I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 232: ,multi breed

Chapter 232, many varieties

At least with these tea trees, the family members and the elders who take good care of him will no longer have to worry about cancer.

It's pretty yummy.

Zhang Cheng smiled and began to check other things.

Ganoderma lucidum has been harvested several times, because after a few months of growth, the spore powder will be sprayed, and they will become lignified, that is, lose their medicinal value, but there are also some special existences that have been growing well.

This made Zhang Cheng look forward to it. After all, in those novels and biographies, the thousand-year, or even ten-thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum can even make people immortal, and the effect is invincible.

Although after some understanding of Zhang Cheng, these are basically made up, because after spraying the spore powder of Ganoderma lucidum, many of them will lose their medicinal value. Even if there are Ganoderma lucidum that grows for several years or decades in the wild, it is basically only Ornamental value, but not medicinal value.

But what if?

After all, the space of Tianchengjie is different, and ginseng can grow into a spirit grass, which has extremely powerful and excellent effects.

So after these Ganoderma lucidum has been planted for a certain number of years, will it also have any magical effect?

Anyway, it is very worth to continue to grow.

After seeing Ganoderma lucidum, Zhang Cheng turned his attention to Dendrobium candidum.

At first, this thing resembled a roadside weed, and its reputation was much smaller than that of ginseng, ganoderma lucidum, and snow lotus.

Even if he has grown up in the Tianchengjie space for decades, he is only half the height of a human being.

Zhang Cheng checked the effects of these Dendrobium officinale, but it was still only the name, and there was no description of any additional effects.

As for saffron, one crop is harvested one crop at a time. After all, this thing seems to only bloom once. Even in the Tianchengjie space, it cannot bloom a second time.

However, the seed bulbs used for planting were all produced in the Tianchengjie space. If it is calculated in this way, it may not be possible to produce additional good effects if it is cultivated from generation to generation.

And Xuelian Zhang Cheng didn't care much. Flowers and seeds were all set before.

But after checking all the crops planted before, Zhang Cheng scratched his chin thoughtfully.

Ginseng is planted in the Tianchengjie space, which can have extra attributes, and the tea tree also has extra attributes, which shows that it has an extraordinary effect for the Tianchengjie space crops.

So do you want to plant some apples, oranges, pears, peanuts, melon seeds, walnuts, greens and radishes?

Even if you don't get additional attributes, you can still account for the fact that there is no pollution and no pollution?

It's better to eat these for your women in the future than to buy them outside.

Although such an approach will definitely occupy a certain area of ​​the Tianchengjie space, but his own woman is not distressed, who is Zhang Cheng distressed?

So Zhang Cheng immediately decided that he must grow some fruits, vegetables and nuts that he eats every day.

After thinking about this, Zhang Cheng turned his attention to the ginsengs that occupy half of the Tianchengjie space only half an acre.

Over time, the spirit grass grade ginseng gradually became strange.

They are no longer similar to the kind of radishes, with all kinds of branches growing out, some like limbs and claws, and some can't tell what they look like, but the size is basically fixed at 20 centimeters in height and length, of course, The length of the ginseng whiskers is not counted.

If you count ginseng whiskers, it's a meter away.

Zhang Cheng noticed this phenomenon before, but he still couldn't understand what happened. After all, after a few days in the outside world, the ginseng in the Tianchengjie space will grow very large, but after a period of time, it will slowly shrink until it is about the size of a finger, and then grow slightly, but at the same time the shape will also be Got weird and finally fixed at the current size.

I'm free today, just to study.

However, after looking over and over for a while, Zhang Cheng didn't see anything coming out.

Helpless to withdraw from the Tianchengjie space.

Scratching his head, Zhang Cheng came to the farmers market.

Apple, orange, banana, pear, durian, watermelon, cantaloupe, peach, grape, lychee, pineapple, hawthorn, cherry, bayberry, strawberry, grapefruit, all kinds of fruits, Zhang Cheng asked for some.

After all, as long as the setting is made in the Tianchengjie space, the area of ​​these fruits will not exceed a large area, and the time ratio of one day to three years in the Tianchengjie space, even if the planting area is only 1 or 2 square meters, the output can also eat.

Because now Zhang Cheng's family is only 10 people.

After buying fruit, Zhang Cheng also bought nuts.

Chestnuts, melon seeds, peanuts and walnuts. Seeing that there was a Korean pine for sale, Zhang Cheng simply bought a Korean pine tree. After a few decades, he could eat pine nuts. Of course, he only needs about half a month.

Then Zhang Cheng bought ginger, onion, garlic, leek, cucumber, eggplant, tomato, pepper, spinach, cabbage, coriander, lettuce, and water spinach before he stopped the big purchase.

Send these trees or species, all kinds of crops to temporary leased warehouses.

After checking around as usual, there was no abnormality. At least Zhang Cheng did not find any abnormality. Then he turned off the main power supply of the warehouse, and then put all the things into the Tianchengjie space for planting.

Then I found another organic fertilizer manufacturer, ordered 20 tons of organic fertilizer, and unloaded it to this warehouse.

After all, it is not the time when there were only ginseng and red sandalwood in the past. Whether it is watermelon, apple, or various other crops, they are all big consumers of fertilizer.

If you don't prepare more fertilizer, then Zhang Cheng will have to make a trip every three days, which is troublesome.

The manufacturers came quickly, and Zhang Cheng didn't wait long when three organic fertilizer transport trucks came over.

Under Zhang Cheng's instructions, after unloading the organic fertilizer in the warehouse, the three vehicles did not stay any longer and left quickly.

After all, Zhang Cheng doesn't care about food.

The warehouse quickly returned to calm, Zhang Cheng raised his hand and closed the large sliding door of the warehouse, locked it, and then turned around again, and then all the organic fertilizer was put into the space.

Looking at the fertilizer reserves in the space, it is a little more than 24 tons.

Zhang Cheng memorized this number and planned to look at it again tomorrow. After planting various fruits and nuts, he knew how much fertilizer the Tianchengjie space consumed every day. for his next purchase.

After doing this, Zhang Cheng patted the dust off his hands and left.

Returning to Xiangxiang's side, Zhang Cheng brought a watermelon.

Although it was just planted in the morning~www.readwn.com~, it has already harvested twice.

After all, even if the watermelon Zhang Cheng bought was a late-ripening variety, it would take 120 days for normal planting and about 4 months to mature, but these 4 months, in the Tianchengjie space, was less than 3 hours.

Xiangxiang was not surprised that Zhang Cheng brought back a watermelon. After all, in the boutique fruit shop where Zhang Cheng had done the card before, you could see fruits of various seasons at any time.

However, after cutting it and tasting it, Xiangxiang's eyes could not help but light up.

Sweet and crisp, it was the best watermelon she had ever eaten.

Zhang Cheng and Xiangxiang ate half of it together. After all, the whole melon was quite big, weighing more than ten pounds. Even if Zhang Cheng can eat, he can't eat another one. What's more, I have to keep my stomach for dinner. So I gave the other half to the nanny, Sister Zhang, and gave her a day off by the way. After all, you can't keep people busy every day, right? He is not a black-hearted capitalist.

It's time to take a break, and a vacation of about 8 days a month must be guaranteed.

And this is why Sister Zhang thinks about picking up the children, because the work here is really easy at Xiangxiang, and she has the time to take care of the children.

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