I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 161: , persuade

Chapter 161, persuade to quit

After school, I bought some meals and waited for Wang Qing to get off work.

After having dinner together, I went back to my room.

Wang Qing went back to the bedroom and tried on the cheongsam in front of Zhang Cheng.

It's not very suitable, but it's okay.

Especially the elegant light blue plum blossom pattern makes Wang Qing also like it very much.

Just when Wang Qing wanted to praise Zhang Cheng for his good eyesight, Zhang Cheng rushed over.

When everything was over, Wang Qing helplessly looked at the cheongsam that was already out of shape.

This foe really spoils things.

A good piece of clothing, don't wait for her to take it off.

Zhang Cheng looked at Wang Qing with contentment. Before, he had never imagined that just changing his clothes would increase Wang Qing's attractiveness so much.

Make him completely unstoppable.

As for the broken clothes, they are broken.

Zhang Cheng had already made up his mind to order 20 sets of cheongsam for Wang Qing first. One by one later.

The next day, Zhang Cheng sent Nannan to school, instead of disturbing Wang Qing, he came to Zhao Shengnan's residence.

After finding a place to sit down, Zhang Cheng entered his plug-in space.

The original space roughly glanced at it, as always calm.

Without paying much attention, Zhang Cheng came to the Tianchengjie space.

After ginseng is planted here, it can achieve far more than ordinary effects, especially after growing for about a hundred years, it is even promoted to the spiritual grass level.

Obviously, this Tianchengjie space is definitely not simple.

It's just a pity that Zhang Cheng has done a lot of research these days, but he hasn't found any difference in this Tianchengjie space, and it can have such an effect.

Zhang Cheng simply ignored it, and he was done using it.

Therefore, a batch of wolfberry and black wolfberry was tried.

But in the past ten days, the wolfberry has not changed much.

Is it because wolfberry is the same as lobular red sandalwood, and probably cannot obtain special effects?

Still can't tell when?

Zhang Cheng was thoughtful. I decided to wait for a while and see. If the wolfberry still can't get special effects after one or two months, then shovel them all out, and then try other Ganoderma lucidum, snow lotus, Dendrobium candidum, etc., even if it is Panax notoginseng or something. You can also try it to see if you can get special effects in the Tianchengjie space.

Then Zhang Cheng scratched his chin after inquiring about the wolfberry harvested over the years.

Although it only took more than ten days to plant wolfberry, it would be more than 30 years at a thousand times the speed of the Tianchengjie space.

Even if only 160 square meters of wolfberry and black wolfberry are planted, only a quarter of an acre, and the yield is not high. In addition, during the Chinese New Year, Zhang Cheng also sent some out when he visited relatives and friends, but now, the two The wolfberry has also stored a full 2 ​​tons.

And it is foreseeable that the two kinds of wolfberry will continue to increase at a rate of several hundred kilograms per day.

So Zhang Cheng thought about dealing with them.

After all, although the storage area in the plug-in space has not yet been tested for the specific size, what are these things stored for?

Can give birth or what?

It is not ginseng with special effects, and I am afraid that it will cause a sensation and unnecessary attention if sold in large quantities.

Just after some research on the Internet, Zhang Cheng was a little confused when he saw the certificate of origin and all kinds of messes needed to sell agricultural products.

So Zhang Cheng went to understand the import and export issues again, and then he was even more confused.

Because the exporting country also needs to report the goods.

Therefore, it is unlikely that anyone will care about the scattered sale of a few kilograms or dozens of kilograms, but when the large-scale materials appear in large quantities, they will definitely attract the attention of the relevant departments.

And Zhang Cheng couldn't explain the origin of his supplies, so when the time came, wouldn't it be oh roar.

This made Zhang Cheng think for a moment and wondered if he should start an agricultural product trading company for himself first.

After all, the wolfberry this time, and the next time he may try to plant something, he is also going to shoot.

If you don't have a reliable sales channel, you can only store it there. Although there will be no problem, the key will be unhappy~

Because there is no appreciation, there will be no profit. Why save?

What a joy to deal with the sale.

But this kind of thing can't let others know, it's illegal.

After thinking about several possible methods, Zhang Cheng found the ginseng wine that he had brewed in Zhao Shengnan's place and added a spirit grass-grade ginseng whisker.

The color is almost the same, and the smell is not much different from the ginseng wine that has been soaked for 10 days. At most, it is slightly more fragrant.

Zhang Cheng tasted the taste and could feel that it tasted better, but not much.

He simply took two bottles and sent them to Zhao Shengnan.

Seeing the ginseng wine brought by Zhang Cheng, Zhao Shengnan, who was training hard in the training camp, was full of joy. She has a deep understanding of the benefits of these ginseng wines.

"Zhang Cheng, come here~" Brother Hua Zhenghua appeared when Zhang Cheng wanted to be intimate with Zhao Shengnan, and looked like he had something to say.

When he arrived at Brother Hua's office, Zhang Cheng was a little surprised after listening to the manager of the training camp.

A foolish woman like Zhao Shengnan has been training so hard, yet she can't meet the requirements of the training camp?

"So it's best to let Katsuo leave the training camp for a while, first to save money, and also to continue training here, it won't improve Katsuo much." Brother Hua tried to be euphemistic.

It's not good to be euphemistic. The last time Zhang Cheng fought with someone, Mr. Yan Xuyan called directly to express his concern.

This is also the direct reason why he would stop the training of that boy Lu Han.

And even if Lu Han's coach came to intercede later, Brother Hua did not agree to let Lu Han return to the training camp.

After all, this kid Lu Han not only has his own problems, but more importantly, he offended Zhang Cheng, who made Mr. Yan directly express his concern.

Of course, if Lu Han's talent is excellent, then Brother Hua won't sit back and watch, and will basically help to intercede, but Lu Han is generally low in the training camp, especially after the sneak attack fails and he is beaten. , and falsely accused others.

For a guy with such a character, forget it.

Zhang Cheng heard the words thoughtfully, it doesn't matter if he saves money or not~www.readwn.com~ He has always been willing to spend money on his women. The two sisters, Yang Yu and Yang Xue, who had the most money, Zhang Cheng smashed more than 20 million, and got a lot of favors.

So what is Zhao Shengnan's training fee at the training camp?

However, the fact that the improvement in training camp was not great made Zhang Cheng a little concerned.

After all, Zhao Shengnan, a foolish woman, doesn't say anything, but she is a very competitive guy. In such an environment, is it really good for her to continue to work hard?

"Does our Katsuo know about this situation?" Zhang Cheng asked.

After hearing this, Brother Hua shook his head and said, "I probably don't know."

Zhang Cheng nodded: "Well, I'll ask Shengnan to see what her attitude is." After all, about Zhao Shengnan, Zhang Cheng also had to ask her for her opinion.

If Zhang Cheng dares to directly agree to Brother Hua, saying that he will withdraw from the training camp, then turn to Zhao Shengnan, a foolish woman who thinks boxing is more important than her own life, and teach Zhang Cheng to be a man.

What lightning five whips, what invincible Hot Wheels, very scary, okay?

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