I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 153: , visiting relatives and friends

Chapter 153, visiting relatives and friends

On the morning of the fifth day, Zhang Cheng went to visit Sister Yu.

Nothing was worth anything.

Wolfberry, ham, dairy, fruit.

It is what ordinary people bring when they visit relatives and friends on New Year's and festivals.

Sister Yu was very happy with Zhang Cheng's arrival and hurriedly let him into the house.

"Oh, I've come here, and I've brought so many things." Sister Yu said with a smile.

Yu Lizhi still likes Zhang Cheng's younger brother. One is that this kid is not so slick. After entering the factory, he works steadily. Second, this kid knows how to be humble.

Brother, sister, shout very diligently. There is absolutely no inexplicable arrogance of ordinary young people.

Coupled with a few years of getting along, naturally a little more goodwill.

"Where is Xiangxiang?" Sister Yu couldn't help asking.

"Xiangxiang went back to her hometown, and it is estimated that it will take a few days before she can come back." Zhang Cheng said.

"Okay, when Xiangxiang comes back, I'll go see you with Lao Liu." Sister Yu said. Lao Liu is Sister Yu's husband, and it is said that he is also the workshop director of a certain factory, and he is regarded as the backbone of the management. It looks like there will be dividends at the end of the year.

"Uncle Chen." Sister Yu's youngest daughter, Xiuxiu, trotted over. She was only five or six years old, and her words were not so clear. Chen and Cheng were not very clear. But she still remembered the uncle who bought her a lot of delicious candy.

Zhang Cheng naturally won't have any reason for this.

He squatted down and picked up Xiuxiu, and slipped a red envelope into Xiuxiu's pocket.

"Oh, how can Xiuxiu be so coquettish when she is so big, come down, come down quickly." Sister Yu said.

Zhang Cheng couldn't help but feel happy when he heard the words, and then saw Xiuxiu hugging his neck, obviously unwilling to go down.

Sister Yu didn't do anything when she saw this. After all, her daughter asked for it late, so it was inevitable that she would spoil her a little bit.

Zhang Cheng came to the living room with Xiuxiu in his arms.

Sister Yu's husband, Lao Liu, was sitting in the living room reading the newspaper.

Seeing Zhang Cheng come in, he nodded: "Xiao Zhang to pull." Then he went to read his newspaper.

Zhang Cheng didn't care about the other party's contempt, after all, he would come and walk around, looking at his relationship with Sister Yu.

"Old Liu!" Sister Yu said dissatisfied. After all, she treats Zhang Cheng as her younger brother. What kind of attitude does Lao Liu have?

When Lao Liu heard his wife's anger, a smile appeared on his face: "Don't leave at noon, let Sister Yu cook some dishes and cook all the seafood."

After all, it was kind of friendly.

"Don't bother, I'll sit down for a while and leave." Zhang Cheng chuckled lightly.

If the seafood is not handled well, the taste is really not good. As for Sister Yu's craftsmanship, Zhang Cheng also experienced it.

After chatting about some trivial matters, Zhang Cheng was left to have a lunch in the end. The good thing is that my sister played a normal role today and did not say any dark dishes. After all, this person used the microwave oven in the factory to heat the durian. ruthless man.

While having lunch, sister Yu's son came back. Wearing sportswear and holding a basketball in his hand, he looked like he was going out to play.

"Uncle Zhang, Happy New Year." The boy greeted with a good-looking appearance.

Just as Zhang Cheng was about to take out the red envelope, he was held down by Sister Yu.

"What are you doing? You're not married yet, so give it a red envelope? Where did you learn it?" After speaking, Sister Yu thought of something, reached out and took out her daughter Xiuxiu's pocket, then took out a red envelope, and looked at it angrily. Zhang Cheng glanced.

"Hurry up and put it away, there will be more places to spend money after you get married."

"Not much, just 100, it's auspicious." Zhang Cheng smiled.

But even so, Sister Yu insisted on returning the red envelope to Zhang Cheng.

"You kid spend a lot of money, do you think I don't know?"

After saying New Year's greetings to Sister Yu, Zhang Cheng left, and in the afternoon went to the other brothers and sisters who had met in the screw factory.

After this circle, Zhang Cheng's year is over.

On the seventh day, the nanny Zhang Jie returned.

After returning to her hometown during the Chinese New Year, Sister Zhang's complexion was obviously much better.

It should be to see the child, a little to understand the miss.

"Happy New Year, boss." Sister Zhang said respectfully.

After all, this master is not very old, but he is very stylish. And the treatment is really good. Sister Zhang cherishes this job very much.

In the afternoon, Xiangxiang also came back.

After being apart for half a month, Xiangxiang looked at Zhang Cheng with longing eyes.

What kind of environment was she in the past, and where is she now?

With the help of Brother Cheng, she was able to move beyond the class. When I went home for the New Year this time, my relatives and friends looked surprised and even shocked. Even her parents, who regarded her as a burden in the past, were careful to please, and even made Xiangxiang feel the urge to cry.

Zhang Cheng took Xiangxiang's suitcase and handed it to Sister Zhang to pack it.

"How's the year going?"

Xiangxiang took off her coat and threw herself into Zhang Cheng's arms.

"Yea, very good."

Zhang Cheng hugged Xiangxiang and sat on the sofa.

"All right."

Then Zhang Cheng realized that something was wrong, and the woman Xiangxiang was breathing very fast.

Oh hoo?

According to statistics, women are far more likely to play ranked than men. It seems that the statistics are correct.

Zhang Cheng was not polite, and tacitly picked up Xiangxiang and returned to the bedroom.

At the end of two consecutive hearty qualifying sessions, Xiangxiang was lying on Zhang Cheng's arms with a ruddy face, playing with Zhang Cheng's hand.

"Brother Cheng, did you miss me?"

Zhang Cheng looked down at Xiangxiang, this woman was much more generous, and she was less cautious in front of him, which was good.

"Think, why don't you want to."

"Then, do you still have strength?" Xiangxiang asked with bright eyes.

Zhang Cheng heard the words and called out the good guy, this is not his cruelty, but the enemy's active provocation.

By the end of the third ranking, Xiangxiang's body was as soft as noodles, and she couldn't lift the slightest strength.

But she still didn't want to stop, and the little hand was still dishonest.

Zhang Cheng quickly pinched it: "Don't get into trouble."

Knowing himself, Zhang Chengke knew that he couldn't stand provocation at all.

Continue at that time, and keep it so that Xiangxiang can't get up tomorrow.

However, Xiangxiang's current state is like staying up all night, she is already very tired and sleepy, but she is still very excited.

She still wants.

Even though the body has lost the strength and accumulated a lot of fatigue, the spirit is getting more and more excited.

"Brother Cheng~" The voice was extremely charming, as if it could drip water.

What the hell! This little leprechaun!

Zhang Cheng couldn't control that much either.

"Don't blame me for not getting up tomorrow!"

Then the next day ~www.readwn.com~ Xiangxiang really couldn't get up.

Seeing the happy smile on this silly woman's face, Zhang Cheng really couldn't understand what the woman was thinking.

Just pervert?

Xiangxiang lying on the bed smiled silly when she saw the irritability on Zhang Cheng's face.

In addition to playing in the rankings, Xiangxiang didn't know how she could repay Zhang Cheng.

As for being injured, exhausted, and now she can't even get out of bed, she doesn't care at all.

After a little thought, Zhang Cheng also understood the thoughts of this silly woman Xiangxiang. This made him feel distressed.

Because of her past environment, this woman's inferiority complex will appear from time to time. I don't think it's worthy of my current life.

Just a few words will basically have no effect on Xiangxiang's state, and Zhang Cheng needs to pay more attention to this aspect in his daily life in the future, in order to unravel Xiangxiang's heart knot.

"Okay, stop thinking about it." Zhang Cheng patted Xiangxiang's little head.

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