I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 47: , buy wine

Chapter 47, Buying Wine

The cool breeze in the middle of the night poured in from the open car window.

Let Zhang Cheng's long hair fly in the wind.

It also allowed Zhang Cheng's restless blood to gradually cool down after the intense exercise.

Not to mention, it feels pretty cool.

When they were in the third row, Zhang Cheng could feel that the relationship between Qiqi and Lulu seemed unusual.

But whether the two are **** or bisexual has nothing to do with him. After all, they are just good friends who are temporarily ranked together.

When he got home, Zhang Cheng still didn't feel sleepy, and he was still a little hungry. Let's start fire. He was too lazy to do it. He simply took a few bottles of beer and a few snacks and came to the TV.

Turn on the TV, drink and eat, and watch the live broadcast.

It's pretty cool.

This kind of comfortable life is especially enjoyable for Zhang Cheng, who has been busy running around for life in the past.

Even if it goes on like this for the rest of his life, he won't get tired of it.

As for starting a business, getting some investment or something, Zhang Cheng has no such idea at all.

Are you tired?

Isn't it fragrant to have a romantic relationship with your woman every day?

You have to find yourself guilty.

As for the high status, there will be more high-quality women.

Give me a break.

It's the same as he lacks women now.

After watching the live broadcast for a while, Zhang Cheng entered Qingfeng's live broadcast room.

During the live broadcast, Qing Feng occasionally glanced at the live broadcast, and when he found Zhang Cheng, he immediately said excitedly: "Welcome Brother Cheng."

This brother Cheng gave him a lot, and it was the first time he had played Angel's eldest brother. Naturally, he had to give him a full face.

Zhang Cheng couldn't help but feel happy: "You welcome me without a gift."

Qing Feng laughed and said, "I welcome Brother Cheng without a gift." The response was very quick, and he was quite knowledgeable.

After all, whether this is true or not, it sounds comfortable.

Looking at Qingfeng's rank, it is already 49 stars of the king, which just happens to be stuck in the rank of glory.

"Well, if you can kill 10 in this one, I will give you a banknote gun." A banknote gun costs 300 yuan, which is not much, but for a small anchor, it is a dream to eat a banknote gun every day. Can wake up laughing.

When Qing Feng heard the words, her face was embarrassed.

His current rank is not high, but it is not low either.

The opponent may not be able to play, but may also be very good at it.

Especially the hero Cheng Yaojin is strong in leading lanes, stealing junglers, harassing the opponent's junglers, and slowing down their development.

If it was really going to be a fight, there would be no heroes who could beat the armor at the same level.

This undoubtedly increases the difficulty of taking people's heads.

But for the banknote gun, Qing Feng decided to fight for one.

"Okay, Brother Cheng, you're optimistic."

Immediately selected Cheng Yaojin in seconds, and at the same time released his 78% win rate, stabilizing the morale of the army.

To be able to maintain a 78% win rate after playing nearly 6,000 games, I have to say that this kid Qingfeng has a very high level.

It's just that the hero Cheng Yaojin is far less popular than other confrontation paths. Heroes like Ma Chao and Guan Yu who can show up in the sky are not very popular.

However, players who like the hero Cheng Yaojin really like it. After all, you can still shrink under the tower if you can't fight against the lane, and you don't need to go back to the city when you return to full health with a big move, especially when you release a big move, you run wild with lightning and wind all the way, so that the opponent can't catch up.

Even if you catch up, just jump away with Skill 1. It is even more to tease the opponent's nerves.

It is also quite joyful.

Then Qing Feng gave blood.

After all, as his opponent, the enemy Sun Ce was very good at playing. He grabbed the second level first, and then a small combo combined with dizziness made Qing Feng unable to even escape.

Seeing this, Qing Feng couldn't help but smile bitterly.

He was still in a hurry. In the early stage, at least before level 8, Cheng Yaojin wanted to fight several times, especially Sun Ce, who was not bad. But with a banknote gun hanging in front, how could he be indifferent.

After stabilizing his position, even if he sent a blood, Qing Feng still killed Sun Ce in another wave of laning.

"Wonderful." Zhang Cheng typed in appreciation, and then sent a hot pot worth 99.

"Thank you Brother Cheng~" With the gift of encouragement, Qingfeng was even more excited, and beheaded his opponent twice as if he had been beaten.

"Jinjinpi, I thought it was going to be cold when I saw the first blood." During the game, Qingfeng's teammates typed.

"You're welcome, you're welcome." Qing Feng replied.

It was almost three o'clock after watching the live broadcast, and Zhang Cheng felt sleepy, so he washed and went to sleep without mentioning it.

The next day, Zhang Cheng woke up and hugged Xiangxiang next to him.

Xiangxiang woke up and arched into Zhang Cheng's arms.

"What do you want to eat?" Zhang Cheng said.

"Shaomai?" Xiangxiang said.

"Okay, let's get up and eat Shaomai." Zhang Cheng couldn't help but feel happy, thinking of the Shaomai he tasted when the two first met more than a month ago.

Driving to the hotel where he stayed before, Zhang Cheng and Xiangxiang went directly to the breakfast restaurant and asked for a few cages of siumai.

As for what to drink, Zhang Cheng chose sweet tofu nao, while Xiangxiang chose soy milk.

I have to say, this pork-stuffed siomai is so fragrant that you can't stop.

Let Zhang Cheng eat a round belly.

When Xiangxiang saw this, she couldn't help but be amused.

After eating and drinking, Zhang Cheng thought about buying some wine for the family.

It was also yesterday that buying food and wine aroused his addiction.

In the future, when there is nothing wrong at home, you and Xiangxiang will give you a mouthful and I will feed you a mouthful. Wouldn't it be nice to have a mouth-to-mouth mouthful.

When he thought of it, he did it. Zhang Cheng patted his thigh and took Xiangxiang to a large supermarket on the outskirts of the city.

This supermarket is a world-renowned supermarket that operates as a chain.

It is said that what you want~www.readwn.com~ can be found here.

Although it is somewhat exaggerated, it is indeed quite complete from basic clothing, food, housing and transportation to needles and threads.

After 10 o'clock, I went to the supermarket with Xiangxiang, not to mention that there were quite a lot of people.

After asking the salesperson, Zhang Cheng brought Xiangxiang to the wine area.

After hearing Zhang Cheng put his ear to his ear and whispered his thoughts, Xiangxiang couldn't help feeling ashamed and happy.

But when I think about such a situation in my heart, I will indeed be very close and happy.

"I'd like to drink wine, right? The one I drank last time was pretty good, sweet." Xiangxiang said after thinking.

There is nothing impossible for Zhang Cheng.

Find the Tiancheng red wine area, take a bottle of each kind, taste it first, then drink that one after you drink it.

Then Zhang Cheng came to the liquor area and looked at the shelves in front of him, full of various brands, various degrees, and various types of liquor.

Zhang Cheng couldn't help but tut his tongue.

In the past, his drinking was basically beer, and the white ones were basically Erguotou and Laobaigan. As for Maotai and Wuliangye, he had never tasted them anyway.

I can get some of them today.

I chose some liquors with relatively high brand reputation.

There are more than fifty bottles in total.

The two men pushing two shopping carts full of various liquors really caught the attention of many people.

They all speculated what the two were going to do.

After all, buying a few cases of wine might be for marriage or something, but the wine category is too messy.

However, Zhang Cheng doesn't care so much. He used to drink less, and he didn't know which wine suits his taste better. Now he tastes one by one, and slowly finds out.

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