I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 218: , conceived

Chapter 218, Conception

"The colleague I used to have a conflict with in the gym." Zhao Shengnan said helplessly, this man's mind is just that little thing every day, and the others don't care at all.

Hearing this, Zhang Cheng recalled, and probably remembered this thing that happened a long time ago to him.

After all, during this period of time, he was very rough, and he was in the gentle village almost every day. Who cares about those little things.

However, after being reminded by Zhao Shengnan, Zhang Cheng also recognized Huang Gao.

Does he want to thank the big matchmaker?

Although this kid behaved like a white lotus at the time, the aunt would make things difficult for Zhao Shengnan and specified that he could not get rid of this kid.

Moreover, this matter is naturally a big bad thing for Zhao Shengnan, which makes her lose her job. But it was undoubtedly a divine assist for Zhang Cheng.

After all, if Zhao Shengnan hadn't lost his job, he wouldn't have been moved by Zhang Cheng's training room, the nutritionist and trainer he hired, and followed Zhang Cheng.

"People can't come to train for a while? Let's go." Zhang Cheng had no intention of paying attention to such a high-ranking person. Let him die or not. Is it necessary?

Zhao Shengnan still stayed where he was.

Needless to say, she has a very small heart.

This Huang Gao caused her to lose her job. Although the final result was very good, what if there was no Zhang Cheng?

So is she going to be forced to give up boxing and go into the factory to screw screws in a state of starvation and cold?

If it's other things, in fact, Zhao Shengnan may not be so stingy. But it was about boxing, which made her a little hard to mind.

All in all, it's just an incomprehensible idea.

During this period of time, it was quite unfortunate for Huang Gao.

Although he got his wish and ran Zhao Shengnan away, he was also entangled by his aunt.

A must twice a day!

Even the aunt who came here didn't want to let him go, and insisted on kissing Xiao Huang Gao to make him spit it out happily.

No matter how much Huang Gao objected, Auntie had already entangled him anyway.

This made Huang Gao have to escape from Happy Fitness.

But in the end he still had to live, so Huang Gao had to find another job.

Although Zhao Shengnan really wanted to go up and beat this garbage, but after thinking about it, he finally restrained his temper.

ready to leave.

Seeing that Zhao Shengnan had controlled his temper, Zhang Cheng nodded with satisfaction, turned his head and kissed Zhao Shengnan's cheek as a reward.

After all, it is easy to say something like controlling anger, but it is still quite difficult.

But when Zhang Cheng and Zhao Shengnan were leaving, Huang Gao saw them.

This made him smile lightly, intending to come over to say hello. After all, in Huang Gao's opinion, driving Zhao Shengnan out of Happy Fitness is quite worthy of pride.

"Boss." But the clerk who was talking to Huang Gao immediately greeted Zhang Cheng and Zhao Shengnan.

"En." Zhao Shengnan chuckled and nodded in return, ignoring Huang Gao and walking out of the gym with Zhang Cheng.


This title shocked Huang Gao. Could it be that this very good gym was opened by Zhao Shengnan?

Although I don't know how the money from Zhao Shengnan can actually open such a gym, it is undoubtedly beyond his reach.

This made Huang Gao hold his resume tightly, unwilling and powerless, so he could only turn around and leave.

"Hey~" The clerk who was talking to Huang Gao just now realized that this handsome job seeker was going to leave, and raised his voice with some doubts to try to keep him.

But how dare Huang Gao stay here.

Bring Zhao Shengnan to Yang Yu and Yang Xue.

The two sisters welcomed Zhao Shengnan's arrival and prepared a table of meals.

After all, in the eyes of the two sisters, this is the only one who can control Zhang Cheng.

Therefore, he is usually quite enthusiastic about Zhao Shengnan, and Zhao Shengnan is a straight person. If others treat her well, she will doubly treat others well.

Therefore, after going back and forth, the three girls have already accumulated a good friendship, and there is also the link of Zhang Cheng. The three girls are very close.

Zhang Cheng is naturally happy to see this.

His plan was to first let Wang Qing, Ren Jia, and Li Lan, who had just accepted, form a small group, and Yang Yu, Yang Xue, Zhao Shengnan, and Xiangxiang would form a small group.

After all, how would you say that, if his women get along well, will they deal with him in unison?

How could this be possible? Zhang Cheng would never do such a thing of shooting himself in the foot. So they must be differentiated.

But if the women are made one by one, or even disgusted with each other, if nothing else, Zhang Cheng will be troublesome if he wants to play multiple rows.

Therefore, a small group is the best choice, but Zhang Cheng, the elder sister of each small group, needs to think carefully, and must not be the kind of character who is not looking for trouble.

But then again, among the women Zhang Cheng currently owns, none of them seem to like doing things. Either have their own hobbies or have their own business.

At least there is no sign of the concubines and concubines in the palace fighting films fighting each other.

Thinking of this, Zhang Cheng felt that even if there were no mutual pits and calculations, he still needed to pay special attention to this aspect.

After all, no matter what happened, it would be him who would suffer in the end.

"Brother Cheng, what are you thinking?" Yang Yu gave Zhang Cheng a piece of tender pork.

During this period of time, Yang Yu has figured out Zhang Cheng's appetite. Compared with cattle, sheep, fish and shrimp, Zhang Cheng prefers pork. Especially the types that are fat and thin, tender and delicious, such as pork belly with plums.

Eat a lot every time.

Of course, Zhang Cheng can't say that he is thinking about how to manage his harem.

However, Zhang Cheng also had some ideas when he thought about it.

"What are your current methods of publicity for your clothing brand?"

Yang Yu and Yang Xue looked at each other after hearing the words.

"Physical stores, promotional pages, there are only these two types at present." Yang Xueke said cutely with his chopsticks in his mouth.

Zhang Cheng kissed Yang Xue and went through the thoughts in his heart again.

"I have an idea, you can see if it works."

"Although the current live broadcast has been greatly impacted by short videos, there is still some traffic in the end."

"Brother Cheng, do you want us to find the anchor to bring the goods?" Yang Xue blinked.

Zhang Cheng kissed Yang Xue again, UU reading www. uukanshu.com shook his head feigningly high.

"Listen to what I have to say."

Yang Xue nodded obediently.

Her lively and lovely character is very popular with Zhang Cheng, even if she is interrupted, she will not be unhappy because of it.

"My idea is to let those little anchors wear our brand's clothes during the live broadcast, and there is no need for any blunt advertising promotion. As long as they wear our clothes during the live broadcast, then as long as a certain period of time is complete, We will give them a certain amount of gifts." Zhang Cheng finished his thoughts in one breath.

"What's the use of doing this?" Yang Yu frowned slightly, not quite understanding what Zhang Cheng meant.

Zhang Cheng smiled lightly: "Is it useful, I can't see it in the short term, but it won't cost too much." After all, Zhang Cheng's idea is to find small anchors, even if the clothes are given to these anchors for an expense, plus After the small anchors complete the live broadcast time, they still need to pay for gifts, and there will be an expense, but the small anchors are only a hot pot worth 99 yuan, and they do not need to do anything bluntly during the live broadcast. For promotion, as long as they wear clothes produced by the clothing brands operated by Yang Yuyangxue during the live broadcast, they can.

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