I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 305: , 0 spend capital

Chapter 305, Baihua Capital

After having dinner outside, Zhang Cheng went home with the two sisters.

Perhaps out of emotion, he wanted to reward Zhang Cheng.

The two sisters changed into clothes they had bought a long time ago but had been embarrassed to wear.

The white gauze clothes fluttering with immortality, coupled with the red belly pockets of mandarin ducks playing in the water, directly made the two sisters soar to the level of 9 points of beauty, plus the two women's bright eyes and good looks, Zhang Cheng can't stand it even if he is not lustful.

Immediately jumped up.

The next day, Zhang Cheng took the subway to meet Lei Zhun, and was going to meet the second Baihua Capital, who planned to invest in their supermarket.

It stands to reason that since Zhang Cheng has no plans to accept the investment of the other party, such a meeting is undoubtedly a waste of time.

However, on the one hand, Zhang Cheng looked to see what the situation of these capitals was, and on the other hand, Zhang Cheng was still a little curious about these strange capitals.

After all, in all kinds of information, major capitals are overturning the rivers and seas in business, covering the sky with only one hand, grabbing dozens of times the profits.

Let the former Zhang Cheng yearn for it.

Walking out of the subway station, Zhang Cheng unexpectedly discovered that in addition to Lei Zhun, there was a golden retriever at the entrance and exit.

With a big nose, blue eyes, and a neat suit, he looks like a person.

A lot of things that happened in recent years have given Zhang Cheng a better understanding of the nature of these people, knowing that these white people are not as civilized and high-quality as the public knows.

far worse than the natives.

"Mr. Zhang?" The other party said in a strange voice.

Zhang Cheng nodded: "It's me."

The other party smiled lightly: "Hello, I'm Gashi from Hundred Blossoms Capital."

Zhang Cheng nodded again and walked forward.

This made Gash unable to help frown. In his impression, people in this country are all modest, that is, easy to bully.

But the man in front of him is very strong.

Even if he is a project team manager of Hundred Blossoms Capital and greets him here politely, the other party doesn't care at all.

Come to the meeting room in the reserved hotel.

Seven or eight employees of the other party got up quickly.

Gash also took the center seat on the right.

Zhang Cheng casually chose a place to sit on the left side, Lei Zhun watched Zhang Cheng's actions and knew that the boss seemed to be a little dissatisfied with the foreigner. After all, when he met with Tianjiang Investment Huang Zhiqi last time, Zhang Cheng still had equal etiquette.

Gash turned his head to look at Zhang Cheng, the smile on his face was a little stiff.

Because the other party actually sat on the side, instead of sitting in the middle and equal to him.

This is not what it looks like to talk about cooperation at all.

But... the other party's resources and strength are coveted by their Hundred Flowers.

"Hello, Mr. Zhang, this is my assistant Lu Yunna." Gash thought of the other party's information under investigation and introduced the beauties beside Zhang Cheng.

Following his words, a tall and slender beauty stood up gracefully and nodded.

Zhang Cheng nodded and looked at the other party. This one is also a beautiful woman, similar to Wang Qing's appearance rating.

But it is a pity that Zhang Cheng is no longer as restless as he used to be, and he always wants to do something to the beauty.

Unless it's a woman like Zhou Yun who can help him a lot, Zhang Cheng will have some dewy relationships at most, and he doesn't even want to have any more good friends.

So this Lu Yunna is beautiful, but what does it matter?

Are you really cooperating with Baihua Capital in order to do something with the other party? Funny isn't it.

Gash looked at Zhang Cheng, his expression was still, but the thoughts in his heart were spinning rapidly.

He wants to negotiate this cooperation, even if there will be some losses on the books.

Because the resources and strength of the other party are very strong, as long as you can get on the car now, the future return will definitely not be just a little, but a lot, and may even become a classic investment case in the company.

The preconceived hatred of white people made Zhang Cheng's expression far less gentle than when he faced Huang Zhiqi, who had fallen from the sky, and his face was cold throughout the whole process.

Let’s put the past things aside. In recent years, white people have done too many disgusting things. First, there were riots in Hong Kong and the city, and then they turned black and white against Xinjiang Province. After seeing no effect, they took the lead in boycotting Xinjiang. Save product.

Mad, that is, Zhang Cheng, has a good temper. If he is a little bit irritable, he will take a punch if he keeps it.

What nonsense are you talking to him here.

As for whether Zhang Cheng's approach was to overturn a boatload of people with one pole. All I can say is that white people are disgusting enough.

After all a white guy throws **** on you, it's hard not to hate another white guy.

And the more cooperative and open attitude at the national level, that is the country, and Zhang Cheng is not the country. Just make yourself happy.

Lu Yunna didn't mind Zhang Cheng's actions on the seat, she naturally changed positions with her colleagues, and then began to tell Zhang Cheng their investment plan for Baihua.

After listening, a look of surprise flashed in Zhang Cheng's eyes.

The other party plans to invest 23 million funds, but only intends to own 35% of the equity?

This is undoubtedly a fairly generous decision, and even if we continue to talk, it may not be impossible to negotiate 25 million, 30% equity.

If such a capital investment can be achieved, then Zhang Cheng's initial investment of less than 13 million is almost a value of about 60 million.

But unfortunately, Zhang Cheng's pursuit of money has come to an end.

To put it a little bit, it is 'I don't love money~', and Zhang Cheng is qualified to say such a thing.

Because he no longer needs to care about money matters. Just focus on what you want to do and how to do it.

As for the supermarket, Zhang Cheng's goal is to develop it into a place where people can buy desirable vegetables at relatively low prices.

This is also the fundamental reason why Zhang Cheng rejects external investment.

Because capital is all profit-seeking, once the investment is accepted, it will inevitably be affected accordingly. It is hard to say whether the follow-up supermarket can become what Zhang Cheng wants.

As for what to do with management, the supermarket has not allowed itself to develop this situation. How to say that, others may be able to do it, but Zhang Cheng doesn't necessarily go to the supermarket every three days or five days, he can do it?

Bullshit isn't it.

As long as he accepts the investment, Zhang Cheng will either give up his idea of ​​the supermarket~www.readwn.com~ or have to stare at the supermarket every day, but if there is any problem, it must be solved immediately.

Otherwise, the cheap supermarket will soon become someone else's shape.

And can Zhang Cheng stare at the supermarket every day? Not to mention whether he can or not, but can Zhang Cheng solve the daily management and operation of the supermarket, as well as various problems?

It's not that Zhang Cheng looks down on himself, he obviously can't do it.

"I'm very excited about your plan, but can you only provide funds?" Zhang Cheng said lightly.

Gash and Lu Yunna looked at each other and saw the other's surprise.

"Yes." Lu Yunna said bravely.

The young man in front of him doesn't look amazing, nor does he have any imposing manner, and there is no luxury in his clothes. But it made her feel a lot of pressure.

This is probably because she knows the relationship of the other party's background.

Guan Yan, Yang Bai, several super-rich people, in the Hu family, the young man in front of him could squeeze her to death with a single finger.

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