I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 55: , prepare for auction

Chapter 55, Preparations

Take Xiangxiang to find Professor Wang Liwang.

Professor Wang looked at the script brought by Zhang Cheng and was a little surprised.

He didn't expect this guy to choose this script that doesn't seem to have any selling point.

After all, there are no handsome guys and beauties in the play, and there is no national hatred and family hatred to save the world. The only interesting thing is the shadow who can provide a chance for rebirth.

But it didn't make a few appearances in total. The presence is not high.

However, the cost of this script is definitely guaranteed. Not too high.

Because there are not many places that need big production and special effects. Even the mysterious black shadow that can provide a chance to respawn only needs a backlight, and at most a rendering or the like can be solved.

"Is this the script you chose?" Professor Wang Li Wang asked.

Zhang Cheng nodded. Although the script was simple and ordinary everywhere, he felt that it should be good to shoot. At least it was a bit more interesting than taking Barrett and the tank against the sword and spear.

"My budget is about 3 million. The finished film should not be too bad. At least it is better than those TV dramas produced by traffic. If the film is long, I think it will be about 7 episodes marked on the script. It can be shorter. It can be longer, as long as the content of the film is presented well, there is no need to deliberately delay, and there should be no deletions that will damage the plot." Zhang Chengdao.

Professor Wang Li looked at Zhang Cheng.

These requirements do not look like they are for making money.

But after all, the other party was introduced by Mr. Bai during the day.

Therefore, he cannot but give Mr. Bai's face.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Professor Wang Liwang said, "Okay, will the script collection activities continue?"

"Of course, continue, in case there is another interesting script." Zhang Cheng smiled lightly.

Professor Wang nodded and began to think about the students who could make this simple TV series well.

"If you are free, come over the day after tomorrow to interview a few students, and I will ask them to bring along the short films they filmed before." After all, if you want to shoot a movie or TV series, the first priority you need to determine is the director. Just like building a house, you must first lay the foundation.

After negotiating some details with Professor Wang, Zhang Cheng got up and left.

In order to start a TV series, in addition to the relevant equipment, a series of personnel such as directors, field managers, and actors are also required to coordinate and link. In addition to these shooting-related issues, projects also need to be established.

That is, through the approval of the state.

Get the corresponding copyright number.

With a copyright number, it means that the film you shoot is legal, and it can be sold to major TV stations, video sites, etc. after going through corresponding political, pornographic and other inspections.

Of course, if you are filming and playing by yourself, you don't have to worry about this, just film.

Who cares about you.

However, it is not easy for Zhang Cheng to get the copyright number.

Not to mention other things, Zhang Cheng's side is a grass team, one for him, one for Xiangxiang, a total of two people.

play that?

Therefore, I still need to ask Mr. Bai Bai to do me a favor, and take advantage of their project approval and the like, and take it for a trial.

This is also a reminder from Professor Wang Li and Wang, otherwise how would Zhang Cheng know the key here.

Called first.

Mr. Bai happened to be at home, so it would be good to invite Zhang Cheng to go there directly.

Zhang Cheng looked at the sky. When it was time for dinner, wasn't this a dinner party?

But the old man really invited him, and he was the only one in the family.

So after Zhang Cheng asked Xiangxiang, he simply went over.

I came to the villa area where Mr. Bai lived again.

Quiet, low-key, private and comfortable.

"What? Did you see it here?" Old Man Bai said with a smile.

Zhang Cheng nodded honestly: "I saw it."

With a hearty smile, Mr. Bai led Zhang Cheng and Xiangxiang back to the restaurant at home.

There are no extravagant and expensive meals, just ordinary scrambled eggs, stewed tofu, stir-fried vegetables, a plate of braised pork, and candied garlic.

The staple food is steamed bread and millet porridge.

Looking at the food in front of him, Zhang Cheng couldn't help but be overjoyed. I didn't expect the old man to be so rich, but the food he eats is common.

"There's nothing to entertain, take a seat." Old Man Bai said.

Zhang Cheng was not so polite, and took his seat directly.

Had dinner.

Mr. Bai and Zhang Cheng came to the study.

"Have you found the script?"

Zhang Cheng took out the script.

After Mr. Bai looked at it, he frowned a little. From his point of view, this script was not worth shooting.

"Can you tell me what you think?"

Zhang Cheng thought for a while and knew that the old man wanted to point him: "One, the cost issue. I have absolutely no experience in filming TV dramas, and I don't have that much money. So this kind of small cost is my best choice."

"Second, although this script is not very good, it is a bit interesting compared to some other scripts. If so, it is worth shooting."

"Third, isn't it still the old man who can give you some advice."

The old man Bai smiled when he heard the words: "You boy." After thinking, he said, "Yes, this script will be sent for review from Huayi's side."

With the words of the old man Bai, then Zhang Cheng's side is basically stable.

After all, as a large domestic film and television company ~www.readwn.com~, the script submitted by Huayi for review can basically pass as long as there is no plot involving sensitive issues.

As for the scripts submitted for review by small companies and individuals, it is not certain.

This is exactly what the sentence said, it is good to enjoy the shade under the big tree.

"Besides this matter, there is another matter to trouble your old man." Zhang Cheng said again.

Mr. Bai didn't think that Zhang Cheng was too troublesome, and said with a smile, "What's the matter?"

"That is, can I send a female assistant who is quite familiar with the process of filming TV series to help my girlfriend with fingering." Zhang Chengdao.

When Mr. Bai heard the words, he was delighted again: "You want to be a great shopkeeper."

Seeing through his intentions, Zhang Cheng couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

Mr. Bai didn't refuse, he nodded again and agreed to help.

"Many thanks, old man." Zhang Cheng thanked him again and again, and the flattery followed.

"Wait a minute, are you finished?" said the old man Bai.

Zhang Cheng was a little surprised when he heard this, then nodded.

Could it be that the old man has something to help him?

Not so much, right?

"It's still about ginseng. Why do you have to get me two 20-year-old fresh ginseng this time? Don't worry, I don't want it for nothing, just sell it to me at the market price." Old Man Bai said. Among the ginseng that Zhang Cheng brought back a while ago, he got a 20-year-old dried ginseng, which was somewhat boring. It happened that Zhang Cheng asked him to help.

Mr. Bai was kind enough to help. Now that things are done, it is natural to take advantage of the situation to make a request.

Zhang Cheng was delighted when he heard the words: "Don't worry, old man, this time I will assign you two good quality ones."

Only then did Mr. Bai nodded with satisfaction, and began to talk to Zhang Cheng about the filming of the TV series.

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