guan carefully put the ginseng into the prepared wood box.

Zhang Cheng nodded. The old man and Yang Shuyang each invested 20 million in the clothing brand opened by the sisters Yang Yu and Yang Xue, but they did not mention the issue of equity distribution at all.

A posture that completely made Zhang Cheng look at it, it really made Zhang Cheng a little confused. Is this asking him to take the initiative?

"Give me a 60-year-old ginseng, and I'll forgive you the debt and tell you what we're going to do." But Mr. Guan went around in circles.

Hearing this, Zhang Cheng scratched his eyebrows~www.readwn.com~ Before selling two 60-year-old ginseng to Mr. Yan Xuyan for 1.5 million a piece, although he thought it was good at the time.

But after so much time has passed, Zhang Cheng has understood that he was shocked by what Mr. Yan did at that time.

Obviously he already wanted to agree to 100,000, but this one directly took the initiative to raise the price of 200,000, is it too arrogant?

Otherwise, according to Zhang Cheng's original idea, it is basically impossible to take out the 60-year-old ginseng so early.

At least I have to say this after my ginseng has a certain reputation.

However, if it is sold, it will be sold, and Zhang Cheng has no intention of making up for it. Some time ago, he even rejected Mr. Yan's initiative to offer compensation and equalize the money he lent him.

After all, a man with a spit and a nail, can he still talk?

Moreover, although the old man Yan was a bit calculated, he was still a good person and didn't cause any trouble.

This is also the reason why Zhang Cheng is willing to continue to communicate with several old men, and only communicate with them.

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