I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 224: , delivery

Chapter 224, Room Delivery

When I was rushing to Mr. Yangshuyang, I happened to pass the farmers market.

Zhang Cheng took the opportunity to buy some Duanmu that had been inoculated with Ganoderma lucidum mycelium, the seedlings of Dendrobium officinale, the seed **** of saffron, and the seeds of snow lotus.

Then after receiving it in the car, plant it in the Tianchengjie space when there is no one left or right.

Duanmu, which has been inoculated with Ganoderma lucidum mycelium, is placed in the soil in the blink of an eye, but the seedlings of Dendrobium officinale cannot be directly planted in the soil. It is said that this thing is an aerial root. So Zhang Cheng simply smashed the wolfberry and black wolfberry trees that were going to be cleaned up and piled them up on the ground to plant Dendrobium officinale.

And saffron and snow lotus are much easier, just plant them in the soil.

After taking care of the Tianchengjie space, Zhang Cheng continued to deliver tea.

Come to Mr. Yang Shuyang here.

"Thank you, Xiao Cheng." Mr. Yang took Zhang Cheng's tea leaves with a light smile. After all, these tea leaves are of excellent quality.

"You're welcome." Zhang Cheng didn't take credit for it.

After having dinner with Mr. Yang, Zhang Cheng finally came to Mr. Guan.

Grandpa Guan took Zhang Cheng's tea and smiled, and went to please his wife again.

"Master, you can drink some of this tea, it's good." Zhang Cheng reminded after seeing this, after all, you can lick it, but this tea does have a good effect.

Grandpa Guan was a little surprised when he heard the words. He looked at the tea leaves in his hand, and after thinking about it, he divided a third of it.

"Okay, I'll go back and try it."

Zhang Cheng still wanted to go to Uncle Zhang's place, but after checking that it was already 7 o'clock, he simply returned to the Daping floor first.

Lang Ligrand for one night, and Zhang Cheng left happily the next day.

I brought some tea to Uncle Zhang.

However, Zhang Cheng didn't see Sister Zhang's child, which was somewhat surprising.

"Sent to the orphanage." Uncle Zhang said coldly.

Zhang Cheng was a little surprised when he heard this. After all, that garbage scum had nothing to do with the child, right?

But since it was Uncle Zhang's decision, Zhang Cheng couldn't say anything.

"You want to drive more." Zhang Cheng could only comfort him.

Uncle Zhang nodded, then thought of something.

"By the way, I'll find you if you don't come. After discussing it with your aunt, I decided to move back to my hometown. The houses here are pretty much dealt with. I plan to give you these sets of facades."

Zhang Cheng was stunned when he heard the words. Uncle Zhang's connected facades looked like 200 or 300 square meters.

If it is sold, there are still 20 million or 30 million.

"No, I can't have it, it's too precious." Zhang Cheng quickly refused.

"Xiao Cheng, if it weren't for you, all these family properties would be cheap to that beast, so please accept them." Uncle Zhang said sincerely.

It was also when Zhang Cheng came here last time that their family was still shocked by the vicious actions of the beast. Their minds were in a mess for a while, and they just didn't think of how to repay this kid Zhang Cheng.

Now that there is a chance, Uncle Zhang will naturally not fail to reciprocate.

As for whether it is too expensive to send a few sets of facades directly.

Fuck him, money is a bastard.

Uncle Zhang is now somewhat annoyed with money.

Zhang Cheng quickly refused again. It didn't matter when he gave tens of millions of real estate to his woman, but he could still feel a little heavy when he received it from others.

But in the end, Zhang Cheng couldn't bear Uncle Zhang's sincerity, so he could only accept the house.

Looking at the big red real estate certificates in his hand, Zhang Cheng thought about it and entrusted the house directly to the intermediary who had dealt with it twice, and asked the other party to help with the leasing affairs, and he only needed to sit and collect the rent.

After drinking a big drink with Uncle Zhang, Zhang Cheng came to Fang Yan.

Severely cool.

After all, Fang Yan, a woman who has the strongest endurance among the women Zhang Cheng has experienced so far. She is also the only woman who can tie Zhang Cheng.

In particular, Fang Yan has both mature and youthful temperament, which makes Zhang Cheng fond of it.

Anyway, it's cool.

After a while, Zhang Cheng planned to go to Ning County to see the two aunties.

But before leaving, Zhang Cheng called detective Gu Minggu.

"Don't believe me yet?"

"Sorry boss, MCA hasn't been to bars recently." Gu Ming said.

Zhang Cheng decided to first touch the owner of the sports car whose rearview mirror was broken by him, that is, Ma Hua. But the location is somewhat more specific.

After much consideration, Zhang Cheng decided to meet him by chance when he was visiting bars and other recreational places.

But what I didn't expect was that this obvious **** has been quite diligent recently and has been helping in the family business.

"That's fine, just stare for me, don't let him do anything." Zhang Cheng explained.

"Yes, boss, don't worry." Gu Ming said quickly.

This person is completely his big benefactor. Therefore, he must meet all Zhang Cheng's requirements.

After making some arrangements, Zhang Cheng came to Ning County.

I first went to drink a bowl of mutton soup, and then came to Ganping Company.

Continue to read the report, read the report, and read Aunt Mei's work log. Anyway, Zhang Cheng came to Gan Ping, just to have a look and learn.

Then, before you knew it, it was evening.

Aunt Mei Zhou Yun came to Zhang Cheng's side after handling the affairs, and saw that this younger brother Zhang was still studying seriously, which made her quite satisfied.

Don't be afraid of being stupid, don't be afraid of being stupid, or be afraid of ignorance, just be afraid of not learning.

As long as he is willing to learn, Zhou Yun feels that even if he is hands-on, he can teach Zhang Cheng a little bit.

Accidentally, Zhang Cheng noticed someone, looked up and saw his Aunt Mei, and couldn't help but feel happy.

"Hug~" Zhang Cheng said coquettishly.

Although Aunt Mei looked disgusted, she still came over and sat in Zhang Cheng's arms.

Zhang Cheng immediately kissed Aunt Mei: "Thank you."

After reading the report for the day, Zhang Cheng could feel that Aunt Mei was seriously helping him run Ganping Company.

This made Zhang Cheng quite moved.

"You're welcome." Zhou Yun said with a chuckle, her hard work these days~www.readwn.com~ is really worthy of Zhang Xiaodi's thanks.

After all, Ganping Company has now mastered more than 20% of the wolfberry in Ning County.

As long as we continue to develop and master all the wolfberry produced in Ning County, it is only a matter of time.

After Zhang Cheng hesitated, he finally decided to speak his mind.

"Yunyun, I tried to open a supermarket in S city..." Zhang Cheng briefly explained his plan.

"Well, how do you want me to help you?" As expected of the considerate Aunt Mei, although Zhang Cheng's words were euphemistic, Aunt Mei still understood what her younger brother Zhang meant.

It's nothing more than wanting her to provide some help, otherwise what to do.

She is not in S city.

When Aunt Mei peeped through his mind, Zhang Cheng smiled embarrassedly.

"Because of the two business policies of 'parity' and 'compliance', it is destined that the profit of the supermarket will be relatively meager, so I hope that the supermarket can have its own acquisition and supply capacity."

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