I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 330: , billionaire

Chapter 330, billionaires

After chatting, Zhang Cheng comforted Sister Mei to rest, and then came to Aunt Mei's side.

Zhang Cheng didn't finish high school, and he didn't get much promotion after he entered the society. He has always been a variety of odd jobs, screwdrivers and other jobs. If he didn't get the plug-in space, he would still be one of the thousands at the bottom.

Therefore, it is unrealistic to expect Zhang Cheng to do anything.

Fortunately, this guy is very lucky, he met a few good women, Xiangxiang knows how to work hard, Zhao Shengnan is committed to his dream of becoming a professional boxer, sisters Yang Yu and Yang Xue work hard to run their own clothing brands, and other women also have their own Career, has the precious character of striving and making progress.

It's not those trashy women who are greedy for pleasure, slack, hate poverty and love the rich and full of shortcomings.

Don't look at it as if it's easy to do it, but in fact, after gaining a certain amount of money, people who can maintain their efforts can't say that there is no such thing as a hundred, but there can be one in ten. , just fine.

So I have to say that Zhang Cheng's eyes on women are really something.

So far, all the women he has decided to accept, except for Zeng Li, a charming aunt who gradually has a tendency to idle away, the others have not said anything about it. Still have things to do.

Even Zhang Cheng's five daughters, who were only good friends, didn't say that they were only canaries, but still had a formal job.

Thinking of this, Zhang Cheng couldn't help but smile.

Looking back now, if Xiangxiang was really a man of pleasure, and Zhao Shengnan didn't stick to his dreams, what would happen to him now?

Probably every day is spending money, looking for a woman, looking for a woman, spending money, right?

Of course, this kind of life is undoubtedly what Zhang Cheng dreams of, but Zhang Cheng also knows that this is by no means a good thing.

Not to mention whether a large amount of consumption will attract official attention and be investigated.

It is not a good thing to be immersed in life, dreams, and death every day.

How can he be like this now? He has his own career to be busy with, and the women are happy every day, so Zhang Cheng is very satisfied with his current state.

After all, it should be said that his living condition has exceeded 99.99% of people, right?

Happy few days in Ning County.

After explaining that the girls had to drink one or two a day, Zhang Cheng returned to S City after adding a piece of spirit grass-grade ginseng to the ginseng wine.

Probably because of a touch with Yiku, Yuxueyifang officially entered the eyes of many investors.

In fact, it was not that no one wanted to invest in Yuxueyifang before, but on the one hand, Zhang Cheng was not too short of funds, at least in the area of ​​clothing. In addition, these investors have some idea of ​​​​spending small money to do big things, and even some investors want to take equity according to the investment ratio of Guan and Yang. How could Zhang Cheng agree to this kind of shit.

But this time, after the prying eyes of the clothes store were sent away, the investors who came back were much more generous.

Generally speaking, investors will make a valuation of the invested project.

In order to decide how much equity you can get after investing a certain amount of money.

Since this time, the valuation of Yuxueyifang has never been lower than 500 million.

This is somewhat sincere, especially since several of them are in the upstream and midstream industries of the clothing industry, and even Zhang Cheng cannot completely ignore them.

This is also the reason why Zhang Cheng did not stay in Ning County.

Returning to S City, the next day, Zhang Cheng and Yang Yu and Yang Xue met with a more sincere investor.

One of the top enterprises in the domestic textile printing and dyeing industry: Tiangong Textile

It was also Yuxueyifang that started to set up its own clothing factory, and Tiangong would come here. Otherwise, even if a clothing brand that entrusts all manufacturing links to OEM, even if it sells well, Tiangong may not care.

"Our valuation of Yuxueyifang is 600 million yuan, and we hope to get 5% of Yuxueyifang's equity through a capital injection of 35 million." Tiangong Textile is responsible for the investment negotiation, a eldest sister of forty Xu , There is no imposing manner, it is ordinary, but the words are very crisp, with the smell of vigorous and resolute.

Zhang Cheng is all too familiar with this situation. The strong woman is right. After all, Aunt Mei is like this outside. As for the 600 million valuation, 35 million is only a 5% premium for the equity.

Let's put it this way, how could Zhang Cheng accept the investment of the other party without a premium.

He looked at some documents prepared by the two sisters, Yang Yu and Yang Xue, and then exchanged glances with the two sisters.

Zhang Cheng nodded slowly and said, "Yes, then I wish us a happy cooperation!"

The eldest sister smiled lightly, got up and shook hands with Zhang Cheng: "I think it will be very pleasant."

"Then I don't know if Tiangong Textile will accept our investment?" Zhang Cheng chuckled lightly, cross-shareholding. This was something he didn't quite understand before. After learning a lot from Aunt Mei, Zhang Cheng stopped I can't tell if I understand.

Just like Tiangong Textile hopes to invest in Yuxueyifang and gain a certain influence, Yuxueyifang also needs to have a certain influence on the upstream industry, especially the more important raw material production link in the clothing production link of textile printing and dyeing. .

The eldest sister was a little surprised when she heard the words, but she nodded after thinking for a while: "This is naturally no problem."

With the good cooperation just now, the investment in Tiangong Textile will soon have results.

20 million, 3%, and a class A share with 5 times the voting power.

As for the strategic cooperation under the background of cross-shareholding, it is not something that Zhang Cheng manages and discusses.

I had lunch with my eldest sister, and it was a great pleasure for the host and guests.

In the afternoon, Zhang Cheng brought Yang Yu and Yang Xue to Mr. Guan's place and handed over 1% of Tiangong Textile's shares and 4 million in cash to the old man.

After all, the 5% stake purchased by Tiangong Textile has 1.25% of the old man's side.

Although this amount of money is nothing to Mr. Guan, the investment of 20 million yuan has directly increased by 7 or 8 times after a few months, which is still very happy.

"Xiao Cheng, not bad."

Hearing Father Guan's compliment, Zhang Cheng smiled lightly and turned to look at the two sisters, Yang Yu and Yang Xue~www.readwn.com~ are all thanks to Xiaoyu and Xiaoxue, I don't dare to take the credit. "

Yang Yu and Yang Xue are still a bit like a dream now. After all, more than half a year ago, their sisters were overwhelmed by more than one million debts, almost desperate, and Zhang Cheng succeeded. However, after half a year, their sisters have already mastered it. With a nearly 50% stake in a clothing brand valued at 600 million?

Is this true?

Seeing the two girls look a little dazed, Mr. Guan obviously understands the impact of this incident on the two girls, so he doesn't blame the two girls for their rudeness, and even if he looks at Zhang Cheng's face, he can't care about anything.

"Kuan, Uncle Guan, Xiaoxue and I have nothing to do." Yang Yu realized the rudeness of himself and his sister, and said quickly.

Zhang Cheng smiled lightly when he saw this. Yuxueyifang's monthly sales are now over 100 million yuan. Although it is very shocking to the two sisters, the profits are not very large, and the wages of the two sisters as managers are not too exaggerated. , so there is not much realism.

And today's valuation of 600 million yuan, 35 million real money sold 5% of the equity, only to make the two sisters realize that they are already billionaires.

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