I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 287: ,negotiation

Chapter 287, Negotiations

"You, don't feel like this. If I fail my sister in the future, I will let you go." Hu Yang warned after hesitating for a while.

Zhang Cheng smiled lightly and turned to look at Hu Zhen: "Thank you for your supervision, but I don't think you have a chance."

Compared with those women who worship money and act as demons, Hu Zhen does not have those circumstances, and is a good woman worthy of love. This is also one of Zhang Cheng's criteria for accepting women.

Either they don't have those stinky problems, or Zhang Cheng feels that they can get rid of them.

This point can be seen from Xiangxiang Zhao Shengnan to Hu Zhen, a total of ten women.

That is to say, Zeng Li is somewhat lacking, but if the other party is not messing around, plus Zhou Yun's face, Zhang Cheng will not say anything more.

Hearing this, Hu Yang glanced at Zhang Cheng suspiciously and then retracted his gaze.

Leave Hu Yang's room with Hu Zhen.

Mr. Hu came back from a stroll and saw Zhang Cheng's eyes lit up.

"Thank you, boy. After drinking your ginseng wine, my body is much lighter."

Lingcao-grade ginseng can make Zhang Chenglang come and go, and he is still fierce. The previous 10-day ginseng, although far from such an effect, can also significantly improve the physical condition.

Especially for Mr. Hu, whose body is gradually declining, it will be more intuitive.

At least Mr. Hu felt that he was several years younger.

Zhang Cheng smiled lightly, just because this person asked him something about him and helped him out, it was worth letting Zhang Cheng repay him well.

"Master, you are too polite."

Mr. Hu nodded, saw his granddaughter beside him, and then looked at Zhang Cheng.

"Are you planning to do business?" Doing business means getting married.

First, he has benefited from Zhang Cheng, and he is more close to him. Second, he is also a granddaughter. It is true that there is no restraint, but it does not mean that the old man doesn't care.

Zhang Cheng touched his head a little embarrassedly when he heard the words: "I, I'm here..."

The old man frowned slightly.

"Grandpa." Seeing this, Hu Zhen took the initiative to step forward to support her grandfather and help Zhang Cheng out of the siege.

This made Zhang Cheng smile gratefully.

Glancing at his granddaughter, Mr. Hu simply stopped asking more questions and went back to the house.

This old man was definitely a high-ranking man in the past, but after retiring, his life was just average.

Take this man's home as an example, it's all ordinary, outdated furnishings.

In the living room, there is a long wooden sofa and a guest table with a marble top, all of which are very old-fashioned. On the east wall stands a big-ass color TV. Zhang Cheng never thought that he would still see this thing.

Even the bedroom is just a simple layout of a hard bed, a large wardrobe, and a desk.

However, the layout of the yard is quite good.

A large and thick osmanthus tree, a pomegranate tree, a jujube tree, and several vegetable fields, plus a stone table where you can eat and play chess. Quite a farmhouse.

After having lunch here, Zhang Cheng and Hu Zhen left.

After leaving, Zhang Cheng breathed a sigh of relief and was really nervous.

Seeing this, Hu Zhen gave this little brother Zhang a blank look. How can it be so exaggerated.

Back in the car, Zhang Cheng hugged Hu Zhen.

Hu Zhen was a little surprised, she was hugged by Zhang Cheng and didn't move, but gradually she felt something was wrong.

"What's up?"

"Zhenzhen, I know that my next request will be excessive, but, can you agree to me first?" Zhang Cheng said.

Hu Zhen was even more surprised: "what's the matter?"

"You promise me first." Zhang Cheng said.

Hu Zhen frowned: "How can I promise you if you don't tell me?"

Zhang Cheng hesitated for a while: "In the future, you must be loving and loving with me, and don't make any troubles, okay?"

When Hu Zhen heard the words, she gave Zhang Cheng an angry look: "I don't know." Neuropathy, how could it be possible to determine the future now.

But immediately, Hu Zhen understood what Zhang Cheng meant, she was just worried that she would make trouble with Zhang Cheng in the future, or something.

This made Hu Zhen laugh angrily: "If you're afraid that I will make trouble with you, it's fine, don't do things that I hate."

When Zhang Cheng heard this, he kissed Hu Zhen: "Is it annoying here?" Then kissed again: "Where is it?"

Hu Zhen looked at the cheating Zhang Cheng, and helplessly pushed the guy aside and started the car.

It seemed that Zhang Cheng was afraid of the power of the Hu family and asked Hu Zhen humbly, even if the two separated in the future, don't cause any trouble. But in fact the two have just completed a negotiation.

After all, negotiation is not just about a table, two groups of people, a few cups of tea, tit-for-tat and even daggers.

It can also be soft and gentle like Zhang Cheng just now.

And judging by the results, it's undoubtedly pretty good. Hu Zhen agreed with Zhang Cheng, although it was conditional.

Back to Aunt Mei.

Zhang Cheng told Aunt Mei about the opening of two new supermarkets. The logistics and supply team founded by Aunt Mei can already start supplying goods to the supermarkets.

Although at the beginning, self-operated logistics will inevitably have certain losses, inconvenience, and even trouble, but when Zhang Cheng expands the scale of the supermarket to a certain extent, his own logistics can save a lot of costs.

It might even decide whether the supermarket side can survive.

So even if there will be certain problems now, it must be carried out.

However, this undoubtedly increased the workload of Aunt Mei.

Although the wolfberry company is on the track, it does not mean that Aunt Mei can let go and no longer manage. There will still be a lot of things that need to be decided and dealt with by Aunt Mei.

By no means easy.

Therefore, this made Zhang Cheng feel very sorry for Zhou Yun. And this is naturally manifested in the rankings. Zhang Cheng is trying to make Aunt Mei enjoy it anyway.

Zhou Yun was satisfied with this. The feeling that her soul was floating on the clouds made her feel that her hard work was worth it.

On the side of Ning County, Zhang Cheng carefully and conscientiously served Aunt Mei for a few days before returning to S City.

This kind of running from both ends made Zhang Cheng feel somewhat inconvenient, so he wondered whether to set up a headquarters here in S city and let the two aunts come here for reunion.

As for why not go to Ning County?

That kind of 18th-tier town~www.readwn.com~ is still free.

The Tianmen Group, which used to be a behemoth, has now been stripped of its skin and bones and eaten clean.

However, when he returned to S City and walked around the two branches of Lei Zhun's new location, Zhang Cheng hadn't had time to comfort his women.

An unexpected phone call came.

It turned out to be Mr. Fang.

This made Zhang Cheng's heart abrupt, don't you urge marriage?

Zhang Cheng bravely answered the phone.

"Xiao Cheng, are you free? I wonder if you can come over to me?" said Mr. Fang.

Zhang Cheng didn't sound like he was urging marriage, and after thinking about it, he said, "Okay, I'll go there right away."

Come to Chinese Medicine Street.

Zhang Cheng came here for the first time, just to sell the ginseng he grew. At that time, he could not have imagined that he could have the nourishment he has now, which made Zhang Cheng smile and walk into the street of traditional Chinese medicine.

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