I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 332: , restricting

Chapter 332, Constraints

When the passion was over, the two sisters' faces were ruddy and there was no more panic. It seemed that Zhang Cheng's comforting effect was very good.

After all, the shining dagger was about to stab Zhang Cheng just now, and the horror it brought to the two sisters was still very serious.

"Brother Cheng, if I, we do something bad in the future, will you, you treat us like this?" Yang Xue suddenly said nervously.

Zhang Cheng was stunned when he heard the words, was he frightened by the way Old Man Yang punished Jing Yue?

"No, as long as we don't put a hat on me, we can talk about everything." Zhang Cheng said with a smile.

Hearing this, Yang Yu glanced at Zhang Cheng helplessly, this person is really, how can he say anything.

In fact, in Zhang Cheng's heart, as long as his woman doesn't make serious mistakes such as putting a hat on him, she can say anything, whether it comes or not, Zhang Cheng will force some, but not too much.


On the other side, the living room of Yangshu Yang's manor.

Official hat chairs, landscape paintings, a few pots of Wenzhu and other classical Chinese decorations make people feel like they are back in the old age room.

The old man Yang was sitting on the left, and Jing Yue, who just wanted to give Zhang Cheng a dagger with a frantic face just now, sat quietly opposite.

This time things are complicated and complicated, simple and simple.

Selling the equity of Yuxueyifang was just an act that Jingyue used to test her husband, but it basically had nothing to do with Zhang Cheng.

As long as this time is successful, it means that Mr. Yang has a certain degree of patience with her, and then she will intensify her efforts in the future, and gradually get Mr. Yang's property.

Although there are still many troubles and problems to be solved in order to realize such an attempt, Jingyue feels that it is not impossible for her to succeed.

It's just a pity that as soon as Jingyue made a test, Mr. Yang knocked her down into the dust.

Old love? Loving? As if none of it exists.

"I'll give you 10 million and sign the divorce agreement." Mr. Yang put down the teacup and said lightly.

For him, women can be shrewd and calculated, but only betrayal is not allowed, and Jingyue has obviously crossed the line.

Then Mr. Yang will naturally have no mercy, and it is normal to abandon him decisively.

As for the other party who has been with him for nearly ten years, so what?

"Ten million to kill me? Impossible!" Jing Yue resisted her anger.

As the wife of the other party for nearly ten years, what kind of wealth the other party has, even if she doesn't know all about it, she also knows part of it, far more than outsiders think.

How could a mere 10 million make her satisfied.

"Oh." Mr. Yang said lightly, getting up and leaving, he had no intention of continuing the conversation with Jing Yue.

Jing Yue was stunned when she saw this. Even though her husband had confiscated all her property and was imprisoned to a certain extent, she still felt that she had some feelings for the old man in front of her.

There will be such a punishment, it is nothing more than to teach her a lesson and let her restrain herself in the future.

But until this moment, Jing Yue realized that she had never understood the old man who had lived with her for ten years.

So Jing Yue panicked.

"Ten million is absolutely impossible!"

"Twenty million." After Mr. Yang looked at Jing Yue for a while, Ru Hua Jiaoyan had accompanied him for ten years, and ten million was indeed a little less.

"No, no, at least 500 million!" Jingyue Shishi said loudly.

Grandpa Yang glanced at Jing Yue again, turned around and was about to leave. 20 million was not his limit, but 500 million was impossible.

"Okay! Just 20 million! But I have to give me my previous assets!" Jing Yue finally surrendered, because she vaguely understood that today might be her last chance to see this old man.

If you don't accept the other party's conditions now, then it is basically impossible for the old man Yang Shu to see him again.

Mr. Yang thought for a moment and nodded: "You have to divest the equity of Yuxueyifang."

"Yes." Jingyue lowered her head in frustration.

Mr. Yang left the living room, and his assistant would naturally take care of the rest.

In fact, apart from his ex-wife, a woman is like a pet to him. It is nothing more than being able to run, dance, talk to relieve boredom, and warm the bed.

Usually there is nothing to do, so naturally you can love and love, but once something happens, a woman is just an old dress. Naturally, there will be no reluctance to throw it away.

Besides, clothes younger and more beautiful than Jingyue are everywhere.


if not?


Zhang Cheng didn't know how to deal with Mr. Yang, and at the same time he probably understood that it was Mr. Yang's advice that Jing Yue could stop his car and let him know how to deal with Jing Yue.

And if Zhang Cheng knew about the attitude and handling of Mr. Yang towards such a beautiful woman as Jing Yue, it would not necessarily be a bit regretful.

After all, Zhang Cheng has always been tolerant towards women, especially beauties.

First sent the two sisters home, Zhang Cheng went to buy some food and came back, added a little more than a pound of spirit grass-grade ginseng wine, and the three ate dinner happily.

But just when Zhang Chengjian smiled and wanted to take the two sisters back to the bedroom, he found that the two sisters looked serious.

"What's up?"

"Brother Cheng, you should accept the equity of Yifang." Yang Yu said.

Zhang Cheng frowned a little when he heard that, the two sisters had already wanted to give him the equity once before. At that time, he said that he would give the equity to the children of the three of them, and they mixed it up, but he did not expect that the two sisters would bring up the same thing again.

Although Yuxueyifang is now very large, with a valuation of 600 million, and it seems that it can develop better, Zhang Cheng is really not that rare.

After all, in addition to some useful or useless ideas, he also provided some help. The main business is that the two sisters are busy.

If he accepts these shares, even if it is only 10%, Zhang Cheng will inevitably feel that he is taking advantage of the two sisters.

Yang Yu and her sister watched Zhang Cheng together. The 600 million valuation of Yuxueyifang was recognized, which shocked them both. What happened to Jingyue today also made them understand that Zhang Cheng had no restraints on their sisters. What kind of trust is it without the support and help of additional conditions.

It's just that people become.

Even the two sisters Yang Yu and Yang Xue, they didn't realize that ten or twenty years later ~www.readwn.com~ was in charge of the probably huge Yuxueyifang at that time, and they could still be like Brother Cheng. So close now. Maybe they will become like Jingyue?

In order to avoid a similar situation, they were willing to accept Zhang Cheng's constraints.

Through induction, Zhang Cheng sensed the affection of the two sisters, which made him feel that his heartstrings were plucked. With such a beautiful woman to accompany him, he did not know how much virtue he had accumulated in his previous life.

"Okay." Zhang Cheng held the two sisters in his arms, and few of them had no evil thoughts.

The beginning of the three was not good, and even he took advantage of the fire and fell into the trap, semi-forced to turn the two sisters into adults. Fortunately, Zhang Cheng woke up to his own problem in time, and only after giving money to the house without asking for other salacious actions, was the understanding of the two sisters obtained.

The follow-up support and help, but Zhang Cheng felt guilty, and also wanted to get along with the two sisters for a long time.

And now, everything has a perfect result far beyond expectations.

Perhaps it was because of Zhang Cheng's intentions, or because of Zhang Cheng's usual love and cherishment, the two sisters had a deep-rooted love for Zhang Cheng.

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