I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 64: , at least fair

Chapter 64, at least fair

The next day.

When the two sisters, Yang Yu and Yang Xue, came out of the house, they felt that one foot was high and the other was low, their legs were weak and their hair was dizzy.

Sun Jinmei looked at Zhang Cheng, tsk tsk, I can't see an ordinary young man, and it's quite exciting to play, beautiful twins and sisters together?

But this is none of her business. Sun Jinmei quickly drove her car away.

"You..." Yang Yu didn't know what to say.

She didn't expect that the guy who forced their sisters to rank and occupied them the day before bought the house they lived in and gave it to them today.

Although it was written with the names of their two sisters, but a house is worth millions.

Yang Xue looked at Zhang Cheng with a complicated look in her eyes.

Not only was she forced to rank with her in spite of her own pain, but she also felt a lot of excitement all of a sudden.

S City.

As an international metropolis, the high housing prices are simply beyond the reach of the two sisters.

But I didn't expect to have a suite now. Although the price paid is also very high, the gains and losses are truly beyond measure.

If you think it's worth it, you will inevitably feel that you don't love yourself, you don't think it's worth it, millions. It doesn't sound like much, just a few tenths of a small goal.

But this is the amount that makes ordinary people no longer need to worry about money for a lifetime. After all, as long as you don't spend extravagant expenses, just living a basic life is enough for a family to live well.

Even if they go back to their hometown in a small third-tier city, it is enough to buy a lot of facade houses to collect rent.


Yang Yu didn't know what her sister was thinking, but she really couldn't hate Zhang Cheng as a bastard.

Especially in addition to a house, Zhang Cheng gave them a full 4 million yuan yesterday.

After doing this, Yang Yu was taken aback, Zhang Cheng dropped tens of millions on their sisters.

"Now I don't have enough money. You can live in this house first, and then I'll buy you a set later, and let your sisters have a set." Zhang Cheng said.

If the two sisters Yu Xue were not children, he would have hit the top with only two million dollars.

But since the two sisters were surprisingly children, Zhang Cheng wouldn't care about spending money or not.

Smashing hard, at least to untangle the knots left in their hearts by forcing the two sisters.

And after hearing Zhang Cheng's words, Yang Xue rolled her eyes at Zhang Cheng.

"You... Forget it, sister, let's go back."

Yang Xue is in a very awkward mood now.

She felt that after accepting Zhang Cheng so much, she should not reject him so much, but thinking of what happened yesterday made her not want to give Zhang Cheng any favors.

"Let's go." After Yang Yu said something to Zhang Cheng, he left with his sister.

Zhang Cheng watched the two sisters leave and breathed a sigh of relief.

A lesson.

If he had known beforehand that the two sisters were still children, Zhang Cheng would definitely be more cautious. Be more tender. It won't be as simple and rude as yesterday.

But judging from the results so far, it should be pretty good.

After all, no matter whether you are cautious or Huairou, you may not be able to let the two sisters accompany him in three rows.

So there are pros and cons.

Follow the two sisters Yu Xue back home.

Zhang Cheng took a sip from the glass with a thoughtful look on his face.

Although Zhang Cheng gave Yang Yu and Yang Xue a lot of money in one breath out of the mentality of making up for it, for Xiangxiang and Zhao Shengnan, it was inevitably a little unfair.

After all, they are all her women. Even if Yang Yu and Yang Xue are a little special, they should always be similar.

So since they bought a house for Yang Yu and Yang Xue, Xiangxiang and Zhao Shengnan are indispensable. In addition, in order to not make the two sisters feel uncomfortable, the two sisters' names were added to the house they bought today.

Therefore, if you do the math, Zhang Cheng still lacks three suites.

It's almost like 20 million to 30 million.

In addition to the 10 million borrowed from Mr. Yan yesterday, that's basically half a small goal.

But Zhang Cheng really didn't care much about money.

Half a small goal sounds scary to say, but if Zhang Cheng really wants to earn it, it may not be that difficult.

It's nothing more than a little faster and a little slower.

What worries Zhang Cheng the most is whether Xiangxiang, Zhao Shengnan, Yang Yu and Yang Xue can accept each other.

Both Xiangxiang and Zhao Shengnan knew that there was someone else outside him, but Yang Yu and Yang Xue probably didn't know.

So this question requires Zhang Cheng to spend some brains and come up with a safe method.

happy troubles.

And after having these four, Zhang Cheng felt that he was about to stop.

Of course, this doesn't mean that you won't be looking for girls in the future, but if you don't have a certain level of charm, that's fine.

At least like Mengmeng, the headlight anchor who had attracted Zhang Cheng's attention before, don't bother.

In addition, this time, Zhang Cheng felt that he could not care about money, but he still had to prepare some money in the future.

At least when some emergencies occur, it is not necessary to borrow money from others.

Although Mr. Yan was very arrogant, he turned around with 10,000,000,000 yuan, but this is always troublesome, and the favor has to be repaid.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Zhang Cheng felt that he could sell a 20-day ginseng to the old man next time to pay back his favor.

1 day ginseng is slightly effective.

10 days of ginseng light effect.

General effect of ginseng for 20 days.

As for ginseng that is more than 30 days old, in the Tianchengjie space, there are already signs of becoming a spirit grass.

Therefore, Zhang Cheng generally does not move.

After thinking about it before and after, Zhang Cheng went to the training camp.

As always~www.readwn.com~ Zhao Shengnan, that silly woman, is training hard.

Seeing her sweaty figure, Zhang Cheng's mood calmed down inexplicably.

Then I found a place and started training myself.

He trained for three days and fished for two days.

It is also free.

Soon, Zhao Shengnan walked over when it was time for a break in the middle of training.

"Is there any training fee for training camp?"

"How fresh, otherwise someone will let you train here for free." Zhang Cheng said with a smile.

Zhao Shengnan frowned slightly: "How much, how much?"

"I don't have much money. Are you tired from training? Hurry up and rest." Zhang Cheng said.

"How much is it?" Zhao Shengnan said with some dissatisfaction.

Zhang Cheng treats her very well, but spending too much money.

"Do you really want to know?" Zhang Cheng said.

"Nonsense, I don't want to know that I asked you." Zhao Shengnan said angrily.

"790,000." Zhang Cheng said.

Zhao Shengnan was stunned when he heard the words: "7, 790,000?"

This number really frightened her.

"Three months." Zhang Cheng said.

"That's too expensive, no, I won't practice here anymore, please refund the money." Zhao Shengnan said nervously.

She owes more and more favors, and she doesn't know how to pay it back.

But Zhang Cheng didn't care: "It's okay, the money has been paid. After the three months of training, we will look back and see the effect. Let's decide whether to come or not."

"But, it's too expensive." Zhao Shengnan said.

It's just to make a corresponding training plan for her, and help her check some shortcomings and weaknesses, and discover the attack and defense methods she is good at.

And it's only three months, and it costs 790,000. It's also too expensive.

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