I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 243: , background backer

Chapter 243, background backer

For a long time, the lips are divided.

Zhang Cheng felt distressed when he saw that Aunt Mei used makeup to cover up the dark circles under her eyes.

It is said that the age of the two should not have anything, but the world is so unpredictable.

Zhang Cheng met Zhou Yun and liked him, and Zhou Yun also had the slightest affection for Zhang Cheng, and it improved every time they got along.

And Zhou Yun saw the guilt and distress in Zhang Cheng's expression. This little brother Zhang had not come here for almost a month, and the resentment accumulated in his heart suddenly melted away like snow and spring sun.

Zhang Cheng hugged Aunt Mei in his arms, sat behind the desk, and kissed Aunt Mei again, as if he wanted to convey the thoughts of separation to Zhou Yun through kisses.

Zhou Yun felt the scorching emotions, and his heart, which had gradually dried up with age, was reborn again, which also allowed Zhou Yun to break his own restraint and responded to Zhang Cheng eagerly.

In the end, Zhang Cheng looked at Aunt Mei's red and swollen lips, and stopped, telling his concern after parting.

Zhou Yun shrank in Zhang Cheng's arms, feeling the love at this moment.

At first, she was just given to Zhang Cheng by Zeng Li's scumbag. It is enough to sue Zhang Cheng for a forced ranking.

However, after being a little awake in a state of being half-drunk and half-awake at the time, it may be the desire that has been suppressed by the long-term abstinence, or it may be the loss and indulgence hidden in the bottom of my heart after being fired from the Tianmen Group, which can be said to be almost exhausted. In addition, it is not disgusting to Zhang Cheng.

So when Zhang Cheng wanted to play qualifying with her, she didn't resist, and even took the initiative to cater to her.

Originally, it was a dream of spring without a trace. It's over, it's over. Although it was an experience Zhou Yun had never had before, she didn't care too much.

After all, she's this age, so she's just trying to live and die just because she's ranked with someone she doesn't know well?

Can't commit.

But who would have thought that this little brother Zhang would be so entangled.

In addition, Zhou Yun's rejection was not so firm, and then there was a follow-up.

Then, she was moved, obviously already this age.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yun looked up at Zhang Cheng. I want to see what is so magical about this little brother Zhang, which makes her so nostalgic.

Zhang Cheng noticed Zhou Yun's gaze and hugged her into his arms.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Cheng's eyes were especially bright.

After eating a few spirit grass grade ginseng, Zhang Cheng's physical fitness has reached an astonishing level. Although I don't know if he is the limit of a human now, it must be the limit of his current body.

And after such 'inner' is slightly revealed through temperament, demeanor, action, etc., Zhang Cheng, who is ordinary in appearance, ordinary in height, and ordinary in everything, becomes quite attractive. Especially for some sensitive women.

This is also one of the reasons why Zhang Cheng can attract the favor of many outstanding women.

Zhou Yun shook his head and fell into Zhang Cheng's arms again. This warm embrace made her very obsessed.

But not a teenage girl after all, Zhou Yun quickly controlled his mood.

"You want to run such a large-scale supermarket, have you made a choice in terms of background and backing?"

"Background?" Zhang Cheng was a little surprised.

After these time contacts, Zhou Yun also knew that this little brother Zhang was lucky to find a lot of ginseng with good effects, and then he got on with a few powerful people, and got along very well.

Therefore, when teaching Zhang Cheng, or some aspects that need attention, there are more tendencies. At least it won't cause Zhang Cheng to cause any major negligence because of misunderstanding.

"Yes." Zhou Yun said.

With Zhou Yun's narration, a flash of surprise flashed in Zhang Cheng's eyes.

Background, as the name suggests, is the power behind it. On the supermarket side, there are some more powerful people who will help the supermarket to stand up when they encounter trouble, and even directly help solve it.

A backer is much simpler, a person or force that can be relied on.

The two have their own advantages and disadvantages, backgrounds, they can be like-minded, they can be good personal friends, or they can be powerful figures related to other factors. Just like now, Guan Yan and Yang Bai are the four old masters to Zhang Cheng.

If Zhang Cheng doesn't have this background, let's put it this way, not to mention that he can't achieve the current situation in Ning County. I am afraid that when he gets a large amount of income from the sale of ginseng, banks and other institutions will come to the door.

The backer is a little more complicated and troublesome. If it is simply described, it is to let the supermarket, or even Zhang Cheng personally, take refuge in a powerful figure or under the power.

If the other party is in need, Zhang Cheng's side has to wave the flag and cheer, and if Zhang Cheng's side is in trouble, the other party must provide help, or even solve the problem directly.

"Can't you find these?" Zhang Cheng said after thinking about it.

After all, he really doesn't want to get involved in these things.

Moreover, Zhang Cheng is also very satisfied with his current state. He is very happy to accompany his beauties every day.

Zhou Yun thought for a moment and then shook his head: "No."

When Zhang Cheng heard this, he sighed helplessly and looked at Aunt Mei.

"Yunyun, do you have any suggestions?"

Looking at this lazy younger brother Zhang, Zhou Yun smiled lightly: "If you don't want to be too involved with official forces, I suggest you choose a few powerful people and give yourself a background. This is the minimum. ."

How to say that, although the country has been sorting out and rectifying these years, and the overall environment is much better than before, it is inevitable that the fly and the dog gou will be inevitable after all.

So without a strong background, it is almost impossible to do things, especially to scale.

Of course, if there are only a few small supermarkets in one city and one county, then there is no need for any background or backing.

And after listening to Zhou Yun's words, Zhang Cheng didn't say anything at all~www.readwn.com~ Just rely on the words of a few old men. There is an old saying: relying on mountains and rivers depends on water.

Of course, it is better to run your own network of people in your own business.

This is a good fit for Zhang Cheng, who has gradually established himself as the head of the family.

While thinking about it, it was time to get off work.

"By the way, in terms of trade and logistics companies for agricultural products, the general framework has been sorted out." Zhou Yundao.

Listening to Aunt Mei's bland narration, Zhang Cheng could see some clues from Zhou Yun's invisible dark circles.

Aunt Mei must have been very busy during this period of time, so she was able to prepare a rough outline of the things he explained.

This made Zhang Cheng feel extremely guilty. After all, the supermarket was still far from the time to scale up, but Aunt Mei was afraid of delaying his affairs, so she tried her best to help.

"Don't be in such a hurry, it's still early on my side, and there may not be any improvement in the next one or two years."

Zhou Yun just smiled lightly.

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