I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 270: , gather luck

Chapter 270, Gathering Fortune

Wang Qing drank some wine. Although he was not drunk, it was different from usual, which made Zhang Cheng feel the charm of a mature woman.

Just cool.

The next day, Zhang Cheng came to Ren Jia.

Seeing that the bracelet shop was doing fairly well, Zhang Cheng felt relieved.

Ren Jia smiled when she saw Zhang Cheng. Compared with the innocent Li Lan, she has experienced a lot.

I have seen my grandfather being deceived by a so-called old friend I have known for decades. After the disaster, it seemed that he had a deep friendship with his grandfather in the past, and several people who called him brothers avoided seeing him, and even his father secretly sold the shop and disappeared, and my aunt even I want to refund the medical expenses that Brother Cheng paid to grandpa without authorization.

Ren Jia grew up in an instant.

So she accepted Zhang Cheng's pursuit, and also accepted that Zhang Cheng had other women. When Zhang Cheng confessed that he had many women, she asked if he could not refund the money the other party spent on her, and got the money that he didn't need. After returning the reply, he changed his determination to leave Zhang Cheng.

He even persuaded Li Lan to stay with her.

She has undoubtedly changed. It's okay to say that she worships money, and that she's okay to do anything. In front of Zhang Cheng, Ren Jia doesn't feel that she is qualified to show off, and it's unnecessary.

Because this man was very kind to her, he spent a lot of money on her, not to mention the 500-square-meter flat.

Ren Jia is content.

"Brother Cheng." Ren Jiaqiao smiled.

This delicate beauty is the most beautiful among Zhang Cheng's current women, and she was still a child when she was with Zhang Cheng, so she has always been loved by Zhang Cheng, although Zhang Cheng is very fond of his own women.

"Well, is there enough to sell?"

"Enough." Ren Jia nodded and smiled.

Zhang Cheng looked at Ren Jia and knew that even if there should be some small leaf red sandalwood ornaments, beads and the like that he gave before, but there won't be many.

"Then I'll send you some more later."

Ren Jia smiled embarrassedly: "Thank you Brother Cheng."

Chatting with Ren Jia in the bracelet shop, helping to watch the shop, and after having lunch again, Zhang Cheng left.

Go back to Xiangxiang, pretend to take something, and actually enter the plug-in space.

The original space is as calm as ever.

Although the space points have accumulated 53 points, it is still a long way from the 3000 points to upgrade the level again, and Zhang Cheng has no expectation of continuing to improve the space level, at least not in recent years, and the space of Tianchengjie has already let him wander The flight took off, and Zhang Cheng was content.

Transfer to Tianchengjie space.

The space is no longer as neat and orderly as before.

The ginseng side is fine, and the other side is planted with various vegetables, fruits and tea trees. Fortunately, Zhang Cheng has been careful before, and the tree plants are scattered, and the open space between them is planted with watermelon, strawberry and other vines. crop.

Therefore, there is no situation where several big trees are tangled and intertwined.

But Rao is so. The few Korean pine trees that Zhang Cheng planted to eat pine nuts have grown extremely tall and straight, at least 30 meters at a glance.

Seeing these red pine, Zhang Cheng thoughtfully took out more than a pound of pine nuts. Ready to wait for Ren Jia to taste.

After inspecting all kinds of crops, Zhang Cheng didn't find any changes that made him happy, and he was going to make some small-leaf rosewood beads and ornaments.

But he was surprised to find that the two 20-meter tall and sturdy lobular red sandalwood trees that had been planted all the time and Zhang Cheng did not move had extra attributes!

lobular rosewood

Wearing wood tissue for a long time can gather good luck.

It was a very simple description, but Zhang Cheng's eyes lit up.

Can the lobular red sandalwood that grows in the space of Tiancheng Realm still obtain the somewhat unscientific extra attribute of 'gathering fortune'?

After all, this attribute sounds more or less fantastical.

After thinking about it, Zhang Cheng simply made some beads and ornaments out of ordinary lobular red sandalwood, ready to sell to Ren Jia.

And the two small-leaf red sandalwood trees that have the effect of gathering good fortune have only broken a few branches.

As soon as I thought about it, these broken branches were finished drying in a blink of an eye, and they were also made into various specifications of beads, safety buckles, zodiac signs and the like. This is what Zhang Cheng prepared for his women.

As for his own words, Zhang Cheng made another zodiac pig card after thinking about it. He is a pig, so he likes to eat pork probably because of this? Zhang Cheng thought with no conscience.

It's just that Zhang Cheng didn't have any necklaces that he could wear. After playing with it for a while, he left Xiangxiang's residence and came to Ren Jia again.

Seeing that Zhang Cheng brought her so many things, Ren Jia was quite happy and gave Zhang Cheng a big smile.

"Look at what you want?" Zhang Cheng took out the small-leaf red sandalwood beads, safety buttons, and zodiac signs that he had put on.

Ren Jia looked at the things made of lobular red sandalwood in front of him, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, because these materials were better.

But after thinking about it, Ren Jia only took out a zodiac rat card, and didn't say anything and give it to her.

Zhang Cheng smiled lightly and put away his things again: "Help me find a necklace?"

At the same time take out his zodiac pig card.

Ren Jia smiled lightly, she naturally had no shortage of necklaces and ropes, and she took out several colors for Zhang Cheng to choose.

Zhang Cheng quickly chose a black necklace rope and put it on the zodiac pig card and wore it around his neck. He didn't know if it was an illusion or what. Zhang Cheng felt that he couldn't help but lift his spirits when he put it on. Very slightly absent.

Ren Jia looked at the various lobular red sandalwood products that Zhang Cheng took out again, and after thinking about it, she also chose a zodiac card for herself. Because she is a rat, she took the effective rat card and tied it with a red necklace rope. .

Zhang Cheng smiled when he saw this, took the rat card, and helped Ren Jia put it on.

And the moment she took it on, Ren Jia was slightly taken aback, this brand seems to be very unusual?

Thinking of this, Ren Jia turned to Zhang Cheng: "Brother Cheng, these things?"

"It's all good stuff, so it's only for our own use." Zhang Cheng said vaguely without saying much.

Hearing this, Ren Jia touched the zodiac rat sign hanging around her white jade neck, and nodded lightly.

Zhang Cheng smiled slightly, satisfied that Ren Jia didn't ask any more questions.

In the bracelet shop, I was busy with Ren Jia until 5 o'clock in the afternoon.

Ren Jia closed the door and went off work.

Zhang Cheng drove Ren Jia home.

Then he took out the apology gift he had prepared for the women from the trunk.

A three-piece set of gold bracelets, gold bars, jadeite jewelry, and the one-pound pine nuts.

When he got home, Ren Jia opened the gift and couldn't help but be taken aback when he saw the gold bar. This... Brother Cheng is also true.

Zhang Cheng's side used 15 beads with a diameter of 15 mm, and used the bracelet rope brought back from Ren Jia's store to make a bracelet, and put it on Grandpa Ren.

After seeing this, Ren Jia, who had packed up the gifts, saw a touch of tenderness in his eyes~www.readwn.com~ Although this man was arrogant, he was really kind to her. Even the grandfather is very filial.

"Brother Cheng, thank you." Ren Jia walked behind Zhang Cheng and said.

Zhang Cheng turned his head and glanced at Ren Jia, smiled lightly, his own woman must feel distressed, not to mention Ren Jia was so obedient, and helped him persuade Li Lan to stay before.

"Who are you?" At this moment, Grandpa Ren turned his head to look over and asked Zhang Cheng, his voice was a little vague, as if there was something in his mouth.

"Me? I'm Jiajia's boyfriend." Zhang Cheng replied quickly.

"Jiajia? Who is Jiajia?" Grandpa Ren looked a little dazed.

A look of sadness flashed in Ren Jia's eyes when she heard the words. Her father's behavior of disappearing after selling the store was a great blow to his grandfather.

"Grandpa, I'm Jiajia, and I'm your granddaughter. Do you remember?" But in a blink of an eye, Ren Jia got stronger, squatted down, and said to his grandfather who had taken care of him since childhood.

Grandpa Ren looked a little puzzled, looked at the granddaughter in front of him, tried to identify, but still couldn't remember.

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