I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 297: , bastard

Chapter 297, bastard

After saying goodbye to Mr. Bai, Zhang Cheng thought about it, and instead of going to the Daping floor, he came to Mr. Xu's side.

Teacher Xu did not expect that Zhang Cheng said something in the morning, and came here in the evening.

This made her a little overwhelmed.

Zhang Cheng didn't have any stage fright, so he picked up Teacher Xu and went to the bedroom.

Holding Mr. Xu in his arms, Zhang Cheng roughly estimated Mr. Xu's weight, which was about 120 pounds.

This is a little heavier for Mr. Xu's height of 1.6 meters.

But when Zhang Cheng saw the scene under the clothes, he immediately understood that it was not heavy, not heavy at all.

It was only during the qualifying session that Teacher Xu's performance surprised Zhang Cheng.

She was quite shy at first, but later became fierce. Fang Yan was already considered to be one of Zhang Cheng's women who was more resistant and able to fight, almost equivalent to six pieces of armor, and Xiang Yu, who was passive. And Teacher Xu's performance was more weakened.

Simply ruthless.

That is, I met Zhang Cheng, otherwise other men would be waiting to be sucked out of their bones.

Looking at the time, it was already past 11pm.

Zhang Cheng hugged Teacher Xu in his arms and patted the thick meat behind.

"What's your situation?"

When Teacher Xu heard this, her originally blushing cheeks turned even redder, and she shrank into Zhang Cheng's arms directly, not daring to say a word at all. She never thought that she was like that just now.

Zhang Cheng didn't mind at all.

Now between men and women, there is no longer the old saying that whoever takes advantage and loses. More is willing to fight willing to suffer.

After thinking about it, Zhang Cheng transferred 100,000 to Teacher Xu.

Seeing Zhang Cheng transfer so much money to himself, Mr. Xu couldn't help but be stunned, and then he understood something.

"I-I won't pester you."

"Crack~" Zhang Cheng used a little strength this time, and directly slapped a slap in the plump place behind Teacher Xu.

"What are you thinking about, you will be fine in the future, don't get entangled with other people, can you do it?"

Teacher Xu was stunned again: "Then, aren't you..." He was ruthless? The latter sentence, Teacher Xu, was a little ashamed to say it.

Zhang Cheng glanced at the innocent teacher Xu. This woman said she was smart, and she was quite smart, but she was also very stupid when she said she was stupid.

What kind of market do you think you can be worth 600,000?

That is to say, Zhang Cheng doesn't take money seriously now, and Mr. Xu's figure is very good, so he had a good experience just now. Otherwise, to pay Sun Ming's medical expenses of 500,000, Zhang Cheng will have to play for at least two years before he can play again. Give Teacher Xu some pocket money.

"Go to sleep." Zhang Cheng said.

Hearing this sentence, Teacher Xu realized that she was already very tired.

"En." After answering, Teacher Xu quickly fell into a dream.

Zhang Cheng looked down at the young woman and couldn't help but feel happy.

There is one more woman who can fight him one-on-one.

Not bad.

The next day, after having some fun on the Daping floor, Zhang Cheng took the night high-speed train to Ning County.

Zhang Cheng's arrival made Zhou Yun, Zeng Li, and Hu Zhen very happy, but Hu Zhen was going to work, Zeng Li's bar had something to do today, and Zhou Yun, who had several jobs, couldn't be idle.

So Zhang Cheng has no one to accompany him.

This made Zhang Cheng a little helpless, and after thinking about it, he simply went to the Internet cafe.

Because of the popularity of mobile phones, the traffic of Internet cafes has been greatly impacted.

Even on Saturday, there are not many customers in the Internet cafe. In the huge Internet cafe with more than 100 computers, the attendance rate is less than one tenth.

Compared with the lively scene where one machine is hard to find in the past, the gap is huge.

However, this has nothing to do with Zhang Cheng.

He found a machine to surf the Internet.

After reading the news for a while, I checked some information, and played a few violent motorcycles.

Zhang Cheng felt the urge to urinate. After looking around, he went to the toilet in the Internet cafe to solve his physiological problems.

But when I returned, I accidentally saw a figure sleeping with two chairs put together.

And also a girl.

Taking another look, Zhang Cheng felt familiar, took another look, isn't this Yang Lu? Before, Zhang Cheng had spent hundreds of yuan in the little girl's film.

After thinking about it, Zhang Cheng stepped forward and slapped the girl in the face.

Soon, Yang Lu woke up rubbing her eyes.

Dark circles, chicken coop-like hair, eye mucus at the corners of his eyes, and the smell of cigarette smoke.

Very different.

Stretching, Yang Lu looked at the person who woke her up beside her with a dazed look.

"Isn't there another machine next to me!" Apparently, his mind was still awake, thinking that Zhang Cheng was someone who came to the Internet cafe to surf the Internet.

However, after a while, Yang Lu recognized Zhang Cheng.

"Wow, you're taking advantage of it!"

Hearing this, Zhang Cheng's face darkened, he directly stretched out his hand to clamp Yang Lu's head, and lifted it up.

"Wow, the neck is broken! It's broken!" Yang Lu begged for mercy.

Zhang Cheng didn't even say that he had to make this **** suffer, and immediately let go.

"Why are you here?"

"Uh... I didn't have the money to pay the rent, and the landlord kicked me out." Yang Lu blinked.

Zhang Cheng is not surprised to hear that,

This bastard's brain is not very normal, it is normal to be kicked out if she can't pay the rent.

"Then you live here now?" Zhang Cheng also saw a suitcase blocked by a chair at this time.

Yang Lu nodded when she heard the words, and then made a pitiful appearance.

"Gululu~" At this moment, Yang Lu's stomach was still screaming with hunger.

Yang Lu immediately acted even more pitifully, and Hyun Ran wanted to cry.

Seeing this, Zhang Cheng frowned, but he could only get off the plane, and then took the **** to the hot dry noodle restaurant next to the Internet cafe.

Alkaline noodles, sesame paste, brine juice, shredded cucumbers, chopped peanuts, etc. After stirring them well, Zhang Cheng was about to start eating, only to find that the **** Yang Lu was looking at him, and the noodles in front of her had not been stirred.

Zhang Cheng rolled his eyes helplessly, did he owe her in his last life?

But seeing Yang Lu's pitiful eyes, Zhang Cheng could only exchange the noodles he had mixed with hers.

Seeing this, Yang Lu smiled stupidly: "I still want to eat a roasted sausage."

Zhang Cheng rolled his eyes again: "Boss, take two sausages."

After eating the hot dry noodles, Zhang Cheng went to checkout.

The boss looked at Zhang Cheng and then at Yang Lu.

"Just give 490."

This time, Zhang Cheng didn't doubt the price of these two bowls of hot dry noodles and two bowls of sausage~www.readwn.com~ resignedly swept 490 to the boss, then turned and left.

Seeing this, Yang Lu quickly chased after him with his suitcase.

"Brother, brother~Wait for me~"

Zhang Cheng walked faster instead, I'm waiting for you, I'm waiting for you to continue to take me to another house to checkout?


Suddenly, Zhang Cheng heard the sound of a fall behind him, and quickly turned his head to look, and found that the bastard, Yang Lu, fell to the ground.

"Wow~ it hurts~" Yang Lu let out a miserable cry.

Zhang Cheng sighed helplessly. He felt that he probably really owed this **** in his last life, so he could only turn back and help Yang Lu up.

"Did you get hurt anywhere?"

Yang Lu was limping and pulled her trousers above her knees.

I saw a large wound on Yang Lu's delicate and greasy knee, which was bleeding at the moment.

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