I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 336: ,sense of security

Chapter 336, a sense of security

Looking at Wang Sisi, who was completely immersed in love, Zhang Cheng made a decision after thinking for a moment.

If Wang Sisi is not a child, it doesn't matter if they play a ranking together occasionally. The other party has money and leisure, nothing more than to be happy. And it can't be said who plays who, who takes advantage and who loses.

But Wang Sisi is a child, so Zhang Cheng can't be treated so casually.

Gently stroked Wang Sisi's smooth back, Zhang Cheng had an idea in his mind, why not ask Sisi's opinion first? After all, this is not an ordinary woman, but a super housekeeper.

Zhang Cheng must respect the other party's own ideas, and he must not disrespect them.

"Sisi." Zhang Cheng said.

"Huh?" Wang Sisi was still immersed in the passionate aftertaste just now, and this faint response was full of laziness.

This made Zhang Cheng take a deep breath. He was very sensual. Zhang Cheng never denied this, but he also knew that Wang Sisi had just turned to adults. If he continued, he was afraid that he would be injured.

Wang Sisi noticed something, opened his eyes, and after finding Zhang Cheng's situation, he thought about it and leaned over.

Although Wang Sisi's movements were clumsy and unfamiliar, and there was almost no pleasure, Zhang Cheng was already shocked.

Ordinary women do this, and that's it, but Wang Sisi is a super housekeeper, with a property of more than 100,000 square meters, or S City, do you think it's a joke?

But she was still willing to put down her figure and please herself.

Zhang Cheng made a decision in an instant, he made it! This woman is going to be fixed! Don't try to stop anyone!

He gently stopped Wang Sisi's approach and held the beauty in his arms.

As soon as he became an adult, he could enjoy Wang Sisi's favor with peace of mind. That would be rubbish. Although he was already a scumbag, he still had some limits, okay?

"Sorry." Wang Sisi thought that he was not good enough to please Zhang Cheng, which made Zhang Cheng dissatisfied.

Zhang Cheng didn't quite understand why this super lady was so humble.

He helped Wang Sisi close the messy hair around his ears.

"Follow me later." What? Ask Wang Sisi for his own opinion? After Wang Sisi had such a favor, Zhang Cheng just threw it aside.

Even if Wang Si thought to run away now, he would have to **** the woman back.

It's not that Zhang Cheng has shallow eye sockets. He's never seen a good one, but Xiangxiang is very good, but a beauty worth tens of billions of dollars is so obedient and gentle, it's really unbearable.

Wang Sisi was stunned when she heard the words, and said that she didn't get along with Zhang Cheng for a long time. Even if Xiaoxin chatted occasionally, compared with normal men and women, the progress was too fast.

But can't stop just like it.

When she saw this man for the first time, she was a little moved, and took the initiative to ask for a second meeting, a third meeting, and then fell into it.

Crazy? Crazy indeed.

But even so, Wang Sisi didn't have any regrets, but there was a slight worry in his heart after all.

After all, this man in front of him has too many women, and she can only be one of them. Maybe they will be separated soon?

But what I didn't expect was that this man seemed to be serious?

So what is the promise? Or promise?

As for Zhang Cheng's concern, Wang Sisi didn't care that much.

S City is very big, and there are still some super house brothers and house sisters who are similar to Wang Sisi's situation. One of the Sun sisters has a good relationship with Wang Sisi.

The one-three-fifth boyfriend, the two-four-six girlfriend, and the boyfriend and girlfriend on Sunday indulge every day.

What is Zhang Cheng's matter? Even if Zhang Cheng can keep his women by his side, he is already very responsible.

"I, okay." Wang Sisi nodded slowly under Zhang Cheng's gaze.

Seeing this, Zhang Cheng kissed Wang Sisi's forehead contentedly.

After the sudden accident of her parents, this super house sister has been extremely insecure, and will donate all the rent except daily expenses, just to obtain a certain degree of protection.

But after meeting Zhang Cheng, the strings that had been tensing in his heart loosened inexplicably and turned into love threads wrapped around him.

This made Zhang Cheng both distressed and pity.

He will definitely protect this woman well in the future and prevent her from any harm.

"Take a rest." Zhang Cheng gently patted Wang Sisi's naked backsliding.

Wang Sisi heard the words and looked at Zhang Cheng, then slowly closed his eyes, and after a while there was a slight purr.

The beauty was snoring in a different style, Zhang Cheng smiled lightly when he saw this, picked up the blanket and covered the two of them.

During this sleep, Wang Sisi slept until the sky was completely dark.

This made Wang Sisi blushed.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I'm too sleepy." It was only 1:00 noon when he slept, why did he fall asleep all of a sudden.

After having intimate contact, Wang Sisi took off her strong disguise in front of Zhang Cheng, revealing her sensitive and slender personality as a deer.

This makes Zhang Cheng even more pity. With so many houses, Wang Sisi can't be strong outside.

Otherwise, those so-called relatives and friends, the old memories of her parents, would rush up like beasts and devour her.

Zhang Cheng smiled gently, how could he mind if he could sleep or not.

"I'm going to give you a house."

The two underground floors of the apartment building are garages, ten floors above ground, and the first floor is the functional floor, hot water and air conditioning, security room, nanny room, etc. Zhang Cheng lives on the second floor, and many houses on the third to tenth floors already have owners, and there are not many left, but Wang Sisi and An Xiaoling, he still plans to give them a set.

Wang Sisi was a little surprised when she heard this, and quickly shook her head: "No, no, I have a lot of houses."

"Good, I gave you a house because I hope you can live with me and live with everyone." Zhang Chengtian said shamelessly.

Wang Sisi pursed his lips, looked at Zhang Cheng for a moment, and after realizing that he really wanted to give his house to him, he nodded lightly: "Yes." Only then did he decide to accept it.

Zhang Chengjian laughed and took Wang Sisi to take a bath. He was inevitably rubbed, making Wang Sisi's cheeks red and about to burn.

Fortunately, Zhang Cheng could maintain restraint and did not do anything more.

Putting on the clothes prepared by He Yumei, a light blue dress with a waist, let Wang Sisi, who has just become an adult and a little shy, exude an amazing charm.

Zhang Cheng couldn't help being dazzled.

Before, he had a lot of scruples and didn't dare to get involved with Wang Sisi, but now he has the power of induction ~www.readwn.com~ to almost understand Wang Sisi's mind, and naturally he doesn't want to live up to this affectionate beauty.

And shooting when it's time to shoot is also one of Zhang Cheng's few advantages.

After dinner, Zhang Cheng took Wang Sisi to the apartment building.

After thinking about it, Wang Sisi chose the 5th floor.

After that, she and Li Lan were neighbors.

Two beauties, one is like a flower, the other is as shy as a deer. When the time comes, Zhang Cheng gets excited when he thinks about it.

He Yumei, who was on the side, watched Zhang Cheng give Sister Sisi a suite, but she didn't appreciate it very much, and was still very hostile.

After all, her sister Sisi gave her whole body to this flirtatious radish.

Zhang Cheng glanced at He Yumei. Not only did he commit a bodyguard, but he also committed "He". After all, Aunt Mei's assistant, He Lili, was also very unfriendly to him.

But Zhang Cheng didn't mind, as long as these two were loyal to their respective bosses, it wouldn't matter if he was targeted.

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