I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 173: ,thought

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Chapter 173, mind

Good guy, after listening to Qin Zhang's words, Zhang Cheng called him a good guy.

After all, just based on a few conversations on the phone, Mr. Yan could know that he was a little embarrassed.

At the same time, Zhang Cheng couldn't help but be glad that the old men didn't have bad intentions, at least they didn't have any intention of participating in this matter.

Otherwise, Zhang Cheng would definitely not be as comfortable as he is now.

This also made Zhang Cheng have a little more respect for the old men and less casualness.

Thanks to Qin Zhang, Zhang Cheng was not hypocritical, and felt that Qin Zhang's words underestimated him or something. Although the other party's words were very straightforward, it seemed that he was certain that he would have trouble with Mr. Yan in the future. But that's pretty much the truth.

After all, Zhang Cheng specified that he would trouble Mr. Yan and ask him to help him deal with some difficult things.

Back to Grandpa Ren's ward.

Ren Jia came over in a hurry.

"Is your money transferred wrong? I transferred it back to you."

Zhang Cheng was stunned when he heard the words, and touched the silly girl's head: "Just take the pocket money I gave you and use it."

A look of surprise flashed in Ren Jia's eyes, can you give it as much as you say?

"No, no, I don't have anything to use the money. I'll transfer it back to you. You can take it."

Ren Jia stubbornly didn't want to ask Zhang Cheng's money any more.

Zhang Cheng looked at Sister Nursing, took Ren Jia's little hand and found a secluded place, looking at Yi's little face in front of him, Zhang Cheng approached slowly.

Ren Jia resisted a little and wanted to retreat.

But how could Zhang Cheng let go of the flesh in his mouth and kissed it directly.

For a long time, the lips are divided.

Zhang Cheng likes the girl Ren Jia very much. She has the gentleness of a girl from a water town in the south of the Yangtze River, but she is not lacking in courage.

If Zhang Cheng could pursue such a wife as his in the past, he would have woken up from a dream.

It's a pity that now he's not what he used to be, Zhang Cheng can only live up to this one, and can't give her a complete home.

"I'm sorry." Zhang Cheng apologized softly for his romance.

Ren Jia put her hands on Zhang Cheng's chest, she didn't know what to do or what to do.

But just when her father sold her grandfather's shop, and even disappeared without a trace, causing her grandfather to faint again in anger, and when she was cornered, Zhang Cheng broke in like that.

If there was nothing extra, she directly arranged for her grandfather to obtain a better treatment environment, and hired a nurse to help her take care of her disabled grandfather.

Ren Jia felt that she could only follow this scumbag. After all, what else could she do?

But what I didn't expect was that this guy is really worthy of the name of a scumbag. There are other women, but why does he tease himself?

Ren Jia's heart was in chaos, but he could only acquiesce to such a situation.

Fortunately, Sister Qing told her something about herself and let Ren Jia know that although this scumbag is not a good thing, he is also extra gentle to women.

If so, so be it.

However, listening to Zhang Cheng's apology at this moment, Ren Jia still felt that she had received a trace of comfort.


Seeing Ren Jia's soft appearance, Zhang Cheng smiled and leaned over to kiss Ren Jia again.

Because Grandpa Ren's condition hasn't completely improved, Zhang Cheng can't do anything at this time, but it's okay to have a mouth addiction.

And at this moment, the sound of footsteps came.

It was a few nurses going up the stairs.

This makes Ren Jia a little panicked, after all, she really has no experience of being intimate with men in front of outsiders.

Seeing this, Zhang Cheng didn't force Ren Jia to do anything, and let go of his hand very wisely.

A few nurses carrying medical equipment and various medicines saw Zhang Cheng and Ren Jia in the stairwell, especially Ren Jia's face was blushing, and immediately understood what the two were doing before. Valley

This made one of the twenty-one or twenty-two-year-old nurses snicker.

When Ren Jia heard someone snickering, her pretty face became even redder, and she ran away.

Zhang Cheng didn't care how thick-skinned he was. Instead, he pretended to give the little nurse who was giggling fiercely, blaming her for ruining his good deeds.

After all, without this snickering, Ren Jia might not be able to leave, so after these little nurses leave, he can still kiss him a few more times.

The little nurse was not afraid of Zhang Cheng at all: "Humph~" Instead, she snorted arrogantly before leaving with her companions.

This made Zhang Cheng feel a little helpless.

Helping to take care of Grandpa Ren until evening, Zhang Cheng left.

After thinking about it, I called Wang Qing.

"What? Have you appeased your little lover?" Wang Qing teased.

"Hey, Qingqing, you know me, I like you the most." Zhang Cheng quickly sent sweet words.

"Don't, leave this to your Jiajia. I, an old woman, don't like to hear this." Wang Qing said.

Hearing this, what can Zhang Cheng do? He can only continue to laugh and be careful.

Fortunately, Wang Qing only talked about it and didn't care too much.

After all, she had long noticed that Zhang Cheng, the little man, was a big radish.

After reassuring Wang Qing, Zhang Cheng didn't intend to disturb the other party again, and after thinking about it, he came to the Daping floor.

Qiqi Lulu smokes Chen Fei, and her cousin Huanhuan brought back by Chen Fei after the Chinese New Year.

After doing the math, there are already five of Zhang Cheng's good friends here on the Daping floor.

As soon as he came here, Zhang Cheng was treated like an emperor, he didn't have to take off his shoes, let alone his clothes.

Tsk tsk, no wonder there have been so many deceitful kings and traitors since ancient times. It turns out that this feeling of being served by others is really quite refreshing~www.readwn.com~ Have you eaten? "Zhang Cheng looked around at the five girls and said.

Lulu held a spatula: "I'm doing it, Brother Cheng, what do you want to eat, I'll cook it for you."

"What have you done?" Zhang Cheng smiled and went to the kitchen with Lu Lu.

Seeing the women who also wanted to squeeze into the kitchen, Zhang Cheng simply reached out and turned off the gas stove.

After playing Happy Sixth Row, Zhang Cheng put on his pajamas and brought in the meals that were placed in front of the property one by one.

This was on the way to qualifying, and he took time out.

Some are already cold, while others have just been delivered.

Holding the petite Lu Lu in his arms, Zhang Cheng watched his good friends eat with different styles, and it was also a special feeling.

Gigi glanced at Lulu, a little jealous.

Among the several good friends on the flat floor, Brother Cheng obviously prefers Lulu.

Why? Is it because this woman is short?

Chen Fei frowned as she looked at Qiqi who was jealous of Lulu.

A man like Brother Cheng would never like any contradiction between them.

If Qiqi got into trouble, there would be no good fruit to eat, so Chen Fei thought about persuading Qiqi.

But after thinking about it, Chen Fei didn't plan to do it.

Because once Qiqi was kicked out by Brother Cheng, Yanyan would be her friend, Huanhuan would be her cousin, and Lulu would be better at fooling around. Fang Yan, who came here occasionally, didn't seem to live on the flat floor.

Then wouldn't it be said in the future that she would manage the Daping floor here?

And as long as the Daping floor can be managed well here, so that Brother Cheng can enjoy gentleness every time he comes, Chen Fei feels that she will definitely get more.


I'm so sorry, I pulled my hips. On the one hand, the previous manuscripts are exhausted, and on the other hand, I have been scratching my head in writing these days, and will resume normal updates later. . .

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