Chapter thirty-four, cover

After tossing until midnight, Zhang Cheng was satisfied.

Zhao Shengnan didn't care whether the bed collapsed or not, he just fell asleep. After a day of training, Zhang Cheng was tossed for a long time. Rao is because her physical fitness is very good and she is very tired.

Zhang Cheng pulled Zhao Shengnan's short hair together and looked at the situation when he got out of the bed.

When the bed collapsed at the beginning, he didn't care too much, it collapsed after collapse. Is it important to have men's doubles volleyball with Zhao Sheng?

Later, when the double row was continued, the bed found its own balance.

Now basically it is almost equivalent to laying the floor.

So Zhang Cheng didn't mean to disturb Zhao Shengnan's sleep anymore, he had to get her up or something.

Besides, it's getting late, Zhao Shengnan's residence has no place to lie down except for the bed board under him.

Simply sleep.

The next day.

Zhang Cheng was awakened by the pain in his chest.

Zhao Shengnan felt that Zhang Cheng had woken up, so he let go, with a deep dissatisfaction on his face.

"You belong to a dog?" Zhang Cheng looked at the teeth marks oozing blood on his chest, and felt a little pain in the egg. Fortunately, he was biting on his chest. If he was biting on a vital part of his lower body, wouldn't he be finished.

"Look at the time." Zhao Shengnan got up angrily and went to wash up.

Zhang Cheng picked up his phone and looked at it. It was past 10 in the morning, so it was no wonder that Zhao Sheng was angry. He was obviously annoyed that he was too troublesome and delayed training.

Zhang Cheng smiled, looked at the teeth marks on his chest, and wiped it with iodophor, then he didn't bother.

Zhao Shengnan prepares to train after washing up.

"Leave the key to me." Zhang Cheng said.

Zhao Shengnan didn't think about why Zhang Cheng wanted the key when he heard the words, he threw the key on the dining table and trotted to the training room.

She also wanted to run faster, but her legs were still a little weak.

After Zhao Shengnan went out, Zhang Cheng calmly got up to wash, then went to the furniture city, bought a sturdy and wide bed, and brought a thick and soft mattress.

Then I went to Home Appliance City and bought a refrigerator, washing machine, air conditioner, and TV. That's all, no additional purchases.

All of a sudden, he brought back Zhao Shengnan's residence.

The bed is installed.

Other things also need some debugging.

While watching the workers install and debug home appliances, beds, etc., Zhang Cheng was thoughtful.

Although he has no trouble selling ginseng at present, it does not mean that there will be no future.

So the corresponding cover needs to be prepared.

After thinking about several options, I contracted a mountain farm to plant ginseng under the forest as a way to cover myself, which was a more suitable one.

After thinking about it for a while, after scrutinizing the sequence of things, Zhang Cheng decided to take this approach.

Furniture and home appliances are fairly neatly done.

Seeing this, Zhang Cheng nodded in satisfaction.

At this time, Zhao Shengnan happened to be back, and when he saw the drastically changed home, he glanced at Zhang Cheng.

Although this man is not a good thing, he really has nothing to say to her.

Hundreds of thousands of training rooms will be arranged if they are arranged. The nutritionist, trainer, and even found a special cleaning for the training room, taking care of the logistics for her and eliminating many chores.

After a moment of silence: "Before I retire, I definitely can't have children with you."

Zhang Cheng was overjoyed when he heard the words, stepped forward and hugged Zhao Shengnan, and sat together on the big bed he just bought.

"Well, I can do it."

Zhao Shengnan looked at Xiang Xiang and agreed to his excessive demands so easily, and looked at Zhang Cheng with a much softer look.

Although she is a boxer, she is more violent than ordinary women, but she is still a woman after all.

Although Zhang Cheng is not a good match, the tolerance, tenderness and caring he showed during this period is something Zhao Shengnan has never experienced before.

"If you bother me in the future, just tell me directly, I won't pester you." Zhao Shengnan adjusted his posture to make himself more comfortable in Zhang Cheng's arms.

Zhang Cheng smiled.

He didn't open his mouth to say any love words like eachother.


After coming to Japan for a long time, getting along slowly, and even growing old, this woman will not have so many worries.

However, after thinking about it, Zhang Cheng said, "I'm going to go out recently." He was going to contract a mountain field, so he set up the cover first.

Zhao Shengnan was not surprised to hear that, after all, this kid said he was dumping ginseng, probably to buy it?

Regardless of these.

After having dinner with Zhao Shengnan, Zhang Cheng returned to Xiangxiang.

"I'm going out."

Xiangxiang was stunned when she heard the words, then nodded: "Yes."

Zhang Cheng is still very proud of his two women, who are well-behaved and well-behaved.

After tossing Xiangxiang until midnight, Zhang Cheng bought a train ticket to J Province the next day.

After reversing several times, we finally came to Changshan.

As long as the domestic ginseng is mentioned, then Changshan is a place that cannot be avoided.

After all, as the main producing area of ​​ginseng, more than 40% of domestic ginseng is produced in Changshan, and nearly 70% of high-quality ginseng is also produced in Changshan. It can be said that Changshan is the hometown of ginseng.

After arriving at Changshan, Zhang Cheng spent a few days wandering around.

I have a general understanding of the situation in Changshan.

First of all, making money by growing ginseng is really making money.

Take the contracting of one acre of mountain farms to plant understory ginseng as an example.

Generally, it can be harvested in about 15 Without manual intervention and completely imitating the wild environment, about 50 catties of understory ginseng, which is almost equivalent to wild ginseng, can be harvested per mu of land. , Of course, this output is not measured by weight when it is dried. If it can be left after drying, it will be very good.

Of course, this price is also quite gratifying.

Fresh ginseng is about 30,000 per kilogram. Even if the quality is good, there is a saying that one reference is one price.

In short, it can be regarded as a period of fifteen years, one mu of land can have nearly 2 million income.

On average, there are more than 100,000 per year.

But this money is not easy to earn.

First of all, the growth of ginseng does not mean that you want it to grow as long as it grows. Insects eat mouse bites and birds peck diseases, which will affect the yield.

Coupled with some other emergencies, it is not impossible that the grains are not harvested.

After all, this growth process is too long, more than fifteen years. No one can guarantee what will happen in such a long time.

So even if you know that growing ginseng can make money, you still need to be cautious.

If it wasn't for Zhang Cheng, what Zhang Cheng wanted was not to grow ginseng to make money, but to just take cover.

It is almost impossible for him to come to Changshan just like this, looking for the contracted mountain farm to grow ginseng.

Especially when it is known that growing ginseng is very profitable, the mountain farms suitable for growing ginseng have basically been contracted.

It's really not easy to find a suitable mountain farm. At least Zhang Cheng has been wandering around here for a few days, and he has never heard of a high-quality ginseng mountain farm that is going to be sold.

However, Zhang Cheng is not worried about this. After all, he is looking for a cover, and he doesn't really want to grow ginseng. It's almost enough.

So after a few days, Zhang Cheng found a fairly suitable target.

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