I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 262: ,apartment

Chapter 262, Apartment Building

After playing for a few days in Kuoshantun, Zhang Cheng sent his two aunties back to Ning County.

Then came to Sister Hu quietly.

Hu Zhen showed some disgust at Zhang Cheng's arrival, and took the apple that Zhang Cheng brought.

"Okay, you can go."

Where can this Cheng be endured, he immediately jumped up.

Hu Zhen's appearance is indistinguishable from Ren Jia, the most beautiful woman among Zhang Cheng's current women. This even has the factor that Sister Hu doesn't like makeup very much.

If this person wears makeup or something, the custody can be improved further, even reaching the level of a peerless beauty in Zhang Cheng's mind.

So Zhang Cheng rolled his eyes: "Sister Hu, can you show me in a chivalrous dress with fluttering white clothes?"

Hu Zhen, who was experiencing the aftertaste of passion, couldn't help but look sideways when he heard the words, this little devil really knows how to toss.

But she was very comfortable just waiting on her in the end.

"I'll have a chance in the future."

Zhang Cheng heard that, he was very sensible and didn't make a fuss about what to do now.

"Sister, are you resting?"

Hu Zhen turned her head and found that this little devil's head was actually healed again. This made Hu Zhen a little overwhelmed. Just as he was about to refuse, Zhang Cheng had already kissed him proficiently, blocking Hu Zhen's voice, and then he could no longer speak completely.

After eating at Hu Zhen's place, Zhang Cheng left contentedly.

And leisurely spent two days here in Ning County, the beautiful lawyer sister called.

"The apartment building is closed, are you free to come back?" Wang Qing said lightly.

Zhang Cheng was a little surprised to hear this, so fast?

Because of his wandering relationship, Zhang Cheng handed over the affairs of the apartment building to the beautiful lawyer sister.

Can't believe it was already covered.

However, such a speed is not a big deal. Zhang Cheng watched the news before, and also saw the news that a building was built in a day.

"Okay, I'll go back now." Zhang Cheng said quickly, and at the same time he smiled: "Qingqing, do you miss me?"

"Think." Wang Qing put aside the processed documents, continued to look at the work at hand, and chuckled. This little man is really annoying.

"Then I'll come back quickly." With that said, Zhang Cheng got up from the bed with a big carp, but he didn't rush to go back, but after weighing it for a while with a contemplative look, he finally made up his mind.

After finding the two aunties, Zhang Cheng said, "The apartment building over there in S City is finished, will you go back with me?"

Zeng Li looked at Zhang Cheng while eating strawberries, and blinked when she heard the words.

"What's wrong? You built a house in S city, and it has nothing to do with us."

Zhang Cheng couldn't help rolling his eyes, and co-authored what he had told the two aunts, that he would give each of them a house. Did he say it in vain?

"I have your house." Zhang Cheng said.

Zeng Li picked up another strawberry, not knowing why these strawberries bought by Zhang Xiaodi were so delicious.

But eating, did not delay Zeng Li turning her head to look at Zhou Yun. Although Zeng Li is one year older than Zhou Yun, it is Zhou Yun who usually makes decisions.

Zhou Yun thought about it for a moment and looked at Zhang Cheng. She heard Zhang Cheng say this, but with a 500-square-meter house, and it was still in S City, this gift was somewhat too expensive.

"No, we are here in Ning County, and we can't use the house in S City."

Zhang Cheng heard the words, stretched out his hand to wrap Aunt Mei's waist, and hugged Aunt Mei in his arms.

Although this man was much older than him, the time he spent together made Zhang Cheng willing to treat Zhou Yun like a jewel.

Rubbing on Aunt Mei's neck: "I want to give it to you."

Zhou Yunqiao's face was slightly red. Although the two were not old husbands and wives, they also had the closest relationship. It stands to reason that this level of intimacy should have nothing to do with it, but Zhou Yun just couldn't stand it and hurriedly surrendered.

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

Zhang Cheng smiled with satisfaction and returned to S City with his two aunts, He Lili and others.

First, I found a hotel to settle the two aunties.

After thinking about it, Zhang Cheng came to Wang Qing and asked about the construction of the apartment building.

Knowing that the underground garage has been built, and the main body of the building has also been completed. It's just a matter of holding a ceremony to celebrate the completion of the construction, and then you can start letting the decoration company enter the site.

Of course, it's okay not to do this ceremony, there's nothing wrong with it.

Zhang Cheng nodded when he heard the words, picked up Wang Qing and kissed the beautiful lawyer sister a few times, thanking her for helping to supervise the construction of the apartment building.

Wang Qing didn't mind the intimacy and warm response with Zhang Cheng.

For a long time, the lips are divided.

"Thank you." Zhang Cheng thanked Wang Qing.

Wang Qing smiled lightly and generously accepted Zhang Cheng's thanks.

Although he wanted to make out with Wang Qing just like that, there were more important things in the end.

So Zhang Cheng didn't stay with Wang Qing, and went to his other women to talk about the matter.

When they heard that the apartment building was completed, some women were happy, such as Xiangxiang, Yang Yu, and Yang Xue, while others didn't care. That was the case with the three idiots, Ren Jia, Li Lan, Zhao Shengnan. That is to say, I met Zhang Cheng, otherwise these three women kept the money and were sold to help people count the money.

However, they all agreed to participate in the completion celebration.

This made Zhang Cheng beat the drum in his heart and was very nervous.

Success or failure depends on this one!

The next day, Zhang Cheng came to the apartment building early.

The whole building does not have any cool and special appearance. It is an ordinary apartment building that can be seen everywhere, with off-white exterior walls, ten floors up and down, and a two-story underground garage.

It covers an area of ​​more than 1,000 square meters, that is, less than 2 acres of land.

Zhang Cheng took out the key he got from Wang Qing and entered the building, and looked at the situation on the first floor.

This is the floor used by security, babysitter and other service staff in the future. So it is divided into several areas.

There are lounges, living rooms, etc. in each area. It is not spacious, but it feels okay.

Above the second floor is the living area of ​​Zhang Cheng's family.

The second floor is where Zhang Cheng lives, which is also divided into several areas.

Bar, study, entertainment room, bedroom, living room, bathroom, etc. Arrange more than 1,000 square meters clearly.

After Zhang Cheng checked it briefly, he nodded with satisfaction, it was fine.

As expected of the construction company that Mr. Yan helped to find.

After looking at the general situation, someone from the hotel that Zhang Cheng had booked soon brought tables, chairs, meals, etc., and arranged them in the living room.

Zhang Cheng took out his mobile phone and checked the time, whether it was life or death, just look at the situation for a while! ! !

Soon ~www.readwn.com~ at 9:46 in the morning, Wang Qing came over.

She looked at Zhang Cheng. She knew about the number of Zhang Cheng's women, but she was not sure whether Zhang Cheng, a lascivious little man, had all confessed.

So today, I am somewhat in the mood to watch a good show.

Seeing that it was Wang Qing, Zhang Cheng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Qingqing, sit down first~" Although he could ask the beautiful lawyer sister for help, Zhang Cheng finally decided to face it himself.

Wang Qing also probably knew that today was a critical moment for Zhang Cheng, so he didn't say much and sat down at the arranged dinner table.

The food on the table is shrimp, crab, seafood, seasonal fruits and vegetables, and there is nothing extravagant.

This made Wang Qing quite satisfied, she never liked so much waste. Because she is a character that will not buy and use an item after it exceeds a certain price, no matter how good it is.

For example, some luxury clothing, jewelry, leather bags, etc. Wang Qing never looked at them.

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