I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 39: ,clothing

Chapter 39, Clothes

Qian Nannan really hates it.

Why did he become prosperous after breaking up with Zhang Cheng?

More than 90,000.

Looking at Zhang Cheng's indifferent appearance, in the period after the breakup, Zhang Cheng can't tell how much money he made.

"You, you just left? Have nothing to say?" Qian Nannan said.

Xing Can's staff listened in for a few words, and quickly hid to the side.

Even though this is their specialty store, it doesn't mean to disturb Zhang Cheng's stay in the store.

One is that there are no customers now, and Zhang Cheng spends a lot in their store. So what happened to the honorable chatting with friends in their shop for the criticized customers.

As for possible problems.

It will appear when it appears.

That can't offend the honorable and criticize the guests.

"What do I want to say?" Zhang Cheng asked inexplicably.

Living together for two years made him embarrassed to treat his ex-girlfriend indifferently, but he really didn't want to have anything to do with her anymore.

It's okay to say that Zhang Cheng is heartless, or he is ruthless.

Previously, when I saw Qian Nannan's live broadcast, he gave out gifts. On the one hand, he just made money and had the need for impulse spending. On the other hand, he was surprised that Qian Nannan went to the live broadcast.

It's not that Zhang Cheng is still thinking about rekindling his old love.

After all, it was Xiang Xiang's obedience and discomfort, or Zhao Shengnan's long legs.

I have to eat her grass.

Moreover, based on the two years of getting along, Zhang Cheng is sure that if she gets back with Qian Nannan, she will almost certainly have some troubles, and she wants to dominate the relationship between the two.

At that time, Zhang Cheng still wants to have both sides as he is now, so it will be lively.

If he doesn't get it right, he will be the protagonist in the short video of jealousy.

"You!" Qian Nannan wanted to get angry subconsciously.

When she was with Zhang Cheng in the past, whenever she got angry, Zhang Cheng would soften and apologize to her.

Next, of course, is to ask for anything.

But seeing Zhang Cheng's calm gaze, Qian Nannan understood that today is different from the past.

"Now that you are rich, can't you compensate me for something? After all, we also dated."

Zhang Cheng pouted when he heard the words.

Although I have the heart to say that I have to compensate you for dating? What **** logic, but after the final consideration.

He said to the waiter who was hiding in a far position, "Give her two clothes."

"Okay, Mr. Zhang." Immediately came up to help.

17,000, two sets.

Zhang Cheng settled the bill and prepared to leave.

But Sun Wenjiao, who was beside him, had bright eyes: "Brother Cheng, it is said that those who see it have a share, but I don't have it?"

Zhang Cheng glanced at the woman. Although Qian Nannan was easily influenced by others, it was her own reason, but this woman was not a good way.

I bought clothes for Qian Nannan because they had lived together for two years.

Counting one set of clothes a year as compensation, it doesn't matter.

Not much money anyway.

But this woman, let's go far away.

Ignoring Sun Wenjiao, a woman who sees money, Zhang Cheng leads Xiangxiang away.

"Nan Nan, wouldn't you be satisfied just because of these two sets of clothes? Now Zhang Cheng doesn't seem to be ordinary rich." Sun Wenjiao saw that Zhang Cheng was completely ignoring herself, gnashed her teeth angrily, rolled her eyes, and provoked.

Qian Nannan heard the words: "Zhang Cheng bought me clothes, it means he still has me in his heart, just wait." He smiled proudly.

Self-consciously, he can play Zhang Cheng between his palms.

Sun Wenjiao was not so optimistic.

After all, Zhang Cheng's appearance just now was not the honest character he used to be.

But she can't say anything now.

"Brother Cheng, are you alright?" Xiangxiang asked worriedly after walking out of Xingcan.

After all, she could feel that Zhang Cheng's mood was not as calm as it appeared.

Zhang Cheng patted Xiangxiang's little head, what kind of vision did he have before, such a woman is a treasure.

Feeling worthless for myself, but also a little fortunate, fortunately the other party broke up with him.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be more annoying now?

Thinking of this, Zhang Cheng couldn't help but feel happy.

"Let's go, let's eat."

I found a restaurant that is especially famous for pork chop rice.

Ordered the signature pork chop rice.

The pork is fragrant and tender, the corn kernels are sweet and tender, and served with rice, Zhang Cheng is very happy to eat.

At the same time, in the notepad in my heart, I tick this restaurant. You can come often in the future.

After lunch, take a break.

Zhang Cheng plans to go to a movie with Xiangxiang.

Strolling to the cinema, Xiangxiang wanted to watch a romantic movie, but Zhang Cheng could only follow.

Originally, I thought it was boring, but in the dim environment of the movie theater, pulling a little hand and kissing a little mouth, but it is not very interesting.

Let Zhang Cheng tick the notepad in his heart again. Next time, you can take a look with Zhao Shengnan.

Walking out of the cinema, Zhang Cheng was holding a bucket of popcorn.

Others eat popcorn while watching a movie. He bought it after he came out and saw it.

But you and I eat them one by one, it seems sweeter than usual?

"Anything you want?" Zhang Cheng asked Xiangxiang a piece of popcorn.

Xiangxiang chewed a few times, swallowed the popcorn, and shook her head after thinking for a while.

"I don't lack anything."

Twenty sets of clothes. Add matching shoes, bags, etc.

If the place where you live is not big enough, I am afraid that it may not be able to hold these.

Zhang Cheng smiled when he heard the words, saw the gold shop by the roadside, and simply went in to have a look.

Although the gold shop only has the word gold in its name, it does not only deal in gold and silver jewelry.

There are also many jade, jade, agate and so on.

After walking around for a while, Zhang Cheng's eyes lit up when he saw a crescent-shaped jade pendant with milky white and black floating flowers.

Although most of the black floating flowers of jadeite are impurities.

But this white jade and black floating flower pendant gives people a bright feeling.

"Let me take this out and see." Zhang Cheng said.

The young lady behind the counter immediately took out the pendant~www.readwn.com~ Zhang Cheng picked it up and put it on Xiangxiang's neck with her own hands.

Milky white jadeite and black floating flowers form a crescent the size of a little finger.

Hanging on Xiangxiang's chest.

It is very in line with Zhang Cheng's straight male aesthetic.

"How much?" Zhang Cheng asked.

"8700." The lady at the counter said with a smile.

Although this thing can basically be determined to be polished with scraps, but the color is correct, black is black, and white is white.

"Is there a discount?" Zhang Cheng asked.

After thinking about it, the lady at the counter said, "There is a 15% discount."

"Well, open the bill." Zhang Cheng said.

The lady at the counter said with a wide-eyed smile, "Yes."

After buying a few more pieces of gold and silver jewelry, after spending about 50,000 yuan, Zhang Cheng took Xiangxiang home.

When she got home, Xiangxiang looked at the packaging boxes that filled the living room, kissed Zhang Cheng, and immediately happily started sorting out the clothes she bought today with her nanny, Sister Zhang.

Looking at these clothes, Zhang Cheng remembered a joke he saw earlier.

The reason why these domestic clothing brands can't sell foreign luxury goods is because they are too durable.

Those luxury goods are basically worn out after just one wear. Have to buy again.

And many of these made in China can't be worn out in one or two years. There are even some versions that have been worn for more than ten years.

Zhang Cheng couldn't help but be overjoyed.

Zhang Cheng didn't know what was going on, because there were many reasons, and it wasn't something he could explain as a layman. But the quality of luxury goods is extremely poor, but there is no dispute.

Especially the brands that are known as the top luxury brands are even worse.

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