I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 194: ,House

Chapter 194, the house

Mr. Yan Xu looked at Zhang Cheng who was surprised and smiled softly.

"How can you really take your red sandalwood, the money for building a house is about the same, I will help you out."

Zhang Cheng was stunned when he heard the words, the value of his small leaf rosewood was actually the same.

After all, it wasn't the hottest years in the past.

If it was in those years, the piece of land that Zhang Cheng took a fancy to, might not be able to exchange his piece of wood.

It's a pity that these days are different.

Although the price of lobular rosewood is still very high, the age of crazy wood is over. It is impossible to change the land, and it may not even be enough to build a house.

"No, that won't work, Uncle Yan, it's already very troublesome to ask you to help buy land. I can't trouble you with anything about building a house." Zhang Cheng said quickly.

One thing to say, the 170 million land purchase is far beyond Zhang Cheng's expectations. However, the location of the plot is good, and the surrounding facilities and environment are also good.

So expensive is more expensive, and if you pay 20 million or 30 million a year, there is no pressure on Zhang Cheng, it is just to spend a little less.

As for building a house, although the cost will not exceed 50 million, if Mr. Yan can help out the money, he will take too much advantage of this man.

After Mr. Yan finished Zhang Cheng's words, he smiled lightly and said, "Xiao Cheng, although you may not care, I have to apologize to you, old man."

"Where did this come from?" Zhang Heng wondered.

Mr. Yan smiled again and said, "When we first met, I inevitably saved a little bit of underestimating the old man, so I used money to smash people and took the initiative to raise the price."

"The idea is to raise your own value in order to get more good things from you."

"Master, I don't want to listen to what you said." Zhang Cheng interrupted Master Yan impolitely.

"What is smashing people? At that time, you took the initiative to increase the price, and I was willing to do so. As for the 60-year-old ginseng sold to you later, I also agreed with the price you gave."

"Why are you talking about this again?" Zhang Cheng finished his words like a cannonball.

Mr. Yan was not angry when he was interrupted, and even smiled.

"You don't care, it's Xiao Cheng who has a big heart, but I feel a little indebted to the old man."

Speaking of 10,000 and 10,000, Zhang Cheng actually started his career.

If Zhang Cheng is still in the same state of eating, drinking, playing, and roaming casually.

Mr. Yan would also help Zhang Cheng find a piece of land to buy it and fulfill his promise, even if he repaid Zhang Cheng's favor.

However, Zhang Cheng had the idea of ​​doing some business, and started the trade in wolfberry, although for them, the wolfberry in Ningxian County was a big thing. But is Zhang Cheng satisfied with only the wolfberry business?

Mr. Yan thinks not.

Therefore, Zhang Cheng may not be able to compete with them in the future, especially the key point is that Zhang Cheng is still very young.

Therefore, the previous approach seemed petty.

That's why I took the initiative to propose to use the material of lobular rosewood to build a house today.

Zhang Cheng frowned slightly when he heard the words, somewhat aware of the change in the old man's attitude towards him.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Zhang Cheng said, "Uncle Yan, if you really use the money from red sandalwood to help me build a house, it would really be a slap in the face. Well, the money you help me build a house will be counted between me and the land purchaser. I'll lend you the money together, what do you think?"

After listening to Zhang Cheng's proposal, Mr. Yan thought for a moment, and finally nodded.

"Okay, since Xiao Cheng wants to do it, then that's it."

Zhang Cheng smiled lightly, and chatted with the old man about building the house. He didn't stay here with the old man Yan, and left after taking a few sets of construction plans.

Isn't the old man a little stupid for Mr. Yan to help him buy land and build a house.

Let's put it this way, if Zhang Cheng can't pay the bills in the future, or pulls his hips, then it's hard to say whether the surname is Zhang or Yan.

Holding several sets of architectural plans, Zhang Cheng likes it more and more.

Zhang Cheng especially liked the renderings of one of the two underground garages and the tenth floor of the main building.

Because this plan uses almost all of the 1,100-square-meter plot, it is in line with Zhang Cheng's idea of ​​'diligence and thrift'.

"What is this? Are you going to build a house?" After get off work, Wang Qing was surprised to see that Zhang Cheng was not entangled. Then he found that Zhang Cheng was actually studying some architectural drawings, and couldn't help but wonder.

When Zhang Cheng heard that, he looked at Nan Nan who was doing his homework, and was too embarrassed to be intimate with Wang Qing, but just nodded.

"Yes, I've got a plot of land and I'm going to build an apartment building so everyone can live together."

Listening to Zhang Cheng expressing his ambitions, Wang Qing gave Zhang Cheng a blank look and changed his clothes to cook.

This beautiful lawyer sister can not only go to the hall, but also to the kitchen, but she can't let go of it on the bed. Has a youthful incompatibility with age.

However, Zhang Cheng can feel the beauty that this intertwining of maturity and innocence can bring.

Naturally, he wouldn't ask Wang Qing what to do if he didn't understand the style.

As long as his women maintain their "self", Zhang Cheng is satisfied.

Soon, the family of three had dinner and went to bed after washing up.

Zhang Cheng also went back to the bedroom with Wang Qing.

"How many floors do you want?" Zhang Cheng took the architectural plan he finally selected, which was also the one with twelve floors above ground. Asked his beautiful lawyer sister.

Wang Qing glanced at Zhang Cheng. This man's question is really a little difficult to answer.

Say no, this is a house, why don't you want it.

But if you want, it is designated to live with Zhang Cheng's Yingyingyanyan.

This made Wang Qing somewhat reluctant.

"How about you and Jiajia live on the first floor?" Zhang Cheng suddenly asked again.

Wang Qing couldn't help being angry and funny when he heard this, but Zhang Cheng suddenly changed his tune, that is to say, if there was one on the first floor~www.readwn.com~ His women couldn't fit in this building?

After all, Wang Qing knew that during this period of time, this little man was unusually generous. So the reason for changing his mouth is basically impossible to be reluctant, and in addition to this, the most likely reason is that this little man, Zhang Cheng, has too many women.

Ten floors are not enough. That's why she was allowed to live on the same floor with Ren Jia.

However, Wang Qing didn't say anything. After looking at the architectural drawings, he probably knew the situation of the apartment building to be built.

Covering an area of ​​almost 1,100 square meters, there are two floors of underground garages and ten floors above ground.

The specific role of each layer can still be adjusted to some extent.

This made Wang Qing a little scared by Zhang Cheng's handwriting. Needless to say, if this apartment building is really built, wouldn’t it be worth nearly 1 billion? !

"I like the sixth floor, you can ask Jiajia when you come back." Wang Qing took a few deep breaths to let the beating heart beating a little, and then thought for a moment.

Seeing that the beautiful lawyer sister had selected the floor, Zhang Cheng smiled and blacked out the sixth floor part of the renderings with an oil-based pen.

"Where's the floor plan? Let's see how you plan to do it?" Zhang Cheng took the floor plan from the other side.

The building area is 1100 square meters, so almost every floor has this area.

Although there will be stairs, elevators, etc. that take up some area. But how much space can these functional facilities take up?

And even if Wang Qing and Ren Jia live together on this floor, it will be a full 500 square meters evenly divided!

With such a large area, the type of apartment naturally needs to be carefully selected, and even if you are not satisfied, you have to find someone to redesign it.

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