I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 275: , money and entrepreneurship

Chapter 275, Money and Entrepreneurship

In the end, Zhang Cheng couldn't stand Fang Yan's entanglement, and gave her a safety buckle, after all, that little mouth is really powerful.

Fang Yan didn't have to ask for such a thing.

How much is a safety buckle, even if it is made of lobular red sandalwood, it is not as expensive as that.

Fang Yan wanted to please Zhang Cheng by doing this.

Because of this young man whom she looked down upon before, she solved her debt problem and gave her unprecedented pleasure.

This makes Fang Yan willing to let go, especially Fang Yan can feel that Zhang Cheng is indifferent to her and doesn't care.

If she loses her temper and makes a small conflict, the other party will keep it and turn her head away, and even ask her to pay for the ginseng.

Therefore, Fang Yan behaved very obediently in front of Zhang Cheng.

After having a full meal here with Fang Yan, Zhang Cheng came to the Daping layer the next day.

Yan Yan rested today and practiced yoga at home. Seeing Zhang Cheng coming over, he looked excited.

This brother Cheng treats them very well, with 20,000 yuan of pocket money a month, living on a flat floor that he can't even dream of, although he needs to share the rent with other women, but Yanyan is also satisfied.

"Brother Cheng"

Looking at Yan Yan, this woman was very indulgent before, smoking makeup all day, anyway, I smoke, drink and dance, but I know that I am a good girl. That is to say, there is no tattoo. If there is a tattoo, Zhang Cheng will be fine once anyway.

But now that I gradually know Zhang Cheng's preferences, he is no longer so indulgent.

Wear a light makeup all day, how to be pure.

Zhang Cheng was naturally satisfied with this, he put Yan Yan in his arms and started to read.

Yanyan was held in Zhang Cheng's arms, honestly like a kitten, reading a book with Zhang Cheng.

Zhang Cheng came to Daping, always to enjoy himself, but yesterday at Fang Yan's place, he was very full, so it didn't matter, but he was going to recharge his batteries and wait until evening.

At noon, Zhang Cheng ate a lunch prepared by Yanyan.

Fried shrimp, vegetables, tomato scrambled eggs, rice. Simple homely. The taste is very ordinary.

In the evening, several other good friends on the Daping floor came back one after another.

Only then did Zhang Cheng put down the book and enjoy it happily.

"You haven't figured out what to do yet?"

Afterwards, Zhang Cheng hugged petite Lu Lu, played with something, and looked at a few women.

Lulu blinked when she heard the words, she could feel Zhang Cheng's preference for her, after all, every time after playing multiple rows, she was hugged by Brother Cheng.

"No." But when he heard Zhang Cheng's words, he was still somewhat apprehensive.

Zhang Cheng touched Lulu's little face: "If you don't have it, take your time, don't worry."

The girls breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the words. They were afraid that Zhang Cheng's promise of 5 million support would be time-limited.

Now getting Zhang Cheng's re-commitment is undoubtedly a lot of relief.

As for saying that they haven't come up with a solution for so long, it's really not easy to start a business.

The milk tea shop looks good, but there are more milk tea shops that have closed down. At the same time, ten milk tea shops have opened, and it is not bad if one survives after a year.

And the others sell clothes? Hot pot restaurant? Even talking about script killing, escape room, etc., it is not something that a few women can play.

So it has been delayed.

Qiqi looked at Zhang Cheng and said after hesitation, "Brother Cheng, we really can't think of any projects. Why don't you just give us the money? We will deposit it in the bank to get the interest, and we will definitely not spend it indiscriminately."

Except for Chen Fei, there are exactly four of them, each of them is 1.25 million yuan, and they deposit in the bank to get interest, and they also have several thousand yuan in interest a month. As for why it wasn't Chen Fei, it was also this woman who followed Brother Cheng to the supermarket to work as a treasurer. She must have a bright future.

Zhang Cheng heard the words and turned to look at Qiqi.

This woman is stupid and greedy for money. If it wasn't for her beauty, and she was usually honest in front of him, and she was very attentive in serving her, then Zhang Cheng would not show any sympathy now and just say goodbye.

However, Zhang Cheng didn't say anything directly, but looked down at Lulu in his arms.

"Where are you? What do you think?"

Lulu was a little at a loss when she heard the words, she was a bit stupid, and she survived in S city with the help of Qiqi. Helped her a lot.

So if she can, she wants to support Kiki.

"I'll listen to Brother Cheng." But Lulu finally turned to Zhang Cheng's side.

Because after following Zhang Cheng, Lulu could feel Brother Cheng's love for her. If she hadn't met this person, her experience would probably still be the same as before. There is no peace and comfort now.

Zhang Cheng was happy when he heard the words, touched Lulu's little face again, and then looked at Qiqi.

Although her eyes were calm as usual, it made Qiqi feel a lot of pressure.

Xiangxiang and other nine women have a total of six good friends with the Daping layer and Fang Yan. Although they all have a close relationship with Zhang Cheng and have played in the rankings, it should even be said that Zhang Cheng is even better here in the Daping layer. Be arbitrary.

So it seems that there shouldn't be much difference, but in fact they are very different here in Zhang Cheng.

Xiangxiang, who was identified by Zhang Cheng as his own woman, and other nine, will not talk about the rest, just say a suite of 500 square meters in the apartment building, that is tens of millions

Dear, this chapter is not over, and there is another page ^0^, just throw away the good friends of Kiki, eighteen streets.

And the reason for such a huge difference is because of Xiangxiang and the other nine, Zhang Cheng's partner who decided to spend his life together in the future. As long as he doesn't cheat or go too far, he will not let go of the nine now. But Qiqi's good friends are just for fun. Except for Lulu, if there is anything that makes Zhang Cheng feel uncomfortable with other good friends, Zhang Cheng will not have any nostalgia, just say goodbye.

Now Kiki is almost on the line.

Because Zhang Cheng promised them the money to start a business, but they wanted to ask for the money directly, which made Zhang Cheng feel that Qiqi wanted to direct herself.

This problem is still more serious.

If Kiki doesn't deal well~www.readwn.com~ that Zhang Cheng may not say goodbye to her.

Although Qiqi didn't know how she provoked Zhang Cheng, she also understood that she made Zhang Cheng unhappy.

"Brother Cheng, I'm sorry, I-I just think I can't do it well. Instead of losing money, it's better to hold it in my hand."

Although this explanation did not satisfy Zhang Cheng, he could accept it reluctantly and no longer had the idea of ​​saying goodbye to Qiqi.

Immediately, Zhang Cheng turned to look at Yan Yan and the others.

"Do you think that too?"

The Yanyan girls hesitated for a moment, then nodded. Obviously, thinking about how to start a business during this period of time has also made them lose their temper. It’s hard to avoid thinking that it’s better to have the money in your hands.

"Well, before the New Year, if you still can't come up with any project, then I'll give you the money." Zhang Cheng touched Lulu's face again, and then turned over regardless of whether they agreed or not. Squeeze Lulu under him and start a new round of ranking.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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