I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 235: ,pressure

Chapter 235, Stress

"If it's delicious, you have to eat first." Yang Yu opened his sister's hand and wanted to take the grape again, Bo said angrily.

Yang Xue gave her sister a cute face, and helplessly picked up the bowl and chopsticks to eat.

Zhang Cheng was overjoyed when he saw it, and before Yang Yu looked over, he had to eat first.

After eating, it is better to eat the two sisters.

Although eating is not the same thing, it is all about eating, and it is good to be happy.

After dinner, the TV was turned on, and the three of them hugged and watched a movie together.

Because I watched Zhang Cheng's favorite action movie before, this time I watched a love movie.

Yang Yu looked at the grapes that made her sister eat non-stop, and she was a little curious that it tasted so good?

And then I couldn't stop eating it.

Because it tastes sour and sweet, it is indeed a very delicious grape.

Seeing the two sisters like eating grapes, Zhang Cheng was very happy.

Even if part of the Tianchengjie space was used up because of this, there was nothing to feel bad about.

After all, as a man, it is the most basic responsibility to keep your women fed and clothed. And if you provide a better living environment on the basis of food and clothing, then you will undoubtedly be an excellent man.

Looking at it now, although he is very romantic, it should still be considered good, right?

Before I knew it, several bunches of grapes were eaten up.

Yang Xue touched her belly, but she was still a little unsure, because it was so delicious.

The appetite of the two sisters also surprised Zhang Cheng.

After dinner, did you eat so many bunches of grapes?

Although it took two or three hours to eat one after another, it was a bit scary.

"Is there any discomfort?" Zhang Cheng asked nervously.

Yang Xue was stunned, touched her belly, and then shook her head.

She eats the most, Zhang Cheng, and her sister Yang Yu also let her, so more than half of the bunches of grapes went into her stomach.

Zhang Cheng was a little helpless, this greedy girl also complained that she didn't find out sooner: "If you feel uncomfortable, you must say it, don't feel embarrassed, you know?"

Yang Xue nodded again and again, trying to get away with it.

Seeing Zhang Cheng educating his sister like a child, Yang Yu pursed his lips and smiled, and was not dissatisfied with this, and even said that Zhang Cheng's attitude towards his sister made her feel good. After all, this girl's personality is too lively and escaped, and no one really cares.

Seeing that her sister and Zhang Cheng seemed to be joining forces to preach to him, Yang Xue rolled her eyes and gave her a wink.

Yang Yu frowned slightly.

"Brother Cheng, my sister and I are going to change clothes." With that, Yang Xue pulled her sister up and went back to the bedroom.

When Zhang Cheng heard that the two sisters were going to change clothes, he immediately widened his eyes and became excited, because the two sisters never let him down as long as they talked about changing clothes.

Zhang Cheng can still feel a trace of the aftertaste of the deliciousness of the maid costume before!

After a while, the two sisters came out.

Sexy flight attendant outfit.

There was a green light in Zhang Cheng's eyes immediately, which was not much better than when the second senior brother saw Gao Cuilan.

However, one of the two sisters reached out to signal Zhang Cheng to wait a moment, and then took out his mobile phone.

"Guess I'm Yang Yu or Yang Xue?"

Zhang Cheng was stunned when he saw this. At first, he couldn't tell the two sisters apart. Later, he relied on such subtle things as his temperament and eyes, and the mole above his sister Yang Yunanai.

But now the two sisters don't speak, and there is no difference in posture and appearance. It is even possible that the elder sister deliberately pretends to be the younger sister, and the younger sister deliberately pretends to be the elder sister. That's even harder to tell apart.

So Zhang Cheng really can only guess.

After a while, Zhang Cheng's eyes lit up, and he pointed to the twin sisters who were playing the recording on the mobile phone and said, "You are Yang Xue!" After all, Yang Yu is gentle and gentle, and has never played these tricks.

"I guessed wrong Brother Cheng." But she said directly, her gentle voice was exactly Yang Yu.

Yang Xue, who pretended to be her sister's gentle temperament behind her, smiled proudly. Before she came out, she guessed that Zhang Cheng would rely on this to judge her and her sister, and asked her to switch with her, and now she really deceived Zhang Cheng.

"Once again, Brother Cheng~" Yang Xue smiled and went back to the bedroom with her sister.

After a while, the two sisters came out again.

One walks in the front and is generous, and the other walks in the back somewhat withdrawn.

When Zhang Cheng saw this, he immediately discerned that the one in front was definitely the quirky Yang Xue. After all, this **** outfit was quite revealing, and the gentle and introverted sister Yang Yu would inevitably be a little bit reluctant to let go.

It's just that Yang Xue was deceived by Yang Xue just now, which made Zhang Cheng hesitate.

"Yang Xue is in front!" But Zhang Cheng still decided to trust his judgment.

"Wrong again~" But what I didn't expect was that the one in front was actually Yang Yu.

This made Zhang Cheng really dumbfounded, and the two sisters actually played the art of war with him.

But soon, Zhang Cheng smiled and jumped up, he couldn't bear it anymore~

Two haunting goblins!

After a passion.

Zhang Cheng hugged the two sisters from left to right, contented.

Yang Xue drew a circle on Zhang Cheng's chest with her fingers.

Zhang Cheng slightly felt Yang Xue's strangeness and turned to look.

"What's wrong? Not feeling well?"

Yang Xue shook his head with a worried look on his face.

Zhang Cheng lowered his head and kissed Yang Xue's pretty face.

"What's the trouble?"

Yang Xue looked at Zhang Cheng, then bowed her head for a moment, then nodded.

Zhang Cheng turned his head to look at Yang Yu, and Yang Yu shook his head lightly, maybe he didn't know, or maybe he wanted Zhang Cheng to help enlighten him.

Seeing this, Zhang Cheng gently kissed Yang Yu, then turned to look at Yang Xue again.

"Tell me about it and see if I can be of any help."

Yang Xue heard this and looked at Zhang Cheng. Although Yuxueyifang's business is getting better and better now, it also means that they have experienced more problems than when they only operated online stores before. Yang Xue felt a little tired and felt that she It may not do well and live up to Zhang Cheng's expectations.

Zhang Cheng couldn't help but be overjoyed when he heard that it was just this matter.

"That's right, I'm missing a foot-washing maid, I wonder if you'd like to come?"

Yang Xue glanced at Zhang Cheng when she heard the words: "Then how much salary do you give me?"

"Is three bunches of grapes enough every day?" Zhang Cheng teased.

Yang Xue was instantly annoyed, raised her head and glared at Zhang Cheng, wanting to say that she was not joking, but seeing Zhang Cheng's tolerant and gentle expression, the annoyance just now dissipated in an instant.

Zhang Cheng kissed Yang Xue's forehead: "My love Ai Xuexue, since running a business is a burden, let's not do it."

However, Yang Xue shook her head directly: "No, it's even more difficult for my sister to be alone."

"Then keep working hard. UU reading www.uukanshu.com" Zhang Cheng smiled lightly.

Yang Xue was a little angry again. Talk about it, talk it out.

Seeing Yang Xue who asked for help and wanted to find a way to solve the problem, Zhang Cheng didn't tease this stupid girl anymore.

He kissed Yang Xue again.

"Just like when you used to run an online store, don't put pressure on yourself, it's just a small business, you can do it if you can do it well, if you can't do it well, let's buy a few shops and collect rent~"

Yang Xue was stunned when she heard the words, turned her head to look at Zhang Cheng, Mr. Yang's 20 million yuan, Mr. Guan's 20 million yuan, and Zhang Cheng's successively received funds during this period, the investment of the entire Yuxueyifang has exceeded 50 million yuan. above.

Before, she was worried that the business would fail and lose money. Yang Xue worked hard and worked hard, but now that the business is good, there are more problems. Not to mention other things, only the daily management of the company is full of confusion, which makes her gradually Feel powerless.

He was even more afraid of **** up the business and betraying Zhang Cheng's trust and help.

And these pressures accumulated day by day, making Yang Xue very big.

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