I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 303: , Yuxueyifang

Chapter 303, Yuxueyifang

Lei Zhun naturally had a case for this.

"Okay, when I go back, I will sign a competition agreement with Store Manager Gao and a few reserve store managers, but boss, how many years is more appropriate to sign?"

"One year." Zhang Cheng said after thinking.

There was no competition before, so it really doesn't matter whether a competition agreement is signed or not. And Zhang Cheng is also reluctant to restrict his employees in this way.

After all, it's not easy for them. They really didn't have a good time in the cheap supermarket and wanted to leave. As a result, because of the non-compete agreement, they delayed their time, and they couldn't apply for jobs that fit their abilities. It's really not very good.

But now that there is competition, and it is still a big mac with abundant funds, it is necessary to sign a competition agreement. Although it may not be able to stop it, it can at least receive some compensation.

"In terms of liquidated damages, what requirements do you have?" Lei Zhun asked again, all these details must be asked, otherwise he will make his own decisions, more or less is not good.

"What do you think of the two-year store manager's salary?" Zhang Cheng said.

Lei Zhun nodded after hearing the words for a moment: "Okay."

After dealing with this trivial matter, Zhang Cheng thought for a moment: "Lao Lei, do you think it is possible for us to dig up that Huang Zhiqi?"

The other party is smart and powerful.

Although Zhang Cheng did not hide his thoughts, the other party quickly judged that he did not intend to accept the other party's investment.

Especially in the midst of a super-giant like the sky, you can also serve as a manager of a project team, and your ability will definitely not be weak. As long as you dig it, it will be a good helper.

After all, there will be some capital management in supermarkets in the future. Whether to say it or not, the other party is also a counterpart.

Lei Zhun was stunned when he heard the words. Although he knew that his boss had great ambitions, but now they only have three supermarkets and one is being renovated, how dare he think about poaching from the sky?

The boss's thinking is too jumpy, and his old arms and legs really can't keep up.

"I'll try." But Lei Zhun did not refuse, but agreed first.

Zhang Cheng also knew the difficulty of doing so.

"It's alright, if you can't pull it down, don't take it too seriously. After all, our main business is the operation of supermarkets." Zhang Cheng also knew that his idea was somewhat inexplicable, and it was unlikely to be realized, but what if.

There's no harm in trying.

After parting with Lei Zhun, Zhang Cheng thought about it and then came to Yang Yu and Yang Xue.

The two sisters' clothing stores are booming, and many pictures have appeared in the outdoor live broadcasts of major live broadcast platforms.

Anyway, the little anchors with a monthly income of no more than 10,000 yuan, regardless of gender, age, or age, are now wearing many clothes from Yuxueyifang.

Although many companies have begun to follow suit and sponsor their small anchors, in general, Yuxueyifang is still very good at small anchors.

And this idea was just an occasional idea of ​​Zhang Cheng at first, but the effect it brought to sisters Yang Yu and Yang Xue's clothing brand was beyond many people's expectations.

The most important thing is that there is really not much investment.

Find a big anchor to bring goods once, hundreds of thousands, millions.

And these small anchors only need 300 or 500 yuan after completing the prescribed period of time every month. That is to say, the amount spent to find a big anchor is enough to make hundreds of thousands of small anchors wearing rain and snow. Yifang's clothes will be broadcast live for a month!

In addition, Yuxueyifang's clothes are also really good.

Although the design does not dare to say that it is unconventional, it is also quite satisfactory, and it is a style that the public can accept and are willing to accept.

Last month, in just one month, the shipment volume of offline stores plus online stores on major platforms has reached more than 700,000 pieces, although this number is almost all clothing such as hats, tops, pants, shoes, underwear, socks, etc. sum.

However, today is just the 12th, and the sales volume of Yuxueyifang has reached more than 750,000 pieces. If this momentum continues.

Then the number of sales this month may even explode to more than 1.5 million. Revenue over 100 million!

Therefore, Yuxueyifang has already established itself.

"Brother Cheng." When Yang Yu saw Zhang Cheng approaching, his beautiful eyes turned to look forward.

After all, she never thought that Zhang Cheng's seemingly inconspicuous little idea would have a blowout today.

Promote Yuxueyifang to reach today's height.

Zhang Cheng chuckled lightly, seeing that there was no one left or right, he hugged Yang Yu and gave him a kiss.

As for the current results of the two sisters, he said that it was unexpected and unexpected.

Unexpectedly, it can achieve today's achievements. After all, it should be said that the monthly revenue is over 100 million yuan, which is considered to be very powerful among domestic clothing brands.

Not surprisingly, it is because this is the result of the help of several old masters, especially the face of the old man, so that Yuxueyifang can be settled on major live broadcast platforms.

If Mr. Guan didn't speak, it would be almost impossible for Yuxueyifang to enter the platform at a relatively low price.

People's traffic, want a white ticket? Want to eat fart is not.

Now there are Yuxueyifang in the outdoor divisions of major live broadcast platforms, even if they are small anchors, but compared to those head anchors, they are the majority of the anchor group.

Under such a large flow of traffic, as long as Yuxueyifang does not die, it is basically equivalent to stepping on the road of prosperity.

"But the clothing store in the animal country has also started to follow us and sponsor the little anchor." Yang Yu said a little worriedly.

The other party's annual revenue exceeds 100 billion, which is hundreds of times the volume of Yuxueyifang. Once it starts to compete with Yuxueyifang.

Then the result is really unpredictable.

Especially since the other party had already contacted Jin Luo, and wanted Jin Luo to stop supplying Yuxue Yifang. If it wasn't for the support of Mr. Yang, Yuxueyifang would not be able to sell clothes now if it wanted to.

Zhang Cheng also heard about this~www.readwn.com~ I came here today to solve this trouble.

"Let's go to Mr. Yang later to see if we can get Jinluo out of business. Let's invest and set up a factory." This requirement is undoubtedly excessive.

But Zhang Cheng owes a lot of favors to the old men, and this is really nothing.

I really can't go back and sell a 20-day good ginseng to the old man.

And even if Mr. Yang had some factors and didn't help, Zhang Cheng didn't have a backup plan.

When Yang Xue, who was patrolling at the customer service, returned, Zhang Cheng took the two sisters to the suburban manor of Mr. Yang.

When Zhang Cheng and the others arrived, they happened to see the vegetation being replaced in the manor.

Obviously, the previous scene made Mr. Yang want to change it.

"Oh? Xiao Cheng is here~" Mr. Yang, who was overseeing planting a magnolia tree, saw Zhang Cheng and smiled lightly.

"Master, you are doing a big project." Zhang Cheng smiled.

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