I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 71: , rough cut

Chapter 71, Rough Cut

Wang Li and Professor Wang did not mean to use this script to trick Zhang Cheng.

But this martial arts book is really good.

If it is filmed at a low cost, although it may not look like it, it is not a sinking.

And at these times, Professor Wang Li and Wang help many of the crews managed by Xiangxiang. When there is a problem with the filming, or when some scenes, actions, and lines are difficult to grasp, they will also provide guidance, even if they are too busy. , will also ask friends, or simply ask other teachers and professors from S Film and Television to help.

And all of this is free.

Although a lot of this is due to the fact that many of the crew members are students of their school, it also proves that Professor Wang is not the kind of person who is irresponsible for killing or burying.

If it weren't for these conditions, just because of the raw melon eggs in the crew, the films produced might not be any better than the movies and TV dramas starred in by the top performers.

Zhang Cheng also occasionally sees the clips that Xiangxiang sent him, and the filming looks very similar, which makes him look forward to the effect of the finished film.

Professor Wang just asked Zhang Cheng to take a look at this martial arts book, not to say what to do.

Zhang Cheng looked at the martial arts book in his hand again: "Professor Wang, can this student of yours help me introduce him?"

This martial arts book, Zhang Cheng thinks it is good, blood and swords, fire and swords, if it is not for the general environment, it is no longer suitable for martial arts dramas, especially Zhang Cheng does not have so much money on hand, not to mention that he has not been able to grasp the kind in the script. Good director of atmosphere.

Zhang Cheng may not be out of his mind and shoot his investment with a slap on the thigh.

But I also wanted to meet the person who wrote such a script.

Professor Wang's eyes lit up when he heard the words: "Okay, how about tomorrow? It's a little too late today." After speaking, he looked at the darkening sky outside.

Zhang Cheng laughed and didn't bother Professor Wang anymore, got up and left.

Returning to Xiangxiang's residence, after eating, Zhang Cheng hugged Xiangxiang and watched TV together.

What was broadcast on TV was the plot of the first and second episodes of 'Rebirth', which Xiangxiang brought back and finished filming.

After editing, it is a finished film.

Compared with the method of classifying and summarizing the scenes in the same scene, then shooting in one breath, and then moving on to the next scene, Zhang Cheng finally decided on the method of shooting according to the progress of the script.

Because doing so allows the actors to gradually grasp the emotions of the characters in the play, so as not to end up with a bunch of blunt things.

The reason why most TV dramas now feel a little awkward when watching them is because the actors' acting skills are not good enough, and the way they directly jump the plots in the tricks and shoot them in the same scene in one go. Not irrelevant.

After all, there are reversals, changes, and changes in character positions in many film and television dramas.

The acting skills of the actors themselves are not good, and the filming is carried out like rushing to work, and the possibility of getting a good drama in the end is basically zero.

Looking at the hero Hu Tang in the play, he started with a strange dream that he had when he was a child. In a trance scene, a blurred shadow stood there quietly.

Gradually grew up and became a screwdriver, and then one day, the shadow suddenly spoke.

"Are you willing to be reborn?"

Hu Tang woke up the next day, although he remembered that the shadow who had appeared in his dream had spoken since he was a child, and he also remembered what he said, but he didn't care too much.

After all, rebirth is such a ridiculous thing.

But it was on the sixth day, or the seventh day, that Sombra spoke.

Hu Tang repeated the experience on the sixth day.

Only then did he realize with surprise that what the shadow said was actually true.

So when the shadow asked him again that night if he was willing to be reborn, Hu Tang agreed without hesitation.

"Then you will find 500,000." After Hu Tang wanted to be reborn, the shadow disappeared after saying this.

After Hu Tang woke up, he was puzzled.

You can regenerate people from what you brewed. Do you need money? Half a million? You do a hammer.

But since the other party proposed such a condition, Hu Tang could only agree.

Then I cheated my parents, lied to my grandmother, and stole my good brother. Finally, I collected half a million.

But that night, the shadow reappeared and took the money away, but it did not bring Hu Tang back to life.

"Because of the 500,000 chance of rebirth, you have already experienced it. The next time you want to be reborn, just find 5 million. The third time is 50 million, then 500 million, 5 billion, and 500. 100 million, 500 billion, a total of seven rebirth opportunities."

The next day, when Hu Tang woke up, he thought of facing inquiries from his parents, grandma, and brothers. When he thought of this, Hu Tang could only run away.

This is the end of the two episodes.

Zhang Cheng watched TV and ate snacks. Although he didn't think the filming was very good, at least he could watch it.

Of course, there may also be TV dramas filmed at home, and I naturally beautify the result after a few points.

"These two episodes are rough cuts now, and there will be more streamlined editing in the future to make the plot more compact." After watching the first two episodes of Rebirth, Xiangxiang explained.

Zhang Cheng thought for a moment and then nodded: "Leave me a copy of this film, and I'll see if I can find someone to sell it first."

He didn't make any comments. After all, he looked good, even if it wasn't as good as those classic movies, it was much better than the top-notch movies and TV dramas.

And Zhang Cheng is at most rough grades, classic, excellent, good-looking, average, relatively poor, very poor, top-notch dramas.

As for why a drama is rated at a certain level, Zhang Cheng can only answer 'by feeling'. Zhang Cheng is just an audience, and he can't tell how good or bad a film and television drama is. He is just based on his own subjective opinions and rough evaluation of whether it is good or bad, and he may not even be recognized by others.

After all, the quality of a drama ~www.readwn.com~ is very likely to get completely different or even completely opposite evaluations in the eyes of different people.

When Xiangxiang heard this, she was surprised.

From Sister Zhou Yue's side, Xiangxiang knows that Brother Cheng has a very good relationship with Mr. Bai Bai.

"Brother Cheng, you are so kind." After speaking, Xiangxiang hugged Zhang Cheng's neck and sat in Zhang Cheng's arms.

"Oh? Then how do you repay me?" Zhang Cheng said with a smile.

Xiangxiang pursed her lips and said something to Zhang Cheng's ear.

Zhang Cheng's expression suddenly became lewd.

Okay, this is good.

The next day, Xiangxiang went to monitor the TV series.

The follow-up plot will probably take one to two months to complete. So she is still busy.

Zhang Cheng went to where the two sisters Yang Yu and Yang Xue were.

He didn't do anything, just showed his face.

At least after the two sisters' antipathy towards him has been eliminated, let's talk about other things.

The two sisters are also satisfied with this situation. Although they have already had the most intimate relationship, they are really not familiar with each other. It is undoubtedly good to have such a buffer.

Without staying any longer, Zhang Cheng left.

"Sister, are we really going to be with him together?" Yang Xue sent Zhang Cheng away and asked her sister after returning.

Yang Yu pursed her lips. She didn't know what to do, but she had already collected so many things from Zhang Cheng.

"Otherwise that?"

Yang Xue rubbed her face and asked her to return the house and money to Zhang Cheng. She was very reluctant in her heart, not to mention that Zhang Cheng said that she would give their sisters another house in the future.

But doing this makes her feel that she is no different from those women who worship money.

I like money, but I don't like myself who likes money.

Contradiction, but normal emotions.

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