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Chapter 185, Gym

Zhang Cheng could feel that the little beauty Ji Yuqin was a little scared of him, so he didn't pretend to be close, and nodded indifferently.


Then Zhang Cheng left Zhao Shengnan's residence, ready to go to the gym.

The gym opened a few days ago, but Zhang Cheng was busy making tea, so he didn't go there, but according to the two sisters Yang Yu and Yang Xue who came back after participating, it was quite lively, and there were a lot of people applying for membership cards.

Zhang Cheng is not surprised by this, after all, the place was chosen well.

When I came to the gym, many young men and women were exercising.

Treadmills, spinning bikes, rowing machines, etc.


"Brother Cheng." Xu Fang saw Zhang Cheng from a distance and greeted him with enthusiasm.

"Where's Shengnan?" Zhang Cheng turned his head and looked around, but he didn't find Zhao Shengnan's figure exercising.

"Miss Sheng is upstairs, I'll lead you over there." Xu Fang said with a smile.

Before, she and Jin Lan only followed the sparring partner of Sister Sheng, but now they run a large-scale gym, and all of this is a benefit that the brother-in-law in front of him leaked out.

This also made her respect Zhang Cheng more and more.

At least now, if Zhao Shengnan wants to hit Zhang Cheng or something, Xu Fang specifies that he will stop her sister Sheng first, regardless of right or wrong.

After all, what if such a good brother-in-law was beaten and ran away.

Find another one somewhere.

"Don't be so polite, you are busy, I can go there myself." Zhang Cheng smiled lightly.

Zhang Cheng has long experienced the changes in Xu Fang and Jinlan's attitudes, but there is no such thing as superiority. After all, both of them are good sisters of Zhao Shengnan. Wouldn't it be embarrassing for him to do things here.

And in the final analysis, the hanging silk temperament in Zhang Cheng's character is not so easy to fade away.

In the past, Zhang Cheng did not have the feeling of being superior, and he will not have it in the future.

Xu Fang heard the words and nodded: "Okay, okay."

Looking at Xu Fang, who was somewhat reserved and no longer had the affectionate brother-in-law and brother-in-law used to call, Zhang Cheng felt a little regretful, but he didn't say much, and went upstairs to find Zhao Shengnan.

When he came to the second floor, he immediately saw Zhao Shengnan in a standard boxing ring, practicing with a girl.

When Zhang Cheng saw the girl opposite, he felt a little familiar, but after a moment of recollection, he realized that it was the girl who had fought with Zhao Shengnan in a boxing match before.

Although she was only eighteen or nineteen years old, her experience and skills were not inferior to Zhao Shengnan. At most, there are some differences in strength due to age.

Why is this guy in the gym? Zhang Cheng was a little puzzled, but he didn't ask any more questions. He came to the ring and watched the training on the ring with a few other people.

Probably because Zhang Cheng had already trained a lot before he came, so he stopped quickly.

"Looking back, I recommend you to try the training camp?" Zhao Shengnan looked at the girl with some envy.

The opponent's talent is much better than hers. If you go to the S city boxing training camp for a trial training, it may not be accepted.

When the girl heard the words, she seemed indifferent.

She just came out to work to earn some pocket money, but she did not expect to meet the opponent she had encountered in amateur competitions before.

And I heard he was the boss.

This made the girl Ni Xin a little envious. After all, if she had such a gym, she also practiced boxing, eating, drinking, and swimming every day, even if she played games in bed and woke up naturally, she would be happy.

Seeing the girl's lack of energy, Zhao Shengnan took off his boxing gloves and gave the little girl a head-scratcher.

"What are you doing! I don't want to have such a good talent as you, do you have it but don't cherish it?" Gu

"Yes, yes." Ni Xin reluctantly agreed, but the same was true in terms of motivation.

It made Zhao Shengnan very helpless.

If the opponent can train seriously, his current achievements will definitely not be just like this, and I am afraid that he may not be able to become a professional boxer.

Seeing this, Zhang Cheng touched his chin, although the other party had nothing to do with him, but seeing Zhao Shengnan's concerned appearance, he simply offered to help.

"In this way, you can be recorded in the training revenue, then I will reward you 10,000 yuan every month, how about it?"

Zhao Shengnan frowned when he heard Zhang Cheng throwing coins.

Ni Xin's eyes lit up: "Who are you?" He was obviously worried that Zhang Cheng was some kind of inexplicable person and would not be able to fulfill his promise in the future.

But in the blink of an eye, Ni Xin recognized Zhang Cheng.

"Oh, you are Sister Sheng's boyfriend, right? Yes! I promise! But you can't go back!" Ni Xin said excitedly. 10,000 bucks.

How much delicious food can I eat, how much I can eat, and how many things I want?

Thinking of that picturesque future, Ni Xin decided that she must enter the training camp.

"Sign a contract with her first." Zhang Cheng reminded softly when he saw Zhao Shengnan's frown.

Zhao Shengnan was a little surprised to hear that, some gyms, coaches, etc. would indeed find and cultivate some good seedlings with sports expertise, and then reap the benefits when the other party achieves something.

Is this what Zhang Cheng had in mind?

In that case, Zhao Shengnan simply stopped stopping him.

After a certain amount of training, Zhao Shengnan and Xu Fangjinlan explained a few words before leaving the gym with Zhang Cheng~www.readwn.com~ What to eat at night? "Zhang Cheng said while holding Zhao Shengnan's hand.

One thing to say, Zhao Shengnan's hands are very different from the delicate little hands of ordinary girls because of physical exercise all the year round.

If he didn't look at his face, Zhang Cheng thought he was holding a man's hand.

But there is no way, if you like it, you like it. Zhang Cheng is still very rare for a silly woman like Zhao Shengnan, and he will definitely not separate because of the other party's hand.

When playing ranked at most, find something to tie these hands to the head of the bed, out of sight and out of mind.

"Everything is fine." Zhao Shengnan said while brushing the broken hair in his ear.

After following this lascivious dwarf, although she was destined to share this guy with other women, her life has undergone a qualitative change.

Don't worry about money anymore.

Even the two sisters who defected to her were well settled by Zhang Cheng.

So even if he knew that Zhang Cheng had another woman, he was dragged by Zhang Cheng, the lecherous little dwarf, to be in four rows with Yang Yu and Yang Xue's twin sisters.

Zhao Shengnan was not dissatisfied.

After all, she got a lot, and Zhang Cheng, a lascivious dwarf, didn't have any bullying or arrogance outside of the rankings, so he was very fond of her.

This is especially satisfying to Zhao Shengnan.

"How's the steak?" Zhang Cheng said.

"Okay." Zhao Shengnan simply agreed.

Although she still maintains a lot of exercise even after being persuaded to withdraw from the training camp, she needs to pay strict attention to her diet, but occasionally eating some delicious food other than sports meals does not affect her.

The two came to a western restaurant that Zhang Cheng had ticked in his heart before.

After eating happily, he returned to Zhao Shengnan's residence.

Looking at the tall and vigorous body in front of him, Zhang Cheng couldn't hold back.

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