I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 340: , growth optimization

Chapter 340, Growth Optimization

Before coming, Zeng Li dressed herself well, and at the same time encouraged Zhou Yun and Hu Zhen to dress up as well, so they couldn't lose their momentum.

But now after seeing An Xiaoling, Zeng Li was discouraged first, because apart from Hu Zhen, she and Zhou Yun really couldn't compare to An Xiaoling in front of her.

Young, beautiful, soft-spoken tenderness, how does this compare?

So I can only vent my anger on the food and eat it fiercely.

Zhang Cheng glanced at Aunt Mei, she is not too young, why is she so cute?

It seemed that he had to appease the jealous Zeng Li at night.

Fortunately, the girls are not the kind of jealous temperament. Although this meal was a little uncomfortable, nothing happened.

This made Zhang Cheng grin, very satisfied, because with this good start, he can't do that in the future, can he?

Send An Xiaoling back to the gallery first, Zhang Cheng returned to the restaurant again, hugged the three girls and kissed them in turn, thanking them for accepting An Xiaoling.

"If this girl knew that you still have so many women in S City, she might be in trouble." Zeng Li turned her eyes.

Hearing Zeng Li's words, Zhang Cheng had a headache, and at the same time glared at Aunt Mei. He originally decided to appease him at night, but instead he cleaned up. In return, she deliberately blocked herself by not opening the pot.

Seeing Zhang Cheng's threatening eyes, Zeng Li stuck out her tongue and licked her flaming red lips with a charming expression. Instead, she took the initiative to provoke. Zhou Yun and Hu Zhen were a little bit overwhelmed recently, and they both cost her.

As for the back pain that she couldn't get up the next day, she didn't care at all. After all, compared to that happiness, isn't it normal to be a little tired.

Seeing this, Zhang Cheng smiled helplessly, his threat had no effect at all.

The next day, Zeng Li really couldn't get up.

But seeing her ruddy face and a satisfied look on her face, she was obviously very happy.

The guilt in Zhang Cheng's heart was also relieved a lot.

"Have a good rest." After explaining, Zhang Cheng came to the living room and entered the plug-in space.

'Get spiritual items, open new functions, please choose. ’

'Double Points' 'Growth Optimization'

As soon as Zhang Cheng entered the space, a translucent prompt box appeared in his eyes.

This surprised Zhang Cheng, but a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

The spirit grass-level ginseng allowed him to obtain the attribute viewing function of space harvest, which greatly helped Zhang Cheng. And after obtaining the rare-grade ginseng queen some time ago, it gave him a very special induction power, and everyone who understands the effect understands it.

Now get new kinds of spiritual items again, and open new functions?

And compared to the previous time, it is still possible to choose.

After Zhang Cheng was pleasantly surprised, he began to explore the difference between the two functions.

The function of double points is very simple, that is, in the future, Zhang Cheng will double the points obtained by directly selling the harvest to the space.

But even so, 3,000 points are the conditions for upgrading the level again, and it is only the time for the plug-in space to upgrade the level again, from the original 15 years to 7 and a half years, but it is impossible for Zhang Cheng to make all kinds of products produced by the Tianchengjie space. Materials are sold to the system.

Of course, in addition to self-use and sales, part of it can be sold, but because the Tianchengjie space itself has a thousand times the speed per hour, it will not correct the value of selling space points, so the price is quite eye-catching.

Previously, Zhang Cheng tried to sell nearly 2 tons of apples produced by Tianchengjie Space in one season, with only 0.04 points.

Even if the new function of double points is selected, it is only 0.08 points.

It's far from what it should be worth.

So after thinking about it, Zhang Cheng turned his attention to growth optimization.

After a little investigation, Zhang Cheng was pleasantly surprised to find that the function of 'growth optimization' sounded ordinary, but the actual effect was very overbearing.

Whether animals or plants, after birth or germination, they will go through a growth period, and after this growth period, some are tall and strong, some are short and thin, some are lush and leafy, and some are sparse and leafy. dilute.

Moreover, some animals grow fat or bad things during the growth process for one reason or another, and then get sick, and some plants also have too many branches and leaves, which affects the roots and makes themselves stunted.

This growth optimization is to enhance the development of animals and plants during the growth period, so that the development tends to be as benign as possible.

Therefore, after comparing the two sides, Zhang Cheng chose growth optimization.

After the selection, Zhang Cheng planted a ginseng seed in the open space of Tianchengjie.

With the appearance of the Treasure Ginseng King, the Tianchengjie space has now increased a lot. In about a month, the expansion effect of this Treasure Ginseng King on the Tianchengjie space will end. And Zhang Cheng couldn't help but look forward to that day, to see how magical the precious ginseng king was.

However, the most important thing to pay attention to at the moment is the specific effect of the function of 'growth optimization'.

After a while, Zhang Cheng looked away in surprise from the ginseng seeds he had just planted and turned to the ginseng area.

The ginseng area covers an area of ​​about 150 square meters.

There is about one ginseng per square meter. Zhang Cheng planted more before, but during the growth process, many ginsengs stopped growing or even withered because they couldn't compete for nutrients with their peers. In the end, only these were left.

Now, after choosing the function of growth optimization, most of Zhang Cheng's ginseng, which had grown in their respective senses, are now actively releasing their own 'spirit', making the most profound ginseng among them. absorb!

So is this the effect of 'growth optimization'?

This made Zhang Cheng take a deep breath. After all, it can be seen from the fact that the second rare ginseng king has not appeared for a small month, and the appearance of the first rare ginseng king depends somewhat on luck.

And now with the function of growth optimization, I'm afraid it won't take long to get the second rare ginseng king, right?

Immediately, Zhang Cheng felt as if he had forgotten something. After thinking for a while, he patted his forehead, thinking about the effect of the experiment "Growth", but did not check which type of crops became spiritual items!

Between the thoughts ~www.readwn.com~ Zhang Cheng thinks that there is a higher chance of tea tree and red sandalwood.

Looking at the lucky red sandalwood, it is still the original effect, so there is a high probability that it is a tea tree.

With a thought, Zhang Cheng came to the tea tree.

tea tree

spirit tree

Leaf tea, brewing and drinking, greatly enhances the anti-cancer ability.

Seeing that the tea tree really has an extra description of spirituality, especially the special effect that greatly enhances the anti-cancer ability, Zhang Cheng grinned. After having the spirit tree grade tea, then I can ignore the threat of cancer, and I am very happy.

After thinking about it, Zhang Cheng made some spiritual tree grade tea and made himself a cup of tea. The taste was not much better than before. Obviously, it became a spiritual item and did not improve the taste.

Of course, this is also the reason why the tea itself is already delicious.

After drinking a cup of tea, after thinking about it, Zhang Cheng asked Hu Zhen to visit Mr. Hu.

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