I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 360: ,wealth

Chapter 360, Fortune

After dealing with Ma Baoxia, Zhang Cheng looked at the other three clerks in the store, even if he was a little nervous and careful, but they didn't really hurt the public and private, so Zhang Cheng didn't care anymore.

And this experience also made Zhang Cheng's heart move, and this sense of his own is really a bit magical.

"Brother Cheng, how do you know there is something wrong with her?" Ren Jia said with big eyes.

Zhang Cheng smiled lightly, held Ren Jia in his arms and sat down: "When she looked at me, her eyes were dodging, so I went over to check the situation." Zhang Cheng didn't tell the truth, after all, he couldn't.

Ren Jia's eyes lit up and admired Zhang Cheng's keenness, and even had a tendency to develop into worship.

This made Zhang Cheng scratch his head a little embarrassedly, this Jiajia is too fooled.

When it was time for dinner, Zhang Cheng brought Li Lan and An Xiaoling over.

Ren Jia looked at Li Lan and An Xiaoling. The three of them have similar personalities and are very quiet.

However, in Zhang Cheng's eyes, there are still some differences. Because Ren Jia is proficient in antiques and domestic history, his temperament is that kind of precipitation.

Li Lan, on the other hand, is the bookish spirit accumulated after reading the group of books. As for An Xiaoling, she is pure, and she loves painting and has cultivated the quiet elegance.

And the three girls are all very beautiful.

Dressed up, they are all very, quasi-very peerless beauties.

Naturally, this old-fashioned man Zhang Cheng was dizzy.

Ren Jia bit his chopsticks, looked at Zhang Cheng, and knew what might be happening tonight, but after hesitating, he said, "Brother Cheng, I have to go back tonight..."

"Go back~" Zhang Cheng didn't care.

Ren Jia was stunned when she heard the words, guessing that Zhang Cheng might be at her residence?

This surprised Ren Jia, and then frowned a little. Although grandpa was confused, she still didn't want grandpa to know this. After all... yeah.

However, Ren Jia did not refuse anything.

But back at Ren Jia's residence, Zhang Cheng led Li Lan and An Xiaoling to the downstairs of Ren Jia's residence.

This surprised Ren Jia. When did Brother Cheng rent out the house downstairs where she lived?

Zhang Cheng smiled, he just rented it.

"Thank you." Ren Jia pursed her lips and thanked Zhang Cheng for his thoughtfulness.

She didn't say that she disliked Zhang Cheng or something, but she felt that it was not good to be with Zhang Cheng with other women when there was a grandfather at home.

The house downstairs is a little smaller than the one Ren Jia lives in now. It looks like more than 160 square meters and has four bedrooms.

It was transformed into a studio and a study by Zhang Cheng.

Let Li Lan and An Xiaoling have fun.

Seeing these arrangements, Li Lan and An Xiaoling gave Zhang Cheng a blank look. I'm afraid this idiot has a bad intention.

After arranging for the old man to rest, Zhang Cheng and Ren Jia went back downstairs and looked at the three beauties who were more beautiful than Hua Jiao. Zhang Cheng smiled and was delighted.

The next day, with the help of Aunt Mei, Zhang Cheng came to Wang Qing's side after dismantling a cooperation project with a foreign law firm that was looking for trouble.

At the same time, there are Zhao Shengnan and Wang Sisi.

Zhang Cheng began to intentionally divide his women into several small groups. After all, the shifts were arranged one by one, and it was only once in half a month, which made Zhang Cheng very hungry.

Wang Qing, Wang Sisi, and Zhao Shengnan naturally understood this situation, but he didn't say anything.

On the one hand, if they were alone, they couldn't cope with Zhang Cheng, who was getting more and more powerful, and on the other hand, they didn't express so much disgust towards each other. Will try to be fair.

Under the stacking of various reasons, Zhang Cheng's happy mouth almost crooked.

The other two groups are Zhou Yun, Zengli, Hu Zhen, Xiangxiang, Yang Yu, and Yang Xue. These four small groups are very happy.

In the blink of an eye, two months passed.

On the one hand, the decoration materials used are not bad, and on the other hand, the weather is hot.

The house was almost dry, so on September 3, Zhang Cheng gathered his women again and had a lively meal, which was considered a check-in ceremony.

Even though he has lived in the apartment building many times during this period, after he really moved in, Zhang Cheng still had some special feelings in his heart.

Do you finally have a home?

Looking around at his women, Zhang Cheng's heart is full of tenderness. In the past year, his greatest achievement has been the favor of so many good women.

Xiangxiang found Zhang Cheng's eyes and returned with a big smile.

Zhao Shengnan looked back not to be outdone.

This made Zhang Cheng involuntarily happy, and his eyes turned between the women.

Seeing his women look indifferent or shy under his hot and affectionate gaze, Zhang Cheng was satisfied.

However, after considering it, Zhang Cheng decided to speak his mind.

But before speaking, Zhang Cheng looked at Zhao Shengnan, Wang Qing, Zhou Yun, and Zeng Li again.

For the past two months, at his request, the women kept the habit of drinking spirit grass ginseng wine, and with his hard work, the four daughters were all pregnant.

And this is also related to what Zhang Cheng is about to say.

"I want to talk about the arrangements for the children in the future."

Hearing Zhang Cheng's words, Xiangxiang and other twelve women all turned their attention to Zhang Cheng.

They already knew about the pregnancy of the four daughters.

But this is the first time Zhang Cheng mentioned this situation.

"When the child is 25 years old, I will give each child 100 million yuan, whether they start their own business or take the money to eat, drink and have fun, I will not interfere." Zhang Chengdao.

Listening to Zhang Cheng's words, Zhou Yun frowned slightly: "Where is the supermarket?"

After being managed by Aunt Mei, the affordable supermarket has entered a period of rapid expansion and now has 12 stores.

There are 9 in S city, 1 in capital city B, one in S city, and 1 in G city.

By the end of the month, 12 stores will become 24.

In a few years ~www.readwn.com~ Zhang Cheng's goal of opening 6,000 supermarkets can be achieved. As for whether it will fail or not, as long as there is no large-scale war or turmoil in the country, Zhou Yun does not think that he will bankrupt the cheap supermarket operation.

So how to deal with such a huge amount of assets is not an easy task.

"Each of us holds 1% of the shares. Of course, because Yunyun is in charge of the specific operations, there will be additional share rewards." Zhang Cheng chuckled lightly.

Zhou Yun pursed his lips when he heard the words, but said nothing.

Xiangxiang and the girls looked at each other in dismay. They all knew that Zhang Cheng's goal was to "open enough 6,000 supermarkets", and such a large scale, even a 1% stake could be worth hundreds of millions, or even more than one billion. Definitely not a small sum.

"No, no, Brother Cheng, this is too much." Li Lan was somewhat at a loss.

Her material desire is very low. In addition to paying rent every month, she only buys food, books, and clothes occasionally. The monthly expenses are basically around 2,000.

The 5 million that Zhang Cheng gave before made Li Lan quite uneasy, not to mention the huge amount of wealth now.

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