I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 199: ,superstitious

Chapter 199, Superstition

Although he was already refreshed after eating the meat, Zhang Cheng was still a little confused.

After all, what happened?

How could Aunt Mei do this? It's a bit unreasonable anyway.

Zhou Yun smiled lightly when he saw Zhang Cheng's puzzled eyes. She did this for a few reasons.

One, her younger brother Zhang is quite reliable. Although they haven't been together for a long time, Zhou Yun still has some confidence in his own vision, and Zhang Cheng can be regarded as someone who can be trusted. Two, because of previous experiences, men with good conditions look down on Zeng Li, and men with poor conditions, Zeng Li, are also unwilling to follow suit. And Zeng Li was one year older than her, already in her forties. Are you going to be alone? If it was before meeting Zhang Cheng before, it would be okay to save some money and support each other. But isn't there Zhang Cheng now?

As for these reasons, there are also reasons why Zhou Yun can't handle Zhang Cheng himself, this little brother Zhang is too clingy. Let Zeng Li help herself share.

And these are the thoughts of Zhou Yun himself, but subconsciously, Zhou Yun may not have revenge on Zeng Li for this scumbag, so he gave her away so easily.

Although Zeng Li is so meek now, she knows that she is willing to be revengeful.

His thoughts turned instantly, and Zhou Yun closed his ears: "Can't you be cheap?"

Zhang Cheng heard the words and looked at Zeng Li.

Okay, why not.

Although this person is also at the age of an aunt, she is well maintained and looks about the same age as Wang Qing, especially her charming and charming body.

Besides, Zeng Li's appearance is not bad.

Zhang Cheng was playing with something, and then he started to move.

On the left is Aunt Mei, and on the right is Zeng Li, who just got it. Of course, it is impossible to endure it. Jumped directly.

It wasn't until midnight that Zhang Cheng was satisfied.

And this also made Zhou Yun regret not falling for a second before falling asleep. After all, when she was alone, Zhang Cheng was not able to toss so much.

How could this beautiful aunt think that when she was alone, Zhang Chengke kept pouring water.

The next day, Zhou Yun woke up with the kind of soreness all over his body from excessive exercise.

But in the same way, satisfaction and pleasure flow from the bottom of my heart like spring water.

With a helpless smile, Zhou Yun glanced at Zhang Cheng and Zeng Li, who were still sleeping soundly beside him. He really owed these two enemies.

After a while, Zhang Cheng woke up and found that Aunt Mei was not there, but there was movement in the bathroom, presumably Aunt Mei had gone to take a shower, and then looked at Zeng Li, who was still sleeping with his arm on his back, and kissed him.

When Zeng Li was woken up, Zhang Cheng naturally wouldn't let go of the very beneficial opportunity of morning exercise.

Zhou Yun, who was taking a bath, sensed the movement outside, which made her really dumbfounded. I thought I had found a foreign aid for myself, but I didn't expect it to add fuel to the fire.

After the morning exercise, Zeng Li's mind was a little dazed.

I have never seen anything like this.

Seeing Zeng Li's confused appearance, Zhang Cheng didn't dislike anything, and helped Zeng Li wash it together.

After breakfast, the nanny sister didn't know what to say. After all, isn't this President Zhou's boyfriend? Why are you sticky with Mr. Zeng?

"Don't go out and talk nonsense, I will give you a salary of 2,000 a month." Zhou Yun explained lightly.

"Yes." The nanny hurriedly agreed.

Zhou Yun ate breakfast and didn't care about it anymore. He went out to work. After all, Gan Ping has just been established, and there are still many things that she needs to keep an eye on.

Zhang Cheng was somewhat embarrassed. After all, Aunt Mei helped him busy, but he was messing around at Aunt Mei's house.

This is not good.

So I hurriedly brought Zeng Li out.

"Are you going home or what?" Zhang Cheng looked at Zeng Li and asked.

Zeng Li was much better-behaved in front of Zhang Cheng today, she hesitated after hearing the words and said, "I-I want to move here."

At this age, no matter how reserved and self-love, you can already make concessions for love.

As for whether the relationship between her and Zhang Cheng is love, Zeng Li thinks it is possible.

Zhang Cheng blinked his eyes when he heard this, a little unsuitable for Aunt Mei's straightforwardness.

"What's wrong?" Zeng Li said coquettishly.

"You have to ask Sister Yun." Zhang Cheng said.

"Well, okay." Zeng Li smiled slightly.

When she came to Gan Ping, Aunt Mei had already worked hard to deal with a lot of work.

Zhang Cheng didn't bother the man who worked hard for him, and came to his office to continue reading the report.

Reading the report yesterday, Zhang Cheng knew that Aunt Mei had done a lot these days.

1. More than 70 tons of wolfberry were purchased.

Although it is not the season of wolfberry production, the dried wolfberry can still be stored, so many people will dry the wolfberry, store it for a period of time, and sell it when the price is right.

So as long as you want to buy, you can still buy a lot of wolfberry.

This is also the main source of Ganping's current profit.

2. Standardize the wolfberry brand in Ningxian County. Now, except for the wolfberry produced here in Ganping, which can use the brand of 'Ningxian' wolfberry, any other brand is no longer allowed to use.

Doing so is undoubtedly domineering. However, if Zhang Cheng wants to master the trade of wolfberry in Ningxian County, it is also necessary to monopolize the brand of wolfberry in Ningxian County.

Otherwise, a healthy Ningxian wolfberry will be produced today, and a strong Ningxian wolfberry will be produced tomorrow. The key is that these brands made by unknown people have uneven product quality.

Consumers can't tell the difference between these brands, and they only think that Ningxian wolfberry is garbage. This in turn affects Gan Ping's side. So tough or domineering.

The brand of Ningxian wolfberry is sure to be monopolized.

And Aunt Mei was able to do such a thing, which surprised Zhang Cheng the most.

This also reminded Zhang Cheng of what Aunt Mei told him before about introducing state-owned assets to Gan Ping.

At that time, Zhang Cheng didn't quite understand the significance of such an approach, but now he understands it.

After all, to integrate the wolfberry brand in Ningxian County, in addition to the influence factors of wolfberry merchants, the pressure from the government is the biggest.

Now, with the attribute of state-owned assets, it can have a relative influence on the brand, so the pressure in this regard will naturally be eliminated.

Although this operation sounds simple, it is definitely not easy to implement.

After all, how to lobby for the participation of state-owned assets, the equity distribution after the participation of state-owned assets, and the daily management after the introduction of state-owned assets requires wisdom in all aspects.

And Aunt Mei is obviously doing very well now.

Zhang Cheng couldn't help but sigh, his luck was really good. To be able to get such a wise helper as Aunt Mei.

While sighing, Zhang Cheng continued to look at the report.

Learn, what else can I do.

As for wanting to make a career with money~www.readwn.com~ or wanting to make a career with technology, it doesn't mean that it can't be done. But it is unlikely to get what you want.

Because doing business is not an easy thing. Especially if you want to have a certain scale, it is even more difficult.

It requires a lot of factors, maybe games, maybe judgment, maybe network, maybe communication, maybe integration ability, maybe leadership, maybe other aspects.

In addition, perhaps more important is a little luck.

This is also one of the fundamental reasons why many businessmen, even big businessmen who are worth millions, ask God to ask the Buddha and even believe in them.

It's not that they are just ordinary people who are stupid and believe in these illusory things, but they are sometimes very evil.

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