I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 169: , humbly

Chapter 169, humility

Zhou Yun's beautiful woman has a charm that Zhang Cheng can't resist. Although she only has the same appearance as Xiangxiang, she is generally beautiful with 6 points, but the temperament of a strong woman is 1 point, and her confidence is 2 points. This immediately burst into the air, reaching the same level of charm as a 9-point, much-anticipated beauty.

After all, beautiful women are just like that. With a score of 8 and below, it is difficult to attract Zhang Cheng's attention in front of Zhang Cheng, who has passed many girls at these times.

Chen Fei and her cousin, after dressing up, are undoubtedly beautiful with 8 points or more, especially their figure is not bad. A proper goddess level of someone else's family.

But Zhang Cheng just regarded them as good friends.

That is, the timing of the appearance of the two girls is a bit of a problem. If it was before Xiangxiang, when Zhang Cheng just got up, Chen Fei designated that he could be cherished by Zhang Cheng as a treasure.

Unfortunately not, Xiangxiang appeared first. Qian Yibaishun was at the mercy of everything, so that Zhang Cheng, who was still very local at the time, was so happy that he took off.

This is also the fact that Zhang Cheng has been fiddled with too much by his ex-girlfriend before. Although it is not to the extent that he is not regarded as a human being, he will come and go when he calls it, and he will show his temper from time to time.

In addition, Xiangxiang has a 7-point dressing, which is considered a very beautiful appearance, and Zhang Cheng also kept her beside her.

What's more, Zhou Yun not only has the charm to attract Zhang Cheng's attention, but also deserves Zhang Cheng's attention.

After all, it didn't matter when Zhang Cheng was wandering around in the past, but if he wanted to do a good job, he had to have some good helpers.

And Zhou Yun is undoubtedly a more suitable target.

As for whether this beautiful woman will sincerely help Zhang Cheng after accepting Zhou Yun, she has to take the other party to her side and say no.

After taking the information, Zhang Cheng briefly glanced at it, and suddenly felt that it was absolutely worthwhile for him to come to Mr. Guan for help.

If he hadn't asked this guy for advice, would he know such an inside story?

As for why Zhou Yun didn't tell such a thing, Zhang Cheng wouldn't talk nonsense anyway.

Taking the information that Mr. Guan helped to find, Zhang Cheng checked it for a while, and was ready to return the information to Mr. Guan. After all, he didn't know if there would be any taboos in it.

"Take it." Grandpa Guan said with a smile.

A few days ago, he drank some ginseng wine made from 60-year-old ginseng, and stood up that night. Although there was still a big gap compared to when he was young, Mr. Guan was content.

What's more, there are so many ginseng wine, what effect will it have after drinking it all?

One thing to say, when Zhang Cheng gets along with Mr. Guan, he feels the most compatible. Not only are they both lustful, but they are also a little humble in front of their own women. Of course, the unpleasant thing to say is licking.

In front of the woman he had decided to accept, Zhang Cheng was not humble enough, but it was similar to the state of ordinary men in front of their respective goddesses.

It stands to reason that Zhang Cheng's situation should not be like this. After all, the money he spent on the beauties in Xiangxiang was not tens of thousands, but hundreds of thousands.

but in millions.

And what can be met is that Zhang Cheng will definitely improve their treatment to a level similar to that of the two sisters, Yang Yu and Yang Xue.

So how can Zhang Cheng tremble.

But Zhang Cheng didn't do that, he still maintained an equal relationship, and even put himself in a low position.

This was due to Zhang Cheng's poor environment in the past, his naturally developed character, and several women who were destined to follow him without a name.

This caution is not Zhang Cheng's compensation for his women.

After all, apart from money and love and consideration, Zhang Cheng couldn't give them a guarantee.

As for the reason why Mr. Guan is like this, Zhang Cheng doesn't know.

However, with this wealth, it will never be difficult to live a life like a king of God, but in front of his own woman, he is still cautious and loving.

Obviously he also has a lot of nostalgia for his women.

Without disturbing Mr. Guan, Zhang Cheng left with the information about Tianmen Group that the other party helped to collect.

After thinking about it, I came to Renjia Antique Store.

What surprised Zhang Cheng was that Ren Jia's antique shop was being renovated, and it seemed that the owner had changed?

what happened?

After asking the neighbors, Zhang Cheng realized that the storefront of Renji Antiques had been sold by Ren Jia's father.

Presumably before, Ren Jia's grandfather was aggravated by anger, and asked Ren Jia to borrow money from Zhang Cheng, and with the careful help of Zhang Cheng, he no longer resisted Zhang Cheng, is it because of this?

As for why Ren Jia's father clearly sold the store, Ren Jia had to come to Zhang Cheng to borrow money, obviously the son of Mr. Ren is not very reliable.

This made Zhang Cheng blink his eyes and lamented that his luck was too good.

There is even such an assist.

If such a thing hadn't happened, Zhang Cheng himself would probably still have a lot of work to do to accept Ren Jia.

I didn't continue to stay in the cleaned-up Renji Antiques. After all, the storefronts that let others **** their heads are just like that in Zhang Cheng's eyes. Whether he likes to sell them or not, it's none of his business?

As for whether this will make Ren Jia suffer, he will have to spend some extra money to settle Ren Jia or something.

This has never been a problem for Zhang Cheng.

Because Zhang Cheng is willing to spend every penny of his own on his own woman.

Of course, this is also what money is almost indifferent to Zhang Cheng.

After all, if Zhang Cheng wants to spend millions, he only needs to take out some 1-day and 10-day ginseng from the Tianchengjie space and sell them to a few old men.

It's so easy to come, so does Zhang Cheng need to care about money as much as his life?


Drive to the sixth courtyard.

Seeing Zhang Cheng coming, Ren Jia did not show any affection, but lowered her head in silence.

Because this man helped her take care of her grandfather who raised her since childhood, Ren Jia has decided in her heart that even if this man is a scumbag, he can only follow him.

But this does not mean that Ren Jia has any intimacy with Zhang Cheng.

Zhang Cheng is not surprised. At this time, he has to use his ability to lick up and down, lick left, lick right, lick before and after, lick softly and hard~www.readwn.com~ Let Jiajia open up her heart.

"Jiajia, how is Grandpa?" Zhang Cheng said softly.

Ren Jia shook her head. Since the Chinese New Year, when she found out that her father sold the storefront at home, her grandfather has been confused.

Even when he woke up, he was still confused.

If it wasn't for the care that Zhang Cheng invited, Ren Jia wouldn't know what to do alone.

And just when Zhang Cheng was about to comfort Ren Jia, a woman with heavy makeup rushed in.

"Ren Jia, hurry up and take out the money from your father's house sale!"

Looking at the toad-like woman in front of him, Zhang Cheng always felt a little familiar, and remembered it after a while.

Isn't this the manager of Kiki's company that I met before when I was dressed up?

This made Zhang Cheng sigh, the world is really small for him.

But what is the relationship between this woman and Ren Jia?

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