I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 281: , have a child

Chapter 281, giving birth to a child

"Don't think about it, he's not the boyfriend I was looking for." Hu Zhen picked up the chopsticks and flicked it before eating.

Her relationship with Zhang Cheng was a bit messy, and Hu Zhen didn't let her family coerce Zhang Cheng to break up other women, and only meant to be nice to her, or even get married, that's why she said this.

The middle-aged beautiful woman Fu Fang frowned slightly when she heard the words, didn't she?

Looking at Zhang Cheng again, there was no change in his expression.

"Xiao Cheng, right? How does the food taste? If it's not to your taste, make some more?"

"Auntie, these are good." Zhang Cheng lowered his head to eat, trying to reduce his sense of existence.

"Where are you from?" Mr. Hu suddenly said.

Zhang Cheng heard the words and immediately knew that he was asking himself. After all, at the dinner table, one was the old man's daughter-in-law, the other was his granddaughter, and he was the only outsider.

"I'm from HN Province, and now I run a supermarket in S City. There is also a forest farm in Kuoshantun on the edge of Changshan." Zhang Cheng said honestly.

"Where are your parents and elders?" the old man said again.

"No, I'm the only one at home now." Zhang Cheng said.

The old man's expression moved slightly when he heard the words, obviously he didn't expect Zhang Cheng to be so miserable.

"En." After a simple reply, he didn't ask any more questions.

Mr. Hu didn't have much appetite. He drank a bowl of millet porridge and ate a steamed bun. But when he was about to get up, he looked at the ginseng brought by Zhang Cheng, and his eyes moved.


After thinking about it, the old man picked up the ginseng.

"Thank you, boy, for being considerate."

"Dad!" But Fu Fang, who was beside him, saw through Mr. Hu's plan at a glance and stopped him.

"It's okay, medicinal wine." Mr. Hu said a little embarrassedly.

"Let Grandpa try it first, his ginseng seems to be very unusual." Hu Zhen hesitated. Obviously, when Zhou Yun asked her for help, he also talked about Zhang Cheng's special effects ginseng.

Fu Fang was a little surprised. In the past, her daughter was on the same front as her, but since she said that, is it really effective?

Seeing that his daughter-in-law and granddaughter who had been in charge of him didn't ask any more questions, Mr. Hu laughed.

In the end, when I was getting old, my body went wrong here and there, so the doctor ordered him to quit smoking and drinking.

But quitting smoking is okay, quitting drinking will really cost Mr. Hu half his life. After all, I've been drinking all my life, and I can't stand it if I don't let me drink it.

Now I can finally let go a little.

After putting the ginseng away, Mr. Hu led Zhang Cheng out to buy wine.

The place where the old man lives is called Jing'an.

The place is not big, surrounded by mountains, water and fields. In the distance, there are many tall buildings.

Mr. Hu noticed Zhang Cheng's gaze and said disdainfully, "Pocky face, cheating!"

Xiaoxiao Jing'an has a population of 20,000, and there are more than 2,000 houses in more than 20 rows of tall buildings of different lengths.

who lives?

After Zhang Cheng heard it, he snickered and didn't take it seriously. After all, if the house couldn't be sold, the real estate company would be unlucky.

After just thinking for a while, Zhang Cheng narrowed his eyes.

Real estate companies have ghost money. They all borrowed money from banks to buy land and build houses, but the house can't be sold now. Which one will lose in the end?

It's definitely not a real estate company, after all, they have no money themselves. What a loss.

So it's the bank that lends the money. In the end, they all became non-performing assets of the bank. In order to clean up non-performing assets, banks can only deal with these houses at low prices.

After the house price has dropped, what will happen to those who originally bought a house at a high price, or even took a loan to buy a house?

A few years later, the house only costs 100,000, while he is a few years earlier, and the house costs 1 million.

Not only the mentality exploded, but the economic losses were also very staggering.

Thinking of this, Zhang Cheng didn't continue to think about it, he could only laugh bitterly.

And the old man Hu just scolded one sentence and ignored it. If you are not in your position, you will not be in charge, otherwise you will be annoying.

Walking around, Mr. Hu brought Zhang Cheng to a wine shop.

Large wine jars are placed in the store, and the house is full of wine fragrance.

"Yo, Uncle Hu, who are you?" The owner of the wine shop was a middle-aged and elderly uncle in his fifties. Seeing Mr. Hu greeted him with a smile on his face, it was obvious that the old man was a regular customer of this shop.

"Give me ten pounds of bamboo poles." Mr. Hu smelled the aroma of the wine in the wine shop, and his face was intoxicated.

The boss was not surprised when he heard the words, and helped to drink.

"Give me the money." After drinking, Mr. Hu looked at Zhang Cheng.

Zhang Cheng was boring, and quickly scanned the code to give the money. It was not expensive. Ten jin brought a bottle of 670. After smelling the wine, it was not bad.

Holding the big glass bottle full of wine, Zhang Cheng walked home with Mr. Hu again.

After Zhang Cheng went out with Mr. Hu.

Fu Fang looked at her daughter: "Really?"

Hu Zhen rolled her eyes when she heard the words: "I can't say no, but the two of us won't get married anyway." After all, there is nothing to hide in front of her mother, and Hu Zhen has gotten along well with her mother since she was a child, even if Not to the point of talking about everything, but Hu Zhen would not hide many things from her mother.

When Fu Fang heard the words, she couldn't help but feel helpless. This beautiful woman was nearly sixty years old, but she was well-maintained and made up, so she only looked fifty. The tempering of the years has only caused the wrinkles to slightly damage this face, but it has also added a graceful and elegant temperament to her.

At the same time, it is not difficult to see that Hu Zhen's appearance has completely inherited this one, so he can be so outstanding.

"Really not?" Fu Fang hesitated slightly.

After all, it's true that her daughter has been divorced, and Zhang Cheng is younger, which is not suitable, but Fu Fang still hopes that her daughter can have a good home.

It seems like there is nothing to be alone now, but in a few years, the loneliness of not having a partner and no children will never be pleasant.

Fu Fang couldn't imagine what it would be like for her daughter to be alone after a hundred years with her husband.

Hu Zhen also understood her mother's concerns. She was not in her twenties and had been married once.

"Look back at the situation, no, I want a child." Hu Zhen hesitated.

When Fu Fang heard the words, she immediately stared at her daughter, what are you talking about~www.readwn.com~ Only having children and not getting married?

But after a while, Fu Fang could only sigh helplessly.

When the child is older, how can she discipline her.

Tie up and beat? It's useless.

At this time, Zhang Cheng held a glass wine jar and followed Mr. Hu back.

Fu Fang ignored her uncontrollable daughter and got up to greet her.

"Keep this wine in the storage room."

Mr. Hu, who originally intended to let Zhang Cheng bring the wine to his house, froze when he heard this, but he could only watch Zhang Cheng put it in the storage room.

Zhang Cheng didn't think too much. He took out the fresh ginseng that the old man brought back to the house, washed it several times, cut it into thin slices, and threw it into the wine.

"Master, you can drink this wine in a week at the earliest, but you can't drink too much every time, it's almost two or two." Zhang Cheng explained.

This made Fu Fang nodded with satisfaction. It is good to have a limit.

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