I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 210: ,Learn

Chapter 210, Learning

However, after opening the door, Zhang Cheng felt a little better, as he had furniture such as refrigerators and air conditioners.

At least it's much better than Zhao Shengnan's.

He readily bet one and paid three, and rented a house.

When Li Lan was renting a house in Zhang Cheng, he returned to his residence and closed the door tightly.

Obviously, he was very disgusted with Zhang Cheng's entanglement.

Zhang Cheng is not surprised by this. He is not handsome and his personality is not humorous. He can attract the attention of girls, and even make girls who he just met fall in love with him.

And this is also the reason why Zhang Cheng tolerated his ex-girlfriend so much.

After all, Zhang Cheng was nothing before he obtained the Tianchengjie space.

The ex-girlfriend can be with him, it can be regarded as a good deed.

However, he was disgusted by Li Lan, but Zhang Cheng was not anxious. He came to the room he had just rented and sat down, and opened the book "Business Model" that he had just purchased at Li Lan's suggestion.

Just looking through it roughly, Zhang Cheng felt that this book would help him a little bit. Now, after looking at it carefully, there are indeed a lot of reminders and benefits.

It's just the same, some of these terms also make Zhang Cheng, who has not finished high school, very difficult to read.

After watching for a while, Zhang Cheng simply closed the book, went out, came to the opposite side, and knocked lightly on Li Lan's door.

Li Lan was in the room, already immersed in the sea of ​​books.

She has loved reading since she was a child, and this hobby has been with her since she can remember, through elementary school, junior high school, high school, and university.

until now.

This is also the reason why she will become an employee of the bookstore, because she can buy some old books in the bookstore that cannot be sold but are flipped through at a fairly cheap price.

You can also borrow many books from the bookstore for free.

Otherwise, her income alone would not be able to support her hobbies.

Books may sound inexpensive after all, but many of them are quite expensive.

Then Li Lan heard a knock on the door, which made Li Lan frown a little, and after a little thought, he knew that it was the inexplicable man named Zhang Cheng.

He deliberately ignored it, but Zhang Cheng's patience was obviously good, and he knocked on the door a few times.

This made Li Lan sigh helplessly, closed the book, and then went to open the door.

Seeing Li Lan open the door, Zhang Cheng returned with a bright smile.

"What's the matter?" Li Lan asked helplessly when I asked ~www.readwn.com~ I didn't understand a few words very well, and I wanted to ask you. "Zhang Cheng said with a smile.

"What word?" Li Lan said.

Zhang Cheng took the opportunity to step on his feet and looked at Li Lan's room, and was quite surprised.

All books.

In the small living room, next to the wall is a row of bookshelves, and after an aisle that can be turned around, there are two rows of bookshelves visiting back-to-back, then another set of back-to-back bookshelves, and then a row of bookshelves leaning against another wall. .

There are a total of six rows of bookshelves, each row of bookshelves has five layers up and down, and a length of 3 meters, filled with various books. Roughly, there may be thousands of various books here.

Zhang Cheng thought for a while, and ignoring Li Lan who frowned, he squeezed into Li Lan's house a little tough. Then he looked at the library in front of him in amazement.

"Is this a library? How many books are there?"

Seeing that Zhang Cheng was so impolite, Li Lan ignored it, but after hesitating, he said, "A total of 2,743 copies."

"Tsk tsk, amazing." Zhang Cheng was quite impressed and looked at the books on the shelf.

There are poems, prose, novels, and various professional books.

There are many categories of total points.

"What's the matter with you?" Li Lan became impatient when he saw that Zhang Cheng was planning to visit.

"I want to ask what this word means." Zhang Cheng said, opening the book and pointing to a word in the book.

Li Lan took a step back in discomfort.

Why didn't Zhang Cheng say the words that made him a little confused? Isn't it just creating an opportunity for two people to get close.

How could Li Lan step back and continue approaching without knowing it.

Seeing this, Li Lan was a little helpless, but he could only follow Zhang Cheng's instructions and look at the book.

And seeing Zhang Cheng's "value proposition", is there anything difficult to understand about this word?

"The general meaning of this word is that what is meaningful to customers can also be regarded as the real needs of customers." Li Lan could only quickly explain to Zhang Cheng, hoping that this inexplicable guy can quickly Click to leave.

After listening to Li Lan's explanation, Zhang Cheng reconsidered with the context of the book, and gained some insights.

The contents of this "Business Model" are very basic aspects of starting a business and doing business that need to be paid attention to. It is especially helpful to Zhang Cheng.

But it's a pity that Zhang Cheng was not serious in his studies before, he didn't even go to university, he didn't learn many things and didn't understand, and after he entered the society, he didn't recharge himself, and he was even more confused.

Opening a few more pages, Zhang Cheng followed his memory to find the next word that he didn't quite understand.

Li Lan could only look again and explain to Zhang Cheng.

One question and one answer, Zhang Cheng didn't read much in total, so there wasn't much that he didn't understand.

So Li Lan quickly solved Zhang Cheng's question.

"Thank you, then I won't bother you." Zhang Cheng finished ~www.readwn.com~ and went back to read the part that was answered just now.

This made Li Lan a little surprised. This inexplicable guy is not messing around randomly, but did he ask if he really didn't understand?

Back at the place he rented, Zhang Cheng began to read, and replied to Fang Yan casually. After the message that he would be late, he continued to read.

Learning was a painful thing for Zhang Cheng before.

On the one hand, he doesn't understand some knowledge points, and on the other hand, what he has learned will be forgotten quickly. In addition, Zhang Cheng's personality is easy to give up. Studying has become a trouble that Zhang Cheng can't avoid.

But now Zhang Cheng wants to do something.

With just a little money he has, and the connections of several old men, he can have a little scale, but what's more?

I don't know the beauty of my wife, I don't love money, I have nothing, do you want to know the level of these people?

But how could these levels be achieved so easily?

Zhang Cheng must learn and work hard.

There's just a shred of possibility.

Fortunately, there is something he wants to do. Now that he is learning, it is no longer a pain or trouble for Zhang Cheng. Instead, he feels happier as he learns.

Before I knew it, it was past 8pm.

Zhang Cheng stretched his waist, moved his neck, and stood up.

After thinking about it, he knocked on Li Lan's door again.

This time, Li Lan opened the door quickly, but didn't speak, just looked at Zhang Cheng quietly.

"Would you like to have a late night snack? Thank you for helping me answer the question." Zhang Cheng invited.

"No." Li Lan said.

"Okay, then I won't disturb you." Zhang Cheng smiled and turned to leave.

Li Lan watched Zhang Cheng go downstairs, frowned slightly, and then closed the door.

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