I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 165: ,confidence

Chapter 165, Confidence

What is this man doing to see him?

Zhang Cheng couldn't help but have some doubts in his heart.

After all, he is a newcomer now and wants to get involved in the wolfberry business. Why is he qualified to let Sister Yun want to meet him?

Are you attracted by his handsomeness?

Zhang Cheng thought shamelessly.

Seeing Zhang Cheng's thoughtful look, the tall beauty was not impatient, and waited quietly, looking very literate.

As for Zhang Cheng's question just now, she has already ignored it.

Sister Yun doesn't even know, she still wants to throw wolfberry, don't worry about it as soon as possible, go throw shit.

"What did Sister Yun see me doing?" Zhang Cheng didn't care that his words were ignored and asked.

The tall beauty was silent for a while: "I want to talk to you about a business."

"Business?" Zhang Cheng was even more surprised.

This tall beauty is pretty, yes, but don't be a liar or something, want to deceive yourself out and kidnap?

After all, Sister Yun is talking about business with him?

Where's the trouble?

It would be more believable if you simply said that Yang Mi wanted to spend the spring night with him.

The tall beauty didn't know what Zhang Cheng thought, but she still felt Zhang Cheng's doubts.

So this person looked like a madman just now, but can he be cautious now?

Immediately, the tall beauty took out her business card.

Tianmen Group

Assistant to the President

He Lili

Seeing this clearly good-quality business card, Zhang Cheng believed it a little.

"What business?" Zhang Cheng said.

The tall beauty He Lili pursed her lips: "Then we need our sister Yun to talk to you."

Miss Yun? Shouldn't an assistant to the president be called the president?

Zhang Cheng felt that he had found a flaw.

"Since Sister Yun has something to do with me, then let Sister Yun come over." Zhang Cheng said. Anyway, he will not go with this He Lili. He is unfamiliar here. If he is targeted by criminals and kidnapped, let alone tear up the ticket, wouldn't it be a loss of aunt's blood?

After all, there are still decades to go in his life.

He Lili frowned a little when she heard the words, looked at Zhang Cheng who made a gesture to her, turned helplessly and walked aside, took out her mobile phone and made a call.

After ten minutes, a **** who made people's eyes shine came slowly.

This one is almost forty years old, wearing a brown professional attire, with light makeup, and did not hide all the tiny wrinkles left by her baptism over the years.

The appearance is not very beautiful. If Zhang Cheng is rated, he can only give 6 points, which is similar to Xiangxiang, but he exudes that kind of confident temperament, the aura of a real strong woman. But it was the first time Zhang Cheng saw it, which inevitably made him a little excited.

Because with such a temperament, Zhang Cheng can give the opponent a 9 without a doubt! ! !

Although the times are developing, the Internet has also made people's lives more and more convenient. Various short video websites and live broadcast websites are booming. But the kind of beauty that can be unforgettable at a glance is less and less than in the past.

Perhaps people's aesthetics have been raised by all kinds of beauty.

After all, I am 3 points, and after the beauty and retouching, I can jump up to 8 points in the short video.

8 for you, 8 for her, 8 for everyone. Naturally, it's hard to impress.

So this time the role of temperament is highlighted.

Although the word temperament is illusory, when a beauty stands in front of him, the temperament of the other party is either smart, charming, lively, gentle, capable, or some other type.

Often it will add a lot to it.

And some relatively scarce temperaments can greatly increase the attractiveness of a woman.

This is the one in front of Zhang Cheng now.

Zhou Yun's appearance is also 6 points, which can be said to be beautiful, but the self-confidence temperament on his body is too powerful. The young ladies and sisters who have refined the short video 800 times have been turned into scum in seconds.

In front of this man, Zhang Cheng felt that his impetuous appearance was a little out of place for the first time, so he quickly restrained himself.

"Hello Mr. Zhang, I'm Zhou Yun, please forgive me for taking the liberty to visit." The mature woman chuckled, and while greeting her generously, she took the initiative to reach out, intending to shake Zhang Cheng's hand as a courtesy.

Zhang Cheng then reached out and grabbed the opponent's small hand.

When the mature woman Zhou Yun wanted to withdraw her hand, she found that her hand was actually being held by the other party.

This made Zhou Yun frown a little: "Mr. Zhang?" She was not angry, after all, she came out at the age of sixteen, and she has been ups and downs for twenty-five years, what she has never seen before.

But when He Lili saw this, there was an angry look on her face, and she wished that Zhang Cheng could be sent flying.

Zhang Cheng's face has always been very thick, and he doesn't feel any embarrassment at all.

He even smiled lightly and said, "Sorry, I was overwhelmed by your demeanor and appearance, Sister Zhou, and I lost my way."

The words are beautiful, but Zhang Cheng has been reluctant to let go.

Zhang Cheng never denied that he was lustful.

However, he was only able to experience eye addiction in the past, but now with the help of the Tianchengjie space, he can wave again.

This also made Zhang Cheng dare to show his love generously in the face of such an excellent woman as Zhou Yun in front of him.

Zhou Yun was a little surprised, she was already a little old, right?

Or is it that today's young people are so cold and unscrupulous?

"Thank you." However, he also generously accepted Zhang Cheng's praise.

Zhang Cheng let go of his hand knowingly and sat down on both sides.

"Is Sister Zhou married?" Zhang Cheng asked directly without concealment.

"No." Zhou Yun chuckled lightly.

"Is there a boyfriend?" Zhang Cheng continued to ask.

"Hey! You're going too far!" He Lili, who was beside her, finally couldn't help but berate her angrily.

Zhou Yun signaled to his assistant not to be so excited and still kept a polite smile.

"Has been busy with work and haven't."

"Then can I pursue you?" Zhang Cheng said bluntly about his admiration.

As for what detour? cautious? shy?

It doesn't exist, at least after understanding the effect of Tianchengjie space, Zhang Cheng has become more and more confident, and he doesn't mind showing his confidence.

Of course, such decisiveness, strength and publicity~www.readwn.com~ are limited to women who make Zhang Cheng feel heartbroken.

For example, in front of Uncle Zhang, Sister Yu, or Mr. Yan, Zhang Cheng is still the humble young man in the past.

Zhou Yun frowned slightly, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

After all, why is this young man so pompous and restless?

Under Zhou Yun's scrutiny, Zhang Cheng scratched his head a little embarrassedly. His strong physique made him energetic, and he was lustful, not to mention that there was nothing to live up to the beauty now, which made Zhang Cheng very courageous.

Because as long as he has a relationship with a woman, Zhang Cheng will definitely not let the other party suffer.

Whether in the past or in the future.

Zhang Cheng can still guarantee this.

And Zhang Cheng's coquettish operation also made He Lili's lungs explode with anger.

How can there be such a shameless and dirty guy?

She can't help but shoot!

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