I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 366: , Lingshu Pear

Chapter 366, Spirit Tree Pear

Jing Yue looked at Zhang Cheng who didn't care about her past friendship, and felt more and more annoyed in her heart, but she couldn't really force Zhang Cheng to pay for her.

So after Jingyue hesitated, she was ready to pay the bill by herself.

As for whether it would make him feel embarrassed for some time in the future, that's not a concern. After all, the guard's eyes from the waiter already made Jing Yue feel very ashamed.

After swiping the card, Jing Yue left in a hurry.

Zhang Cheng was full of food and drink, burped, and then took his family back to the apartment building.

Compared with other high-rise buildings, Zhang Cheng's apartment building is only average, with only ten floors.

There is nothing special about the appearance, just a building that can be seen everywhere. However, it belongs to Zhang Cheng's family, and there are no outsiders.

Zhang Cheng was shyly waiting in his bedroom on the second floor.

But in the end, only Wang Sisi came by himself, because both Wang Qing and Zhao Sheng were pregnant.

It's all over.

Wang Sisi was held in Zhang Cheng's arms, savoring the aftertaste of passion.

"Brother Cheng, let me pay for the security expenses in the future." Wang Sisi is a few years older than Zhang Cheng, but he still prefers to call him brother.

Zhang Cheng quite enjoyed calling Wang Sisi his elder brother, and he didn't feel any discomfort, but it was somewhat unexpected to hear that she wanted to bear the cost of security.

Is it because he told Jing Yue that he had no money?

"Don't worry, although I don't have as much money as yours, I still have some."

Wang Sisi wanted to say something after hearing this, but finally nodded obediently.

Looking at the well-behaved Wang Sisi, Zhang Cheng became interested again, laughing cheaply.

The next day, Zhang Cheng woke up in his big bed, and Wang Sisi had already cleaned up.

Soon, the two nanny sisters brought rice porridge, seven or eight steamed buns, a plate of pickles, a plate of scrambled eggs, a plate of thickly sliced ​​braised pork, and a few plates of meat and vegetables. Son.

This kind of life where clothes come and eat and open mouth makes Zhang Cheng say in his heart that he is too degenerate.

But holding Wang Sisi in my arms, you and I are very happy to eat one bite at a time.

After breakfast, Wang Sisi went to deal with her affairs. After all, many of the properties of more than 100,000 square meters were rented out, and the leasing company was also run by Wang Sisi himself, so there were still a lot of things that Wang Sisi needed to handle.

Zhang Cheng entered the plug-in space and prepared to tidy up.

Then I was surprised to find that I got a spiritual level crop again!

'Get spiritual items, open new functions, please choose. ’

'Double Points' 'Powerful Fertilizer'

Just like when obtaining spiritual-level items before, the space has gained new functions again.

Double points, the last time the tea tree reached the spiritual level, it had already appeared, so after Zhang Cheng took a brief look, his eyes turned to powerful fertilization.

After a little investigation of the sensing force, a look of surprise flashed in Zhang Cheng's eyes.

Because of this powerful fertilization, it has the effect of allowing the crops in the space to absorb more nutrients. Combined with the "growth optimization" effect obtained before, it may even make the crops in the space break through their original shackles!

To give a simple example, the current rare-grade ginseng king is already the limit of the growth of 'ginseng'.

But with the two functions of growth optimization and powerful fertilization, it is possible for the rare-grade ginseng to go further!

So Zhang Cheng quickly made a decision.

Choose Powerful Fertilizers!

After making the choice, Zhang Cheng consciously entered the Tianchengjie space, ready to see what crops became spiritual items.

Soon Zhang Cheng found the target, it turned out to be a pear tree.

pear tree

spirit tree

Eating the fruit nourishes the yin of the lungs.

Looking at such an effect description, Zhang Cheng couldn't help but stunned, nourishing the lungs and yin? Run your lungs, right?

Ordinary pears have this effect, right? So is this spiritual tree-level pear enhanced?

While thinking about it, Zhang Cheng took out the fruits of two pear trees after they became spiritual level, and ate them in three or two bites, but there was no obvious feeling?

This makes Zhang Cheng scratch his head a little, what's the situation?

After thinking about it, Zhang Cheng took out two more pears and found Zhao Shengnan, who was going to the gym after the morning exercise. Since the pregnancy, Zhao Shengnan's training intensity has dropped significantly. The few kilometers of running during the morning exercise turned into a walk. , Even when I go to the gym, I can only watch other people training.

"I won't eat it!" And Zhao Shengnan had just eaten breakfast, even if the little boy asked her to eat pears, she didn't want to eat it.

"Good, have a bite." Zhang Cheng cut a pear and handed it to Zhao Shengnan's mouth.

Zhao Shengnan rolled his eyes at Zhang Cheng, how could this little dwarf be so annoying, but he still opened his mouth and ate the pear.

After eating the pear, Zhao Shengnan was satisfied with the pear's full juice and sweetness like honey.

She is used to Zhang Cheng bringing out delicious fruit from time to time, and it is definitely not cheap.

This seemingly ordinary pear might cost hundreds of dollars, right?

"Okay?" Zhao Shengnan finished eating pears and was about to leave.

"Do you have any thoughts?" Zhang Cheng said.

When Zhao Shengnan heard the words, he gave the little dwarf a blank look again: "What? If I eat your pear, I have to write an 800-character impression?"

Zhang Cheng's face was slightly strange, and the powerful anti-cancer effect of spirit tree-grade tea was probably not something he could feel, so when Zhang Cheng drank it, there was no other change except for the best Fufang. There is no surprise, but the lung-moistening effect of this spiritual tree-level pear shouldn't be so simple, right?

And in the sense of power, Zhao Shengnan really did not have anything special.

After thinking about it, Zhang Cheng stepped aside and let Zhao Shengnan go to the gym for work.

Zhao Shengnan didn't know what the **** Zhang Cheng was doing, but he picked up another pear and walked away.

Zhang Cheng couldn't help but feel happy~www.readwn.com~ After thinking about it, he simply took some pears and went to give some to the old men.

The sweetness of the spirit tree-level pears made several old men very good, and even the old man Guan Daqiang, who was not very fond of pears, ate most of them.

However, none of the old men had any special feelings. If there was any, it was the smoker Yan Xuyan, who felt that his breathing was easier, but that was all.

Seeing this, Zhang Cheng was pondering, is it the relationship between several of them who maintain the relationship of taking special ginseng?

After all, the effect of ginseng to enhance physical fitness seems to repeat the lung-moistening effect of pears.

If you find someone who has not taken special ginseng, maybe you should be able to see the specific effect of the spirit tree pear?

However, after thinking about it, Zhang Cheng gave up. On the one hand, he knew that pears had the effect of moisturizing the lungs. On the other hand, he couldn't tell who he was trying to do, so he simply didn't do it. Besides, Zhang Cheng was a lazy boy, except in front of beautiful women of course.

After delivering the pears, Zhang Cheng came to the traditional Chinese medicine company.

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