I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 196: , Ren Jia

Chapter 196, Ren Jia

Had a delicious dinner at a hotel.

Zhang Cheng and Zhao Shengnan returned to her residence.

Zhang Cheng glanced at the ginseng wine he had prepared for this silly woman, but found that there were not many. After blinking her eyes, she somewhat understood that this silly woman also gave Ni Xin the medicinal wine.

The silly woman is generous.

Zhang Cheng will use two 10-day fresh ginseng to make ginseng wine in a 10-pound glass jar. After the external price has risen, the value of only these two ginseng is 3.2 million. This is not to mention the spirit grass-level ginseng whisker that Zhang Chengduo added.

If you count this, the cost of this can of ginseng wine cannot be calculated.

However, Zhang Cheng didn't say much.

It doesn't matter if there are no conditions. Since there are, as long as Zhao Shengnan is willing, Zhang Cheng's side doesn't matter.

After all, in addition to being lecherous, he has always been generous to his women.

"I, this... I'm sorry, I gave the ginseng wine to Xinxin without discussing it with you." Zhao Shengnan said a little nervously.

She also knew that the ginseng sold by Zhang Cheng was very valuable.

Seeing this, Zhang Cheng touched his chin, sat down in a big way, and found a short video of the young lady twisting and turning.

"You give me a twist too, and I'll forgive you."


Fist hard!

Zhao Shengnan looked at Zhang Cheng's mobile phone, the young lady who was wiggling around in thin clothes, and gritted his teeth with hatred, but... who told her to justify the loss.

Therefore, Zhao Shengnan could only learn from the young lady and start twisting in the end.

After all, he maintained high-intensity training, and Zhao Shengnan learned quite fast.

Zhang Cheng didn't expect that Zhao Shengnan would actually be willing, especially with his reluctant, shy and timid expression twisting his figure, Zhang Cheng's harassment didn't stay.


Zhang Cheng directly charged with a hungry tiger.

A half-time break after qualifying.

Zhao Shengnan shrank in Zhang Cheng's arms.

"Showtime failed the training camp test."

It is not surprising that Zhang Cheng heard this. There are many people in China who want to become boxers. Even if Ni Xin's talent is very good, it is not so easy to enter the S city boxing training camp for training.

After all, Zhang Cheng asked Mr. Yan before to get a place for Zhao Shengnan.

"Let me look for a relationship?" Zhang Cheng said.

However, Zhao Shengnan shook his head: "No, I have also been trained in the training camp, so I know a little about the training methods in it. During this time, pay close attention to Xinxin's training and try again next time." After passing the test, Then you can enter the training camp for free training, but if you find a relationship to enter the training camp for training, on the one hand, it will cost a lot of money. In addition, if you enter the training camp too easily, that lazy girl may not cherish the opportunity.

Zhang Cheng can feel that Zhao Shengnan has slightly transferred his love and expectations for boxing to that unlucky girl Ni Xin.

So although it will cost a lot, Zhang Cheng also intends to support.

For nothing else, as long as Zhao Shengnan, a foolish woman, reduces his training intensity.

When this silly woman was training, it was a desperate effort.

Chatting, just when Zhang Cheng was about to start the second round, he found that Zhao Shengnan had fallen asleep.

This made Zhang Cheng sympathetically kiss Zhao Shengnan, and did not bother her any more.

The next day, Zhao Shengnan finished his morning exercise. As usual, he brought back some steamed buns for Zhang Cheng, and then went to the gym to train on his own.

Even though this woman knew that her chances of becoming a professional boxer were low, Zhang Cheng especially liked her stubborn stubbornness that she still did not give up.

After all, he has the temperament to give up when he encounters a little setback, especially from Zhao Shengnan, he can feel the invaluable perseverance, and he has been infected a lot, making him not so easy to give up.

So practice if you want.

After getting up to wash up, Zhang Cheng came to the hospital.

After a period of treatment, Grandpa Ren's physical condition has improved a lot, but as he gets older, his confusion has not improved much.

"The old man's physical condition is very good, and he can be discharged from the hospital." said the attending physician of the responsible grandpa.

This made Ren Jia's eyes flash with joy.

"Then leave the hospital." Zhang Cheng followed happily, and then dealt with matters related to discharge from the hospital.

Previously, Grandpa Ren's shop was a storefront on the first floor and a house on the second floor, which has now been sold. It really didn't even have a place to live.

Fortunately, Zhang Cheng found an intermediary, and soon rented a house near Laojie Antique Market.

Nursing elder sister looked at the four rooms and two halls in front of her, and couldn't help being a little stunned.

She knew that Ren Jia's boyfriend who didn't appear often was rich, but she didn't expect to be so rich. Found such a good place.

After setting up the old man, Zhang Cheng asked the elder sister to take care of the elder sister and the helper she found, the elder sister's sister-in-law, and the two to take care of the old man.

He went to Antique Street with Ren Jia to see, and was going to find a shop for her to manage bracelets.

It's just that the business here in Antique Street is very good, and the shop was a little hard to find for a while. After asking the intermediary to help pay attention, Zhang Cheng and Ren Jia returned to their residence.

Ren Jia went to prepare dinner.

"Late, are you still going at night?" When Ren Jia was cutting vegetables, he looked at Zhang Cheng who was helping to choose vegetables not far away, and his voice was like the chirping of mosquitoes.

It's just a pity that Zhang Cheng's ears are so good, he can hear it clearly and grin directly.

"No, not going."

Ren Jia blushed like blood, and felt that she was very shameless~www.readwn.com~ But Zhang Cheng treated her like this, and she had nothing to repay except for this.

In the evening, the elder sister stayed to help take care of the old man.

After Zhang Cheng took a shower, he came to Ren Jia's boudoir.

Then I was pleasantly surprised to find that Ren Jia was still a child.

Although this made Zhang Cheng need to be extra careful and cherished, Zhang Cheng was still quite happy.

At the end of the qualifying, Zhang Cheng hugged Ren Jia, the elegant beauty, and whispered love words.

Just took such a big advantage, turned around and fell asleep? That Zhang Cheng was too blind.

And listening to Zhang Cheng's continuous love words, Ren Jia felt a little bit better, although he still had some pain.

After all, this man was quite gentle just now.

After another moment, Ren Jia breathed lightly and fell asleep.

Zhang Cheng carefully helped Ren Jiaye to sleep well, and slept contentedly.

The next day, Ren Jia woke up and saw Zhang Cheng beside him, her pretty face flushed.

"Awake?" Zhang Cheng said softly.

"En." Ren Jia's voice sounded like mosquitoes.

Zhang Cheng smiled lightly, without teasing Ren Jia, who had just transformed from a girl to a woman, and got up to prepare breakfast.

Nursing eldest sister is someone who has come here. Seeing Ren Jia's shy and timid appearance, she knows everything, but she is happy to see it.

Because not to mention other things, just because Zhang Cheng paid Ren Jia's grandfather a doctor without being stingy, it can be seen that this man is quite responsible.

After breakfast, Zhang Cheng considered whether to help Ren Jia buy back the old antique shop.

I didn't know that Ren Jia was actually a child, so Zhang Cheng didn't pay attention. After all, helping Ren Jia to take care of Grandpa Ren is enough to deceive her, so why bother.

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