I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 203: , delicate

Chapter 203, Delicate

Then Lei Zhun felt that he had been tricked.

Because at present, this supermarket that has not yet opened is only him, and the boss in front of him? !

"Look back and I'll find you a finance, now you need to find a place for our supermarket." Zhang Cheng said.

Looking at the excessively young boss in front of him, Lei Zhun hesitated for a moment and then nodded: "Okay." He happily agreed.

On the other hand, Zhang Cheng nodded with satisfaction. This feels right. He has to do everything by himself, so how can he go about it?

As for financial candidates, Zhang Cheng also has goals. That is Chen Fei.

It's not that Zhang Cheng can trust this good friend, but at present, there are only a few good friends he can trust.

The talent pool is seriously lacking.

And Chen Fei seems to be an accountant?

This is somewhat of a match.

Even if Chen Fei can't do well, then come back to the talent market to find a professional finance and let Chen Fei be in charge of supervision, that should be fine.

After thinking about it, Zhang Cheng called Chen Fei.

Chen Fei, who was on the other side of the phone, heard that Zhang Cheng asked her to do supermarket finance. She was a little confused for a while. Why did she ask her to do supermarket finance?

But after hearing that the supermarket was opened by Zhang Cheng, Chen Fei agreed immediately.

After all, her current life has proved how wise her previous actions were.

In short, it is enough to hold this thigh tightly.

After dealing with these trivial matters, Zhang Cheng came to the gym.

Zhao Shengnan was a little puzzled about this lecherous little dwarf going back and forth.

"What are you doing?"

"Me? I'm going to open a supermarket and go to the talent market to recruit." Zhang Cheng smiled.

Zhao Shengnan was a little surprised when he heard the words, then nodded with a look of relief on his face, and even felt emotional in his heart, the prodigal son has finally turned back, it's not easy.

This made Zhang Cheng frown after seeing it: "What is your expression?"

"It's nothing, don't think about it, it has nothing to do with you." Zhao Shengnan said three times with one click.

Zhang Cheng couldn't do anything if he didn't believe it. After all, he couldn't beat this woman, so he simply found a piece of equipment and trained for a while.

It was after 6 o'clock in the evening, when we were going to leave with Zhao Shengnan, we saw Xu Fang and Jinlan who were still busy.

"How much are the two girls now?"

"The basic salary is 3,500, mainly commission. According to the current situation, it looks like you can get around 15,000 in a month." Zhao Shengnan said.

Zhang Cheng was a little surprised to hear that, no wonder these two girls are working so hard now.

Their gym can have this income as soon as it opens. After a long time, if they can retain old customers and attract new customers, won’t their monthly wages take off?

"Ni Xin, go back and continue practicing until eight o'clock in the evening!" Zhao Shengnan turned his head and saw Ni Xin, who was about to slip away quietly, and frowned and said sternly.

When Ni Xin's girl heard the words, her face suddenly became bitter: "Sister, you are leaving, and I have been practicing for a day~"

"Continue to practice! Do you still want to fail when you go to trial training next time?" Zhao Shengnan showed no mercy.

Ni Xin was stunned when she heard the words. Apparently, she didn't feel good when she failed the trial training, so she went back to continue training silently.

This made Zhao Shengnan nodded in satisfaction.

Zhang Cheng couldn't help but admire Zhao Shengnan's obedience to the little girl's lesson.

Then go home with Zhao Shengnan for dinner.

There's no way, it's okay to have a good meal with this silly woman occasionally, but if you want to eat delicious food outside, it's just a dream.

As long as it is about boxing, there is no compromise with Zhao Shengnan.

Seeing Zhang Cheng eating fruit with him, Zhao Shengnan smiled lightly and said something in Zhang Cheng's ear.

When Zhang Cheng heard the words, he didn't feel that the fruit could only be stuffed between his teeth, so he ate the sea and stuffed it.

Among Zhang Cheng's women at present, Zhao Shengnan is the strongest character, which is probably related to her long-term persistence in exercising.

It is for this reason that Zhao Shengnan has always refused to admit defeat.

This was also manifested when the two played in the rankings. After all, if he hadn't always thought about fighting back, Zhao Shengnan wouldn't have fallen asleep after qualifying.

Then it's cool.

After a few months of getting along, Zhang Cheng finally slowly opened the hearts of his women.

This also made Zhang Cheng gradually experience all kinds of tastes such as tameness, stubbornness, enthusiasm, and softness.

So on closer inspection, the root of Zhang Cheng's lack of waves is here. After all, with such a variety of charms, who can resist.

Zhang Cheng couldn't stand it anyway.

The next day, Zhang Cheng came to Ren Jia.

After transferring this girl to an adult last time, Zhang Cheng patted his **** for many days. No matter what you say, it's a scumbag.

So after coming here this time, Zhang Cheng behaved diligently. He brought tea and water to Grandpa Ren, and contributed money to buy things. Anyway, he had to eliminate Ren Jia, the elegant girl. dissatisfaction. .

Although Ren Jia knew that Zhang Cheng was scumbag, she disappeared for so many days after that, to be honest, how could she not have any resentment in her heart. But Zhang Cheng helped her so much, no matter how wronged she was in her heart, she had to endure it.

However, after seeing Zhang Cheng's cautious appearance, Ren Jia was somewhat comforted.

I already knew he was a scumbag, didn't he?

The only thing is that it's not bad. Zhang Cheng is not the kind of **** that is **** to the end, and he is quite responsible.

At night, set up Grandpa Ren.

Zhang Cheng followed up with Ren Jia's boudoir.

Compared with the last time I just moved in, there are a lot of things in the room this time~www.readwn.com~ The most are books, all kinds of books.

The Four Books and Five Classics will not be mentioned. Various ancient documents, the history of various dynasties, and the customs at that time are many things that Zhang Cheng has never heard of.

There are even many manuscripts.

This made Zhang Cheng a little afraid to come out, and carefully put the book back into the distance, for fear of being damaged a little bit.

"No, there's no need for that." Ren Jia looked a little funny, although it's right to cherish books, but this is still a bit excessive.

"In the future, these will be handed down to the family." Zhang Cheng said solemnly.

This sentence immediately made Ren Jia blushed.

"Who, who wants to inherit your family from you."

Zhang Cheng pretended to be shocked when he heard the words: "Ah? You, who are you going to inherit the family from?"

When Ren Jia heard Zhang Cheng's words, she couldn't help but be stunned, and she was inevitably a little flustered, lest Zhang Cheng think that she was something.

However, when he saw Zhang Cheng's playful face, he didn't know that he was being tricked, so he turned his back in embarrassment and annoyance.

Zhang Cheng teased Ren Jia, stopped immediately, and hugged Ren Jia gently.

"Feel sorry."

Ren Jia heard the more meaning of the apology, and knew that Zhang Cheng was not for the joke just now, but for what he owed him.

In particular, the temperature of this embrace made Ren Jia feel that her heart was scalded.

"En." Ren Jia shyly accepted Zhang Cheng's apology.

Zhang Cheng pecked Ren Jia's pretty face, this woman is so deceiving, he must cherish it.

Thinking of this, Zhang Cheng cautiously started the ranking with Ren Jia as if he was taking care of fragile porcelain.

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