I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 348: , Thin

Chapter 348, cool and thin

After the security arrived, the two sides were separated first.

The two security guards, one tall and thin, the other short and fat, complement each other.

The tall and thin Zhang Cheng looked at the woman who was beating, with contempt flashing in his eyes.

Hit a woman? Really capable! There is a kind of practice with Lao Tzu!

The short, fat one had no emotions.

There are scumbags among men, and naturally there are no scumbags among women.

It's none of his business anyway.

Soon the security guards of the aquarium took the two sides to the duty room, and then handed them over to the police uncle who came after receiving the police.

The two police uncles are middle-aged and young.

The middle-aged man looked at Zhang Cheng, asked what happened, and then checked the monitoring.

Seeing Yu Duoduo's first move to scratch people, he didn't have any emotions. This year is not over. It is nothing new for women to drink, smoke, go to nightclubs and fight in groups. Some women are even more vicious than men.

"What's wrong with you?" the middle-aged police uncle asked Yu Duoduo.

After being kicked away by Zhang Cheng, Yu Duoduo became much more honest. After all, she dared to fight with Zhang Cheng, it was nothing more than to make her very satisfied boyfriend want to break up, which angered Zhang Cheng for a while, and made such a move.

"I, my stomach is uncomfortable." Yu Duoduo said.

Next, the police uncle accompanied Yu Duoduo to check, and after Zhang Cheng recorded the relevant information, he let Zhang Cheng leave.

On the one hand, Yu Duoduo doesn't seem to have any problems, and on the other hand, Zhang Cheng is also in self-defense, so there will be no trouble.

"Don't leave S City in the near future." But the police uncle still explained.

Zhang Cheng doesn't care. He was still a little bit measured just now, and he was very merciful, otherwise, if he stepped down, Yu Duoduo was afraid that he would die if he tried it directly. How can you still stand here.

It's just that the fun of a family of three is swept away, and it's a little unhappy.

After having dinner outside, Xiao Xuming washed and rested after returning home, studied in the morning, and went to the aquarium in the afternoon.

The rest of the space naturally became Zhang Cheng and Teacher Xu.

With Teacher Xu's intentions to please, Zhang Cheng's depressed mood was relieved a lot.

Just beautiful.

The next day, Zhang Cheng was going to find Wang Sisi.

But just after going out, sister Yu's phone called.

This is Zhang Cheng's master who took him when he was **** the screws, and took care of Zhang Cheng a lot.

"Sister Yu?" Zhang Cheng answered the phone.

"Xiaocheng, how can you do this? Even if Duoduo didn't like you when you were on a blind date, then you can't destroy Duoduo's relationship with her boyfriend." Sister Yu said angrily.

Early in the morning, Yu Duoduo came to her side, crying to Sister Yu that Zhang Cheng had messed her up with Fang Xian.

Seeing her niece crying out of breath, Sister Yu was also very distressed, so she called Zhang Cheng in a hurry.

Zhang Cheng was stunned when he heard this, what the **** is this?

Immediately, Zhang Cheng understood that it was the woman Yu Duoduo who did it again?

"Sister Yu, although I don't know what Yu Duoduo told you, but yesterday I went to the aquarium with others. We had a good time, but Yu Duoduo suddenly ran to me and said something inexplicable. , and a look of great resentment."

"Her boyfriend asked her what her relationship was with me, and Yu Duoduo said that I didn't like her on the blind date."

"Then the man left."

Zhang Cheng didn't say anything in detail, he just talked about the whole thing.

Sister Yu couldn't help but be stunned when she heard Zhang Cheng's words. She was an introducer on the blind date. It was obvious that Yu Duoduo didn't like Zhang Cheng, but why did he say that Zhang Cheng didn't like her?

Thinking of this, Sister Yu looked at Yu Duoduo suspiciously.

She had noticed before that after this niece found out that Zhang Cheng was rich, she regretted rejecting Zhang Cheng at the beginning, even though she knew that Zhang Cheng already had Xiangxiang's girlfriend, she still made some small moves. Anyway, this niece is not an honest person.

"Auntie, Fang Xian doesn't even answer my calls~" Yu Duoduo burst into tears when he noticed Sister Yu's gaze.

Since yesterday, she has been calling Fang Xian's phone, but the other party has never answered, and was later added to the blacklist.

She was obviously the candidate for a husband who satisfies her very much, but she lost it because of her impulsiveness, which made Yu Duoduo deeply understand what it feels like to steal rice without losing money.

Sister Yu sighed and hung up the phone. At this moment, she couldn't see that it was her niece who committed her own sins and couldn't live.

After Zhang Cheng found out that Sister Yu had hung up the phone, he was speechless. Is this Yu Duoduo's brain sick? This **** he made is home.


Some helplessly scratched his head. After Zhang Cheng asked Wang Sisi's location, he rushed to the apartment building.

When he came to the apartment building, Zhang Cheng saw Wang Sisi wearing a safety helmet and overalls, supervising the decoration.

This made Zhang Cheng happy and did not disturb Wang Sisi's busyness.

But after a while, Wang Sisi noticed Zhang Cheng and walked over with a slight smile.

Although this 500-square-meter house is nothing to Wang Sisi, it is also a house that Wang Sisi decorated with the most care.

Because this is where she will live with Zhang Cheng in the future.

As a super house sister, Wang Sisi's personality is not strong, but rather weak and dependent.

This made Zhang Chengqiu unable to bear it, so he accepted Wang Sisi without much hesitation.

Holding Wang Sisi in his arms, Zhang Cheng looked at Wang Sisi's house.

There is no luxury in the decoration, just ordinary home decoration, but the materials and labor are absolutely good. The overall cost is about 14 million, which is far higher than the decoration cost of other houses.

But Zhang Cheng didn't say anything, after all, this little money was nothing to Wang Sisi.

Spend if you want. But after thinking about it, Zhang Cheng still transferred some money to Wang Sisi.

Wang Sisi saw that Zhang Cheng gave her money again and again, but she did not refuse.

After overseeing the work for a while, Zhang Cheng felt bored, handed everything over to He Yumei, and then went to the second floor with Wang Sisi.

This is the floor where Zhang Cheng lives, and the decoration has been completed.

On the first floor of more than 1,000 square meters, there are three bedrooms, a large living room, a large dining room, and other study rooms and leisure rooms.

The layout can't be said to be good, but it is quite in line with Zhang Cheng's mind.

"I'll give you the rent from my place in the future, right?" Wang Sisi suddenly said ~www.readwn.com~ Zhang Cheng was stunned when he heard the words. Originally, he wanted to help take off Wang Sisi's clothes and let her cool down. The action paused.

In the past, it was he who gave money to his women and good friends, but he never thought that he would have a soft meal one day.

"No, you can use it yourself. I don't have any place to use money here." Zhang Cheng chuckled and refused.

Wang Sisi pursed her lips when she heard the words, and her mood became a little gloomy.

Seeing this, Zhang Cheng lay down on the bed, let Wang Sisi lie on his chest, and gently stroked her long silky hair.

This is a kitten-like woman, gentle and submissive. It is still different from Xiangxiang's complacency.

"Sisi, I don't know what you think, but I have you in my heart." Zhang Cheng said earnestly.

He has many women, yes, and many good friends, but seriously, Zhang Cheng is not the kind of person who is cold by nature.

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